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A computer that can spell out what you're thinking
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1 7984 savio 11 years ago
Blue eggs
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2 3486 savio 11 years ago
First non-human to use sign language
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0 3257 savio 11 years ago
The road to a cure for HIV
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0 3127 savio 11 years ago
Ant careers
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0 3688 ehd123 11 years ago
Revived ancient giant virus
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0 2125 ehd123 10 years ago
Band Aid of the Future
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0 6535 ehd123 9 years ago
Capturing an asteroid
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0 11904 duddy 11 years ago
H2O2 vapor used to kill superbugs in hospital
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0 11479 duddy 11 years ago
Sun ballet
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0 5182 duddy 11 years ago
Tractor beam
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0 5802 duddy 11 years ago
Amputations will now be a thing of the past
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0 5689 duddy 11 years ago
Shark fin soup
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3 3381 duddy 11 years ago
New weed that won't get you high sure to bum out stoners
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0 3037 duddy 11 years ago
Could dietary salt be the reason for increased incidences of autoimmune diseases?
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3 3399 duddy 11 years ago
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