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This map shows every device in the world that's connected to the internet
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Biology Forums Blog 1 8654 duddy 10 years ago
Peanut allergies could be a thing of the past
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Biology Forums Blog 1 6298 duddy 10 years ago
Scientists have unexpeditely found a vaccine that completely blocks HIV infection in monkeys
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Biology Forums Blog 2 6537 duddy 10 years ago
You most definitely have mites living on your face that look like this
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Biology Forums Blog 2 6366 duddy 10 years ago
The descent into Alzheimer's disease
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Biology Forums Blog 1 11227 duddy 10 years ago
Those aren't hairs, they're crystals
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Biology Forums Blog 0 8362 duddy 10 years ago
Kids, keep away from books
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Biology Forums Blog 1 8459 duddy 10 years ago
World's oldest wombat
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Biology Forums Blog 0 10892 duddy 10 years ago
A wearable seat
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Biology Forums Blog 0 10964 duddy 10 years ago
Ever seen an egg without its shell?
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Biology Forums Blog 1 7259 duddy 10 years ago
A cake that might turn your stomach
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Biology Forums Blog 1 5814 duddy 10 years ago
Could reversing this natural biological process reverse autism?
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Biology Forums Blog 1 5978 duddy 10 years ago
A worm that shoots slime
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Biology Forums Blog 1 3457 duddy 10 years ago
A massive swarm of jellyfish
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Biology Forums Blog 1 3533 duddy 10 years ago
Bioluminescence in Japan
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Biology Forums Blog 1 5393 duddy 10 years ago
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