Definition for Difference between revisions of "Mesosphere"

From Biology Forums Dictionary

(Created page with "A layer in the earth's atmosphere, extending from 64 to 80 km above the earth's surface; temperatures drop steeply with altitude in this atmospheric layer.")
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A layer in the earth's atmosphere, extending from 64 to 80 km above the earth's surface; temperatures drop steeply with altitude in this atmospheric layer.
1) A layer in the earth's atmosphere, extending from 64 to 80 km above the earth's surface; temperatures drop steeply with altitude in this atmospheric layer.
2) 50-80 km (31-56 mi) above sea level.
[[Category: Environmental & Conservation Biology]]

Latest revision as of 20:39, 27 March 2018

1) A layer in the earth's atmosphere, extending from 64 to 80 km above the earth's surface; temperatures drop steeply with altitude in this atmospheric layer.

2) 50-80 km (31-56 mi) above sea level.