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Posted by bio_man on Oct 15, 2023

Are you ready to supercharge your learning experience? We're thrilled to introduce Biology Forums Courses, the latest addition to our array of free educational resources. This exciting new venture is the result of our extended partnership with Study Force, the YouTube channel that has been working closely with us to help create this initiative.

The purpose behind these courses is to provide prospective learners with top-notch course materials that not only meet but exceed the standards of your school. Think of our academy as a valuable supplement to your learning journey, much like a daily vitamin or a Swiss army knife that you can take with you anywhere.

Our primary focus currently revolves around the development of concise and easily digestible math courses that can complement the learning of high school and college students, as well as enthusiasts and educators seeking to enrich their own courses. Some of our courses are designed in alignment with official curriculum documents and are crafted by certified educators with extensive experience in teaching at both the high school and college levels.

What sets us apart is how we've structured our content to mirror the sequence of topics in a classroom, accompanied by straightforward instructions that get right to the core of the subject. Instead of slogging through intricate textbook explanations, our approach cuts straight to the chase.

We hope you can join and support our effort in bringing this initiative to life. If you've found our content helpful, kindly share and cite our materials. Your feedback is essential, so feel free to reach out with suggestions and questions. Join us in shaping the future of education.
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Posted by bio_man on Jan 29, 2023
In a world where the internet is increasingly shaping our lives and decisions, the right to anonymity is essential to ensuring that everyone online can exercise their freedom of speech while maintaining their privacy. Biology Forums now offers members the option to remain fully anonymous when making posts and starting new topics. While this feature has been in testing since the fall of 2022, it has now been fully integrated in all parts of the forum. So moving forward, you don't have to worry about being judged by your friends or your educators for expressing your thoughts, opinions, and ideas on our public space. To activate this feature, simply check the "Post Anonymously" checkbox before submitting your post. If you forget to do so, you can also edit your post and then de/activate the option.

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Posted by bio_man on Oct 1, 2019
We've decided to retire the old "Study Force" in place of the new DNA-esque model shown below. The new logo contains remnants of the past, with traces of S and F still found in the DNA molecule – see if you can spot them.


New Logo


New Logo

As always, your thoughts and opinions are encouraged!
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Posted by bio_man on Aug 22, 2018
As requested by several of our community members, we've launched two new features that'll make studying a lot easier this coming school year. Now guests and members can sort through questions based on the textbook that's referenced in the topic. Take, for example, a question posted here. This particular question has referenced a textbook that's indexed in our database. If you click "Browse all questions from this textbook", you'll be redirected to the textbooks index of questions. There you can sort through the questions, quiz yourself, and download and print the complete study guide in PDF format.

The other feature consists of our interactive flashcards! Members and premium members can now save their favorite questions into instant flashcards used to study, share, and export in PDF format. You also have the option to create separate categories called decks based on different topics or chapters covered in your course. Premium members have a slight edge over regular members, as their viewed topics are automatically saved as flashcards for quicker access. Otherwise, you can save any topic manually by clicking a link placed underneath the answer OR create your own cards from scratch.

We plan to add study games that'll help you study these questions more efficiently. In the meantime, we hope these new features help you this coming fall!
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Posted by bio_man on Aug 7, 2018
One of our goals of 2018 is to make a place where you can actually come to study. We want to introduce tools that will help you do that efficiently, so that you spend more time doing the things you like.

Given our huge database of questions available, we wanted a way to filter them by textbook rather than sort through them manually. As a result, we've introduced a smart search feature that allows you to search all questions available from a specific textbook. Just type in the textbook title (or the author) and results will appear instantly along with their front covers for quick identification.

Part of this project also includes flashcards and the ability to sort questions that are marked solved from those that are available for free. As of now, we're still ironing out some minor issues, so if you'd like to try it out, visit the link below:

Search Your Textbook

Thanks for the support, more updates to come!
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