Posted by bio_man   August 7, 2018   4237 views
One of our goals of 2018 is to make a place where you can actually come to study. We want to introduce tools that will help you do that efficiently, so that you spend more time doing the things you like.

Given our huge database of questions available, we wanted a way to filter them by textbook rather than sort through them manually. As a result, we've introduced a smart search feature that allows you to search all questions available from a specific textbook. Just type in the textbook title (or the author) and results will appear instantly along with their front covers for quick identification.

Part of this project also includes flashcards and the ability to sort questions that are marked solved from those that are available for free. As of now, we're still ironing out some minor issues, so if you'd like to try it out, visit the link below:

Search Your Textbook

Thanks for the support, more updates to come!

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