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Sunday marked the last day this US city saw sunlight
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2 3634 bio_man 5 years ago
'Gluten-free' might become a thing of the past
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0 3542 bio_man 5 years ago
Here's what 6 billion kilometers away from Earth looks like
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0 1688 bio_man 6 years ago
A major blow to science
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1 1223 bio_man 6 years ago
The war on trans-fat has begun
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0 8063 bio_man 6 years ago
Super blue blood moon eclipse coming soon
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2 1244 bio_man 6 years ago
Top climate critic will now lead the EPA
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2 9255 bio_man 7 years ago
China closed the world's highest and longest glass bridge after just 16 days
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0 5161 duddy 8 years ago
Would you fly to space if you could?
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0 2717 duddy 8 years ago
Living without a heart
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0 6165 duddy 8 years ago
New kids on the block
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0 3898 duddy 8 years ago
Fluke surgery restores this lady's eyesight after 21 years of blindness
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0 4316 duddy 8 years ago
Swaddled infants are 1/3 more likely to die from SIDS
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0 1681 duddy 8 years ago
This synthetic organism survives with less than 500 genes
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0 10816 duddy 8 years ago
Running reduces tumor size in mice by 50%
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0 11207 duddy 8 years ago
A closer look at Saturn's moon
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0 3464 duddy 8 years ago
Homosexuality is not a choice
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0 3365 duddy 8 years ago
Definitive proof of water found on Mars
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0 19349 duddy 8 years ago
Images of Pluto!
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0 19006 duddy 9 years ago
Gliding spiders
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1 11162 duddy 9 years ago
E-cigarettes - not as evil as we thought
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1 8483 duddy 9 years ago
Double hand transplant
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1 1979 duddy 9 years ago
The quest to find Earth-like life on Mars
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0 1219 duddy 9 years ago
NASA Spacecraft is 4 weeks and 32 million km away from Pluto
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0 1303 duddy 9 years ago
What do the Cubans have that the rest of the world doesn't?
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0 10901 duddy 9 years ago
The devil is in the diet
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1 13442 duddy 9 years ago
Why are the Dutch so tall?
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2 17904 duddy 9 years ago
Want to get rid of your double chin, now you can without surgery
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0 27596 duddy 9 years ago
Bringing the wholly mammoth back to life
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1 23688 duddy 9 years ago
What mechanism allowed early terrestrial animals to transition from water to land?
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1 36058 duddy 9 years ago
Sunlight continues to damage skin even after dark
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0 15519 duddy 9 years ago
New ways to stop cancer once it spreads
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2 27347 duddy 9 years ago
Finally, some good news related to tigers
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1 30322 duddy 9 years ago
A scam-artist or a medical doctor?
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1 17589 duddy 9 years ago
Apparently Ibuprofen helps you live longer - not my words
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2 12821 duddy 9 years ago
Band Aid of the Future
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0 6536 ehd123 9 years ago
Finally, we are going back to the moon!
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0 6617 duddy 9 years ago
Good bacteria helps to defend your brain
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4 6171 duddy 9 years ago
Why do we listen to sad music?
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1 5472 duddy 9 years ago
When's the best time to make a decision?
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1 7716 duddy 9 years ago
The fanged deer has been spotted after 60 years
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1 5296 duddy 9 years ago
Trippy mushrooms
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3 6030 duddy 9 years ago
Would you drink this artificial milk?
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3 5258 duddy 9 years ago
Brains scans have revealed the reason some people get the "winter blues"
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4 5809 duddy 9 years ago
How much would they have to pay you to do this?
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0 10164 duddy 9 years ago
India's full-disk image of Mars
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2 7378 duddy 9 years ago
This is a full-color image of the surface of a comet
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0 3676 duddy 10 years ago
China is building the world's largest particle accelerator
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1 5222 duddy 10 years ago
Engineers have developed a battery-free radio the size of an ant
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1 8708 duddy 10 years ago
New robotic suit that makes you into a superhero
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1 4024 duddy 10 years ago
Oil company must pay for its sins
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1 5566 duddy 10 years ago
Good news for blue whales
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0 4952 duddy 10 years ago
A battery-free pacemaker means less trips to the hospital
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0 4497 duddy 10 years ago
Japan has started building the world's largest floating solar power-plant
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0 4688 duddy 10 years ago
Scientists have unexpeditely found a vaccine that completely blocks HIV infection in monkeys
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2 6538 duddy 10 years ago
A massive swarm of jellyfish
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1 3534 duddy 10 years ago
World's first bicycle escalator
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1 5897 duddy 10 years ago
Aspiring doctors, this phone is for you
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2 4163 duddy 10 years ago
A NASA orbiter has spotted a rolling stone on Mars
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0 6602 duddy 10 years ago
This tike's bite can make people allergic to metal
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0 6030 duddy 10 years ago
Would you risk eating these nuts
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1 2065 duddy 10 years ago
A spacecraft just went into orbit around a comet
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2 3134 duddy 10 years ago
NASA Rover finds conditions once suited for ancient life on Mars
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0 2041 duddy 10 years ago
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0 2740 duddy 10 years ago
It pays to recycle ... in some countries
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1 3284 duddy 10 years ago
Hepatitis C will soon be a thing of the past
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1 2903 duddy 10 years ago
Solar Impulse II
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0 2464 duddy 10 years ago
Justice for whales
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0 2637 duddy 10 years ago
Surgeons successfully replaces a patient's skull with 3D-printed version
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3 3198 duddy 10 years ago
A new brain study suggests that autism starts before birth
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0 3122 duddy 10 years ago
Could oxytocin be the cure for anorexia?
