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Posted by ehd123   May 21, 2015   2776 views

When you turn on your TV, it is the definition of ironic to watch the news channels for information about planet mass destruction. Whilst when you step outside your door, it is quite alarming and obvious that our earth is suffering. When every person around you, from toddlers to elderly, own some for of technology, with no means of recycling old items. When students, each with their own copies of pages. When potable water has not yet reached the most needy of nations. When human greed is apparent with every innovative idea claiming to "revolutionize "a domain brought up to make  a quick buck. Drilling, mining, industrialization, politics, scavenging for resources, suffocating our environment... This may all seem negative, but coming from a person that feels guilty for being a part of the human community, I truly hope that "In September, world leaders will try and agree on sustainable development goals that will take us through 2030. In December, in Paris, the United Nations will attempt to finally set binding limits on pollution. 2015 will dictate how we address our degrading planet over the next few decades".

A picture is worth a thousand words. And just by looking at these pictures, I cannot but flashback WALL-E, the movie supposedly for young children, into my mind. It is no longer a movie. We have been living this reality for a long time, we have moved into the future, we are the movie now. We have been distracted by celebrities, LGBT rights, wars, fights for power, and quarrels about what is right and what is wrong, all the while extinction, mass consumption, terrorism, suicide, diseases, pollution and most importantly, loss of humanity, have been taking place. We have reached a point beyond return. We are not going to live forever. We need to stand together, slowly fix the damage, and preserve this earth for the coming generations. We should raise awareness, and it starts by sharing.

#Not running for presidency or anything
#Just an overly passionate environmental advocate Slight Smile

forest environment
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