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raideirnluv raideirnluv
Posts: 8
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12 years ago
1  The type of muscular tissue that is striated and is the only type under voluntary control.
  3  Type of joint that permits movement in several directions; for example the shoulder and hip joints (three words).
  4  Muscle movement in which the myosin heads of the thick filaments pull on the thin filaments, causing the thin filaments to slide toward the center of the sarcomere.
  5  The adult human body consists of 206 bones grouped in two principle skeletal divisions, the axial and this one.
  6  The inability of a muscle to contract forcefully after prolonged activity.
  7  The ongoing replacement of old, worn, and injured bone tissue by new bone tissue.
10  A muscle that causes a desired action and is often made more efficient with the assistance of synergists.
12  The type of skeletal muscle fibers that are largest in diameter, contain the most myofibrils, and generate the most powerful and most rapid contractions (two words).
13  The brief delay, noted on a myogram, that occurs between application of the stimulus and the beginning of contraction (two words).
15  Condition in which bone resorption outpaces bone deposition leading to the bone becoming more porous and brittle.
19  The built-in or intrinsic rhythm of heart contractions.
21  Type of movement in which there is a decrease in the angle between articulating bones.
22  A series of reactions that produce two ATP molecules by breaking down a glucose molecule to pyruvic acid.
23  In contrast to compact bone tissue, this type of bone tissue contains an irregular latticework of thin columns of bone.
24  Irregular transverse thickenings of the sarcolemma that contain gap junctions which allow muscle action potentials to spread quickly from one cardiac muscle fiber to another (two words).

  1  The basic functional units of striated muscle fibers.
  2  The synapse formed between the axon terminals of a motor neuron and the motor end plate of a muscle fiber (two words).
  8  The functional classification of a type of joint that is freely movable.
  9  Of the three major types of cells present in bone tissue, these are responsible for bone-building.
11  The process by which bone forms.
14  An increase in the diameter of muscle fibers owing to the production of more myofibrils, mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and so forth.
16  The end of the muscle that is attached by means of a tendon to the movable bone and is opposite to the origin.
17  Type of contraction in which there is a change in the length of a muscle but no change in its tension.
18  Ninety-nine percent of this nutrient is stored within the body in bone and becomes available to other tissues when the bone is broken down during remodeling.
20  The classification of the bone type which includes such bones as the vertebrae of the backbone and some facial bones.
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