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shawnep99 shawnep99
Posts: 52
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12 years ago
Question 1 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
An organism that exhibits a type I survivorship curve is:
   A. humans.    
   B. oysters.    
   C. lemmings.    
   D. hydras.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 2 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
All of the following are reasons why a population cannot grow at an exponential rate indefinitely EXCEPT:
   A. each individual takes up space.    
   B. each individual produces waste.    
   C. each individual uses up resources such as food and water.    
   D. each individual has access to an unlimited supply of growth factors.    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 3 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
An organism exhibiting a survivorship curve in which mortality is constant over the life span is:
   A. humans.    
   B. oysters.    
   C. lemmings.    
   D. hydras.    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Please review Chapter 38.
Question 4 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following IS NOT considered a population?
   A. all of the plants growing in a specific field    
   B. all of the humans in the world    
   C. all of the cliff swallows on a particular mountain    
   D. all of the protozoans in the gut of one termite    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Please review Chapter 38.
Question 5 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Humans populations show what type of population distribution?
   A. skewed    
   B. clumped    
   C. uniform    
   D. random    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Please review Chapter 38.
Part 2 of 4 -    15.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 6 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following builds up organic molecules from carbon dioxide, water and soil nutrients?
   A. primary consumers    
   B. decomposers    
   C. producers    
   D. secondary consumers    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Please review Chapter 40.
Question 7 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements IS NOT true concerning food chains and trophic levels?
   A. The food chain is a single, straight line from producers through consumers.    
   B. The organisms in an ecosystem have interconnected and interwoven feeding relationships.    
   C. Organisms feed on many different species.    
   D. Organisms are, in turn, food for many different species.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Very good!
Question 8 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
A decomposer obtains its food from:
   A. photosynthesis.    
   B. eating other organisms.    
   C. fallen leaves and bodies of dead animals.    
   D. the sun.    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Excellent!
Question 9 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
An organism that makes food by photosynthesis is called:
   A. a producer.    
   B. a decomposer.    
   C. an animal.    
   D. a consumer.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Very good!
Question 10 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following organisms is a primary consumer?
   A. a cow    
   B. a flowering plant    
   C. an oak tree    
   D. a lion    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Please review Chapter 40.
Part 3 of 4 -    25.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 11 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
In general, the western sides of continents in the temperate zones in the northern hemisphere:
   A. and in the southern hemisphere are warmer than their eastern sides.    
   B. are warmer than their eastern sides while the opposite is true in the southern hemisphere.    
   C. are cooler than their eastern sides while the opposite is true in the southern hemisphere.    
   D. and in the southern hemisphere are cooler than their eastern sides.    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Very good!
Question 12 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
A savanna:
   A. is home for mainly tree living animals.    
   B. is wet all year long.    
   C. is an open grassland with scattered shrubs and trees.    
   D. contains some of the richest soil on the earth.    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Great job!
Question 13 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Deserts are located at what latitude?
   A. 30 degrees north or south    
   B. the polar caps    
   C. 60 degrees north or south    
   D. the equator    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Great job!
Question 14 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Warmer air:
   A. from the poles sinks and flows towards the equator.    
   B. from the equator sinks and flows towards the poles.    
   C. from the poles rises and flows towards the equator.    
   D. from the equator rises and flows toward the poles.    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Excellent!
Question 15 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
The extreme desert occurs on areas of the earth that are at:
   A. 0 degrees latitude and relatively high precipitation.    
   B. 0-30 degrees latitude and relatively high precipitation.    
   C. 50-70 degrees latitude and relatively low precipitation.    
   D. 0 degrees latitude and extremely low precipitation.    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Excellent!
Part 4 of 4 -    20.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 16 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
How much solid waste does each person in the United States generate every year?
   A. 1-5 pounds    
   B. several tons    
   C. hundreds of pounds    
   D. 1 ton    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Very good!
Question 17 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
High amounts of organics introduced into a pond or lake result in:
   A. growth of bacteria and a reduction in oxygen levels.    
   B. the death of bacteria and an increase in oxygen levels.    
   C. the death of bacteria and a reduction in oxygen levels.    
   D. growth of bacteria and an increase in oxygen levels.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Excellent!
Question 18 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following nonrenewable resources IS NOT a mineral?
   A. zinc    
   B. iron    
   C. oil    
   D. lead    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 19 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
What does a biogas machine use for fuel?
   A. hot water    
   B. wind    
   C. animal manure    
   D. coal    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Please review Chapter 42.
Question 20 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements IS NOT true about solar cells?
   A. Solar cells on satellite systems provide much of the world’s energy.    
   B. Solar cells convert sun light to electricity.    
   C. Solar cells collect energy from the sun.    
   D. Solar cells store electricity in large batteries.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Great job!
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Staff Member
12 years ago
Thanks for sharing this.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
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12 years ago
Here it is as well Wink Face
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12 years ago
Anyone got test 4?
Valued Member
12 years ago
Anyone got test 4?

Do you have any others? Could you post them?
12 years ago
are there different alter quizes? or are all alter quizes the same. this is the topic discussed in the chapters but how do i know these are my questions?
12 years ago
I'm wondering the same thing...are there different alters qyuiz?  there's def different midterms?
12 years ago
Here is another version of the Alters 3 quiz... some questions were similar but mine was different

Part 1 of 4 -   25.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 1 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Starting with one bacteria that is doubling every half hour, in 10 hours how many bacteria will there be?

