Definition for Somatic gene therapy

From Biology Forums Dictionary

omatic gene therapy refers to the specific gene therapy that involves insertion of new genetic material into body cells and tissues other than the reproductive ones. As a result of this therapy, the new cells introduced into the body are not passed on to the next generation because they are not part of the sperm cells or egg cells but only of the body cells.

This kind of gene therapy changes the genetic coding of specific cells of a human body by effective means of DNA delivery system. The genetic alteration is also, at times, done using two methods namely In-Vivo or Ex-Vivo therapy. The uses of this gene therapy are being experimented and developed at a fast-paced rate. At present, medical professionals are making use of this therapy to cure severe combined immune deficiency, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, and many other genetic disorders and acquired diseases.

Somatic gene therapy is also being developed specifically to cure various kinds of cancer. With time, it is hopeful that the number of diseases subject to cure by this gene therapy will increase drastically. Numerous trials are being conducted under the supervision of medical experts in the laboratories to make the most of this gene therapy.

Among the two gene therapies ? germline gene therapy and somatic gene therapy, the second one is considered better. It is easier to use in comparison to the germline gene therapy. Moreover, it does not harm the germ cells and thus the genetic alterations are not passed. It cures the symptoms of the problem and not the root cause. Therefore if a woman is treated for cancer with somatic gene therapy, her children are not safe from the possibility of acquiring cancer at any stage.

Though somatic gene therapy is still in its infant stage, it is believed that one day it will be developed enough to be a part of the mainstream medicine. A few negative cases have taken place during the trials and developments of various techniques of this particular gene therapy. But we should understand that is part and parcel of the medical world. Experiments have to be done and some of them have to have negative results before our medical experts are able to explore a new way to improve the over-all well being of humankind. This specific therapy is anticipated to make human genetic modification possible, which would mean a better and healthy world ? free of inherited disorders.