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Feeding ducks bread could actually be harmful
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3 3054 duddy 11 years ago
Imagine being inside this hurricane
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0 3108 duddy 11 years ago
The basket tree
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0 3236 duddy 11 years ago
A shrimp is the world's loudest animal?
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2 3317 duddy 11 years ago
Parasitism leads to 'zombieism'
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0 2426 duddy 11 years ago
The power of 1
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1 2494 duddy 11 years ago
Do certain foods actually increase/decrease blood pH?
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1 4240 duddy 11 years ago
The versatility of trees
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0 4961 duddy 11 years ago
San Baldo Pass in Italy
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2 5258 duddy 11 years ago
A mother's touch
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0 5036 duddy 11 years ago
This female toad lays her eggs on the male's belly
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0 6384 duddy 11 years ago
Is technology the cure to all diseases?
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1 5597 duddy 11 years ago
Bioengineered kidney actually produces urine!
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0 3228 duddy 11 years ago
Seeds germinate after 2000 years
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0 3218 duddy 11 years ago
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0 3139 duddy 11 years ago
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