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Sunday marked the last day this US city saw sunlight
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2 3620 bio_man 5 years ago
'Gluten-free' might become a thing of the past
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0 3530 bio_man 5 years ago
Here's what 6 billion kilometers away from Earth looks like
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0 1678 bio_man 5 years ago
A major blow to science
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1 1213 bio_man 5 years ago
The war on trans-fat has begun
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0 8006 bio_man 6 years ago
Super blue blood moon eclipse coming soon
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2 1236 bio_man 6 years ago
Top climate critic will now lead the EPA
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2 9238 bio_man 7 years ago
China closed the world's highest and longest glass bridge after just 16 days
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0 5145 duddy 7 years ago
Would you fly to space if you could?
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0 2704 duddy 8 years ago
Living without a heart
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0 6141 duddy 8 years ago
New kids on the block
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0 3885 duddy 8 years ago
Fluke surgery restores this lady's eyesight after 21 years of blindness
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0 4303 duddy 8 years ago
Swaddled infants are 1/3 more likely to die from SIDS
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0 1669 duddy 8 years ago
This synthetic organism survives with less than 500 genes
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0 10800 duddy 8 years ago
Running reduces tumor size in mice by 50%
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0 11199 duddy 8 years ago
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