A. over a million   

B. 2   

C. 20   

D. hundreds   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Excellent!
Question 2 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
If the rate of increase of a population remains the same, then:

A. the size of the population will decrease steadily and then plateau.   

B. the size of the population will rapidly decrease almost to 0.   

C. the size of the population will steadily increase.   

D. the size of the population will remain the same.   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Very good!
Question 3 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following IS NOT considered a population?

A. all of the protozoans in the gut of one termite   

B. all of the cliff swallows on a particular mountain   

C. all of the humans in the world   

D. all of the plants growing in a specific field   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Excellent!
Question 4 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
All of the following are reasons why a population cannot grow at an exponential rate indefinitely EXCEPT:

A. each individual produces waste.   

B. each individual has access to an unlimited supply of growth factors.   

C. each individual uses up resources such as food and water.   

D. each individual takes up space.   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 5 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
When a population stabilizes at a certain size, this number is called the:

A. exponential growth curve.   

B. seasonal boom size.   

C. density distribution.   

D. carrying capacity.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Excellent!
Part 2 of 4 -   25.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 6 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following would represent an ecosystem?

A. the sun, the temperature, amount of rainfall, type of soil   

B. the sun, amount of rainfall, oak trees, beetles, squirrels   

C. oak trees, grass, roses, shrubs   

D. oak trees, beetles, squirrels, robins   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Very good!
Question 7 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Most of the energy that enters the ecosystem:

A. is lost as heat.   

B. ends up in the producers.   

C. ends up in the consumers.   

D. ends up in the decomposers.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Very good!
Question 8 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Energy flows through an ecosystem:

A. from the decomposers to the producers to the consumers.   

B. from the producers to the consumers to the decomposers.   

C. from the producers to the decomposers to the consumers.   

D. from the consumers to the producers to the decomposers.   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 9 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
An ecosystem involves:

A. all of the life upon the face of the earth.   

B. all of the communities plus the abiotic elements in a given area.   

C. all of the populations of animals living in one area.   

D. all of the individuals of a single species living in one area.   

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Very good!
Question 10 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Of the energy that is not used for increasing biomass:

A. most of it goes into reproduction.   

B. all of it goes into growth.   

C. very little of it goes for digestion and work.   

D. most is lost as heat.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Part 3 of 4 -   5.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 11 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Latin America and the northern part of South America is mostly:

A. tropical rain forest.   

B. taiga.   

C. desert.   

D. temperate forest.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 12 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
The tundra occurs on areas of the earth that are at:

A. 70-80 degrees latitude and relatively high precipitation.   

B. high altitudes and extremely high precipitation.   

C. low altitudes and relatively high precipitation.   

D. 70-80 degrees latitude and extremely low precipitation.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Please review Chapter 41.
Question 13 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
As the latitude increases from the equator:

A. the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the Earth increases, and the climate is warmer.   

B. the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the Earth decreases, and the climate is colder.   

C. the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the Earth decreases, and the climate is warmer.   

D. the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the Earth increases, and the climate is colder.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Please review Chapter 41.
Question 14 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements IS NOT true concerning ocean currents?

A. The gyres move counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.   

B. Surface currents in the ocean are called gyres.   

C. The circulation in the ocean moves in great spiral patterns or loops.   

D. The surface currents move around zones of high pressure between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south latitude.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Please review Chapter 41.
Question 15 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
The characteristics of biomes are a direct result of:

A. the plant species within the region.   

B. the latitude and longitude of the region.   

C. the animal species within the region.   

D. the climate within the region.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Please review Chapter 41.
Part 4 of 4 -   15.0/ 25.0 Points
Question 16 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following nonrenewable resources IS NOT a mineral?

A. iron   

B. zinc   

C. oil   

D. lead   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 17 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
The biosphere is defined as:

A. the global ecosystem in which all other ecosystems exist.   

B. all the land on the earth where life exists.   

C. the combination of living things and abiotic factors in a particular place.   

D. all of the living organisms on the face of the earth.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 18 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
How much solid waste does each person in the United States generate every year?

A. 1 ton   

B. several tons   

C. 1-5 pounds   

D. hundreds of pounds   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Please review Chapter 42.
Question 19 of 20    0.0/ 5.0 Points
When an oyster contains high concentrations of heavy metals even though it is living in water with relatively low concentrations of the metals, this is an example of:

A. thermal pollution.   

B. eutrophication.   

C. biological concentration.   

D. biological magnification.   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Please review Chapter 42.
Question 20 of 20    5.0/ 5.0 Points
Burning fossil fuels:

A. consumes carbon dioxide and contributes to pollution.   

B. consumes carbon dioxide and contributes to global warming.   

C. produces carbon dioxide which decreases the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.   

D. produces carbon dioxide and contributes to both global warming and pollution.   

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Great job!
12 years ago
I have an Alters Quiz 4 I'll post, but give it its own topic so its a little easier to distinguish from the #3 ones in this thread. Slight Smile
12 years ago
Thank You!
12 years ago
I have an Alters Quiz 4 I'll post, but give it its own topic so its a little easier to distinguish from the #3 ones in this thread. Slight Smile

What's the http address, by the way thank u
12 years ago
Here is the link to the Alters 4 I posted https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=16532.msg51199#new I also just posted an Alters 5 https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=16565.msg51371#new
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