Definition for Janolus barbarensis
From Biology Forums Dictionary
Janolus is a genus of small to large sea slugs, or more accurately nudibranchs, marine gastropod mollusks, in the family Proctonotidae.
The name Janolus is derived from the two-headed god Janus, in ancient Greek mythology.
Although these nudibranchs superficially resemble aeolid nudibranchs, this genus is in fact in the suborder Arminina.
Adult individuals of Janolus species can be between 2.5 cm to 8 cm long, depending on the species. They are semi-translucent and the body is covered in short cerata.
The color of the cerata varies according to the species: in Janolus fuscus the cerata are orange and white tipped, whereas in
Janolus barbarensis they are orange and blue tipped.