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0 2946 duddy 10 years ago
Indonesia is taking one large step forward in protecting its wildlife
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1 2363 duddy 10 years ago
Vancouver Island marmots are one of the world's rarest animals
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0 2531 duddy 10 years ago
Revived ancient giant virus
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0 2127 ehd123 10 years ago
Tomorrow's energy
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0 3958 duddy 10 years ago
The end of baldness
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1 3206 duddy 10 years ago
Culling of sharks for the sake of safety?
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1 4823 duddy 10 years ago
Mesolithic man
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1 4882 duddy 10 years ago
Bloody trees
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1 5555 duddy 10 years ago
The king of the jungle is disappearing
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1 7101 duddy 10 years ago
World's newest island
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0 6358 duddy 10 years ago
Are multivitamins evil?
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0 8642 duddy 10 years ago
Snow in Egypt?
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1 12555 duddy 10 years ago
Congratulations, China!
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3 8724 duddy 10 years ago
Imagine a world without an organ waiting list
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0 7406 duddy 10 years ago
Here's how to preserve the Amazon rainforest
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0 4586 duddy 10 years ago
When spiders and trees collide
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0 6712 duddy 10 years ago
New subatomic particle discovered
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1 2639 duddy 10 years ago
The strangest medical story ever
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4 5082 duddy 10 years ago
New island forms in Pakistan after a major earthquake
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3 5339 duddy 11 years ago
Will the Big Bang be a thing of the past?
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0 3105 duddy 11 years ago
Who needs painkillers?
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1 2936 duddy 11 years ago
The road to a cure for HIV
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0 3130 savio 11 years ago
First non-human to use sign language
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0 3261 savio 11 years ago
Floating train
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0 3275 duddy 11 years ago
Blue eggs
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2 3486 savio 11 years ago
A computer that can spell out what you're thinking
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1 7984 savio 11 years ago
One step closer to teleportation
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1 3483 duddy 11 years ago
Bunnies that glow in the dark
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0 3351 duddy 11 years ago
Personal drones – another step to absolute laziness
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0 3618 duddy 11 years ago
Does excess mercury cause autism?
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0 2246 duddy 11 years ago
Turn sweat into drinkable water
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1 2153 duddy 11 years ago
Dinosaur tail discovered in Mexico
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0 2140 duddy 11 years ago
Pasteurized milk causes cancer?
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5 2385 duddy 11 years ago
Control your post-traumatic stress disorder
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1 7606 duddy 11 years ago
Mobile microscopes
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2 7486 duddy 11 years ago
Simulating Mars in Northern Canada
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0 2914 duddy 11 years ago
Molecules in high resolution
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1 4554 duddy 11 years ago
Bacterial growth at -15°C
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1 3756 duddy 11 years ago
Overhunting leads to behavioural changes in monkeys
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0 4132 duddy 11 years ago
Will the rhino go extinct?
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3 2853 duddy 11 years ago
A mother's touch
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0 5070 duddy 11 years ago
Bioengineered kidney actually produces urine!
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0 3259 duddy 11 years ago
Seeds germinate after 2000 years
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0 3248 duddy 11 years ago
Radioactive bacteria
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0 3230 duddy 11 years ago
Ant careers
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0 3689 ehd123 11 years ago
Super batteries
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0 2767 duddy 11 years ago
Potential treatment for Down's syndrome?
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3 5655 bio_man 11 years ago
Could dietary salt be the reason for increased incidences of autoimmune diseases?
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3 3399 duddy 11 years ago
New weed that won't get you high sure to bum out stoners
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0 3039 duddy 11 years ago
Shark fin soup
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3 3381 duddy 11 years ago
Amputations will now be a thing of the past
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0 5692 duddy 11 years ago
Tractor beam
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0 5802 duddy 11 years ago
Sun ballet
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0 5182 duddy 11 years ago
Compact Planetary Systems
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0 10671 bio_man 11 years ago
H2O2 vapor used to kill superbugs in hospital
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0 11479 duddy 11 years ago
Capturing an asteroid
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0 11904 duddy 11 years ago
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