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Instrument family

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: Nicole McComas
Category: Music Studies
Type: Assignment
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Filename:   Instrument family.docx (166.08 kB)
Page Count: 7
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 117
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Instrument Family Chart String Instruments: Characteristics: The string instruments are carved from two pieces of wood; the curvy body and the neck piece. Strings are attached to wooden tuning pegs on the top of the neck, which are stretched over the body and neck. The bodies of the string instruments are hollow allowing the sound of the vibrating strings to resonate. Violin: Viola: Cello: Double Bass: Brass Instruments: Characteristics:  Brass instruments are long pipes that widen at their ends and are shaped like a bell. The pipes are curved and twisted into different shapes that make them easier to hold and play. Brass players use their breath to produce sound, they vibrate their lips by buzzing them against a metal cup-shaped mouthpiece. The mouthpiece helps amplify the buzzing of the lips, which in turn creates the sound. Trumpet: French Horn: Trombone: Tuba: Woodwind Instruments: Characteristics: The instruments in this family are made of wood, metal, plastic or some combination. They are narrow cylinders or pipes, with holes, an opening at the bottom end and a mouthpiece at the top. They are played by blowing air through the mouthpiece and covering the holes with your fingers to create different pitches. Flute: Oboe: Clarinet: Bassoon: Percussion Instruments: Characteristics: A percussion instrument is a special type of instrument that creates sound when it is hit, shaken, or scraped. Percussion instruments can be made from many different materials such as wood, plastic, or metal. Some percussion instruments are tuned to make different notes, such as the xylophone or timpani, and some are untuned with no definite pitch like the bass drum or cymbals. Percussion instruments are used to keep the rhythm or even make unique sounds that add excitement and color.  Timpani Xylophone Triangle Cymbals Voice Instrument: Characteristics: The voice is sound is produced by the vibration of human vocal chords. Everyone has a voice, speaking is the most common use of this instrument. Soprano: The highest of the four standard singing voices. Maria Callas is a soprano. Alto: When speaking of male voice, it is the highest voice, otherwise known as a countertenor. David Hansen is a countertenor. When speaking of the female voice, it is the lowest voice, otherwise known as a contralto. Cher is a contralto. Tenor: The classical male singing voice, whose vocal range is the highest male voice, this vocal range lies between the baritone and countertenor. Andrea Bocelli is a Tenor. Bass: The classical male singing voice, bass has the lowest vocal range. Avi Kaplan is a bass. Keyboard Instrument: Characteristics: A keyboard instrument is an instrument that different notes can be sounded by pressing keys, buttons, or parallel levers. The keys correspond to consecutive notes in the chromatic scale, they run from the bass at the left to the treble at the right. Accordion Celesta Clavichord Dulcitone Electronic Instrument: Characteristics: The electronic family are instruments that create sounds by electronic means, these instruments do not create vibrations they have endless possibilities for sound and music. Oramic Theremin Electronic Drum Electronic radio drum

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