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Poison dart frog
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0 1513 bio_man 6 years ago
The Philippine eagle
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2 1219 bio_man 6 years ago
A few things you probably didn't know about chimpanzees
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0 4808 duddy 7 years ago
Gliding spiders
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1 11155 duddy 8 years ago
A miniature wildcat
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0 2040 duddy 8 years ago
The world's tallest tree
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0 2795 duddy 9 years ago
Humans and Earth - the battle
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0 2777 ehd123 9 years ago
How large is a grizzly bear paw, you might ask
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2 26177 duddy 9 years ago
Caterpillar or a group of birds?
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1 13162 duddy 9 years ago
Overcrowded forest leads to this
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2 4058 duddy 9 years ago
A spider the size of a small puppy
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0 6325 duddy 9 years ago
Study suggests that nature sounds enhance positive mood after a negative experience
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2 6587 duddy 9 years ago
This sweet fruit grows in the most unbelievable place
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1 4189 duddy 9 years ago
World's oldest trees - the oldest living thing
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0 2569 duddy 10 years ago
Foxfire or Firefox, take your pick!
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0 1905 duddy 10 years ago
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