Definition for Candida albicans
From Biology Forums Dictionary
Revision as of 23:06, 18 October 2012 by Germ (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Candida albicans prefers people. Candida enters newborn infants during or shortly after birth. Usually, the growth of the yeast is kept in check by the infant's immune system and...")
Candida albicans prefers people. Candida enters newborn infants during or shortly after birth. Usually, the growth of the yeast is kept in check by the infant's immune system and thus produces no overt symptoms. But, should the immune response weaken, the condition known as oral thrush can occur as a result. By six months of age, 90% of all babies test positive for candida . And by adulthood, virtually all humans play host to Candida albicans and are thus engaged in a life-long relationship.