Definition for Difference between revisions of "Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER)"

From Biology Forums Dictionary

(Created page with "The part of the ER that is studded with ribosomes; this region plays a key role in the initial synthesis and sorting of proteins that are destined for the ER, Golgi apparatus, ly...")
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The part of the ER that is studded with ribosomes; this region plays a key role in the initial synthesis and sorting of proteins that are destined for the ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, plasma membrane, or outside of the cell
The part of the [[endoplasmic reticulum]] that is studded with ribosomes; this region plays a key role in the initial synthesis and sorting of proteins that are destined for the ER, [[Golgi apparatus]], [[lysosome]]s, [[vacuole]]s, [[plasma membrane]], or outside of the cell.

Latest revision as of 12:50, 10 August 2013

The part of the endoplasmic reticulum that is studded with ribosomes; this region plays a key role in the initial synthesis and sorting of proteins that are destined for the ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, plasma membrane, or outside of the cell.