Definition for Biopsychology

From Biology Forums Dictionary

Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain and neurotransmitters influence our behaviors, thoughts and feelings. This field can be thought of as a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience.

The brain is comprised of four lobes:

Frontal Lobe: Also known as the motor cortex, this portion of the brain is involved in motor skills, higher lever cognition and expressive language.

Occipital Lobe: Also known as the visual cortex, this portion of the brain is involved in interpreting visual stimuli and information.

Parietal Lobe: Also known as the somatosensory cortex, this portion of the brain is involved in the processing of other tactile sensory information such as pressure, touch and pain.

Temporal Lobe: Also known as the auditory cortex, this portion of the brain is involved in the interpretation of the sounds and language we hear.