Definition for Alphaproteobacteria

From Biology Forums Dictionary

Alphaproteobacteria are typically aerobes capable of growing at very low nutrient levels. Many have unusual attachment extensions of the cell called prosthecae. Azospirillum and Rhizobium are nitrogen fixers that are important in agriculture. Members of the genus Nitrobacter are nitrifying bacteria that oxidize nitrogen compounds to NO3 via a process called Nitrification. Most purple nonsulfur phototrophs are alphaproteobacteria. Pathogens in this class include Rickettsia, which causes typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Brucella, which causes brucellosis; and Ehrlichia, which causes ehrlichiosis. In industry, Acetobacter and Gluconobacter are used to synthesize acetic acid, and Agrobacterium is used in genetic recombination in plants.