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Posted by bio_man   October 19, 2023   8932 views

It's that time of year again when the weather starts to change, and we're more prone to getting sick. One such symptom that accompanies these seasonal illnesses is a sore throat. Sore throats not only feel like you've swallowed sandpaper, but they are also accompanied by coughing, congestion, and the production of mucus, sometimes with spots of blood.

Firstly, mucus plays a crucial role in our respiratory system. It's a slippery, gel-like substance produced by the mucous membranes lining various parts of our body, including the respiratory tract. This viscous fluid serves as a protective barrier against invaders such as pathogens and irritants. It also helps keep these surfaces moist, allowing for proper functioning and efficient air exchange.

When you experience a sore throat, the back of your throat, including the lymph nodes, becomes inflamed. This inflammation causes the mucous glands in the throat and respiratory tract to increase mucus production. This increase in mucus production is a protective mechanism that helps trap and remove harmful agents contributing to the sore throat. In this case, the mucus's purpose is to flush out the irritants and promote healing.

The presence of blood or red spots in your mucus can be alarming, but it is not necessarily cause for concern. The increased blood flow and dilation of blood vessels in the inflamed area may cause some of the small vessels to rupture. This can result in small amounts of blood mixing with the mucus, giving it a reddish appearance. The same thing happens if your sore throat is accompanied by frequent coughing. The act of coughing itself can cause minor trauma to the delicate throat tissues, leading to the presence of red spots in your mucus.

It's important to stay well-hydrated when you're experiencing seasonal illnesses, even if it means temporary discomfort in the back of your throat. Dry, irritated throat tissues are more susceptible to damage. When these dry tissues break or crack, they may bleed slightly, contributing to the red spots.

Take comfort in knowing that a sore throat is a response to an infection. In other words, it's your immune system's way of alerting you to some turbulence ahead. However, it should rarely be a cause for serious concern, and the red spots should subside as your sore throat heals.

sore throat seasonal illness coughing mucus
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