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Skyand Skyand
Posts: 28
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10 years ago
The following notes were taken very quickly during the review for the final, hope this helps someone! 

In what type of study is the treatment assignment unknown only to the patient? single blind

What value represents the 50th percentile or mid-point of a distribution = median

Explain how to use the probability of .05 to determine rejection of the null hypothesis assuming a 5% chance that you are incorrect.  "failing to reject"    = 95%

What type of study is designed to use clinically? applied research

hypothesis that do not specify a particular direction relationship related to variables under study  = non directional

Null hypothesis = example "no difference between x and y"

what sampling method is best for selecting subjects for making statements about general population? random/probability sampling

meaningful studies come from ... = clinical practice

all members of a pop have equal chance to be selected .. = random/probability

Sampling design  (know the sampling designs)  Stratified (probability) vs. quota (nonprobability)

What type of theory is complex and broad in scope?   Grand

What is a type of nonrandom sampling?  snowball, convenience, quota, network

Describe the types of reliability?***   Consistency first, then stability- test-retest (correlational coefficient), Equivalence interrater reliability (kohen's kappa) homogeneity -internal consistency (kroms bach alpha, and kuder richardson)       

Note:  Reliability and Validity is measuring the instrument

what are types of criterion validity related evidence? =concurrent -use proven instrument to compare to new instrument and get same results**define , predictive - ex.: HESI

Test retest reliability relies on the consistency of the instrument

test retest reliability - repeating same "test" in short amount of period with similar results

A variable is a measurable characteristic that measures in a what? = population

As a nurse you rate pain on what type of scale ? visual analogue

Likert scales are sometimes referred to .. = summative scales 

tendency of respondents to answer in a way that is not reflective of the research is the = response set bias

type of qualitative observation usually done in a culture or natural setting? Ethnography (describes culture and has roots in anthropology) --immerse yourself in the culture/setting

what is an example of a historical event that = Nuremburg Code (protect participants from harm)

Type of questions for qualitative and quantitative studies?  qualitative - open ended  quantitative - closed ended 

3 types of methods of data collection?  questionnaires, interviews, observations, 

Purpose of descriptive statistics =  organize and summarize data

what level of measurement is the highest level? ratio

define characteristics of a research critique?  critical appraisal of strengths and weaknesses, evaluate research process, purpose clear? review of literature thorough? methods, design appropriateness? sample? (characteristics) procedures (random?, instruments? data collection?) 

how many dependent variables are used in a simple linear regression? = one  example : statistical procedure to look at predictive variables  (more than one variable is multiple linear regression)

there are several ways in which constant extraneous variables can be controlled? = random assignment, random sample, 

what can be used for random assigning participants?  (random generated number) systematic sampling

investigators on a burn unit, measure burns and extent of burns, what findings are most important for random assignment? **set criteria that both groups have the same extent to injuries, define operational criteria so that the burns are diff. Sample based on convenience then groups (control vs intervention) assigned randomly

Control groups and experimental groups are used to show which group is getting the intervention, used to compare

the group that receives the intervention = treatment group, experimental group

true experiments (experimental design) are designed to .. = show causation 

(blank) research is used to describe the research = phenomenology 

a research approach with prolonged exposure in ...=ethnography 

a formal qualitative study categorizes meaning comparing incident to incident = constant comparative method

the term used to describe preconception phenomenon in qualitative studies = bracketing (acknowledges the bias and then puts aside)

data is analyzed as collected for qualitative, not quantitative (would introduce bias)

identify characteristics of qualitative research = concurrent data collection, inductive reasoning used, personal contact with subject

grounded theory has its disciplinary roots in = sociology

a brief summary of a research study is referred to as = abstract

extent to which research findings can be generalized to the greater population = generalizability

what section are results explained and interpreted ? = discussion of findings

what are the major sections of a research report? abstract, intro, review of lit, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, implications

in critiquing a research report, where would recommendations be found?  nursing implications

a distinguishing characteristic of evidence based practice as compared with traditional is? research (scientific method)

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