Math, science, and engineering courses are not simply about what you understand but also what you can do. You need to know enough to solve quickly for your exams. These are "doing" subjects! Pro Study Tip #1It's okay to struggle. Mathematical based subjects can be difficult and frustrating at times. It is part of the learning process so keep a positive attitude and don't quit until you figure it out. Our How-To Tip
Pro Study Tip #2Figure out what you know and don't know. Be honest with yourself about your knowledge and problem solving skills. Understanding a topic does not mean you will be able to solve problems involving that topic. Spend more time solving problems. Our How-To Tip
Pro Study Tip #3Attend class regularly. Math, science and engineering courses are cumulative where one topic builds on another. Don't fall behind! Instructors also tend to formulate test questions based on material and examples covered in class. Our How-To Tip
Pro Study Tip #4Ask questions in class. There are usually other students wanting to know the answer to same questions you have. Ask questions during office hours. Your instructor will be pleased to see you. Our How-To Tip
Pro Study Tip #5Join or form a study group on your favorite messaging app (e.g. WhatsApp) to ask questions and clarify problems with your peers; talk aloud and test new knowledge. Explaining to others is an excellent way to reinforce new concepts. Build confidence and motivation by studying with others. Our How-To Tip
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