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Fat plants paper 11.29.17

University of Texas - San Antonio : UTSA
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: amber kiana
Category: Botany
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Fat plants paper 11.29.17.docx (14.54 kB)
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Amber Villegas Dr. Zech Fall 2017 Botany Lab Fast Plants Life Introduction Through this fall semester we have planted and examined the Brassica rapa, which is also known as a flowering plant. The life style of the Brassica rapa is a fast one, due to their fast life their life cycle is known as the Fast Plants. Throughout the semester the main reason why we had planted them was to see how fast the plants could/would go and to get a better understanding for them. We got this idea from Dr. Paul H. Williams whom had developed this study over 15 years, we also had used the same technique he used. Materials/Method(s) The materials we used to plants the fast plant was of course seeds to start off with, a platform, water, and a copper sulfate square to reduce growth of algae. The water mat is very key to this experiment reason being it provides an even amount of water supply to the plants even after being planted. Next a compartment with four different sections with water wicks placed inside them to make sure that water gets distributed to them. After that potting mix is put into each quadrant each filled to about half way to ensure the growth, then apply three balanced fertilizers to the top of each quadrant after doing that you apply more of the potting mix. Lastly, make a indention into each quadrant in order to place a Brassica rapa into it. After you have finished you put your name on the outside of the quad and place enough water into each quadrant to where you can see the water dripping off the water lick. Then you will go on to place the quad onto the water matted growing platform under fluorescent light. If these steps were followed/done correctly you are guaranteed a successful fast plant growth. After being planted make sure to keep up with them and take notes on the fast plant. Typically, after day three or four is when you start to see the growth and true leaves develop and a couple days after that is when thinning which is a process where excess dead leaves and extra steps are taken out of quad so the growing is not overruled by the dead and pollination takes place. Pollination for this experiment is a bee stick in one of the quadrants, and if you’re like me you’ll accidently put a bee in the potting mix area. Eventually though I did do it correctly, the correct way consists of getting a toothpick, putting glue at the top and placing the bee where you had placed the glue, then put the pollination stick in the middle of one of the quadrants. Day fourteen consisted of placing putting small wooden chopstick like sticks into each quadrant next to the plant stem and placing a plastic ring around the plant stem and the small wooden stick to make sure it stays in place and provides support for the growing stem. After that the next few days are used for observations and taking notes. By day twenty flowers begin to appear and cross pollination is to be occurred. We cross pollinated by taking the bee stick and rubbing it on the plants which by after doing this the bee should have some pollen left on it, and you should continue to repeat this process a couple more times. Past day forty the quad is taken off the platform and left to dry out once dried out you take off any fruits off the dried plant, then you put them into a petri dish that contains a damp paper towel at the bottom. Once you have crumbled the fruits to release the seed(s) in your hand put them into the petri dish, then secure the lid with two pieces of “tape.” After all this you will put the petri dish under the fluorescent light to compare the ratio of anthocyanin pigment to anthocyaninless mutant offspring. After you have examined this for a couple of days you score the F1 generation and will separate the anthocyanin from the anthocyaninless in which this will conclude the experiment. Results/Conclusion The results of the experiment turned out the way we wanted it to be. We had everything present, we had the leaves, flowers, and the dried food present. In some of my classmates their dried fruit was not present. They may or may not have done the step correctly or maybe they just got unlucky. Overall this experience was great learning about the fast plants and seeing them prosper was pretty intriguing to see and I am glad my fast plant was able to grow dried fruit. The Anthoncyanin and Anthocyaninless was easy to tell apart and separate Anthoncyanin and Anthocyaninless Ratio/Data Individual data 3 4 3:4 Lab data 20 22 1.25:1.38 Class data 59 61 3.46:3.33

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