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response 1

Capilano University
Uploaded: 4 years ago
Contributor: ggarciadiandria
Category: Geometry
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   response 1.docx (15.25 kB)
Page Count: 2
Credit Cost: 1
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If you were asked randomly during the winter break, we just had (before this course began), how would you have answered the question of, “How do you define adolescence?” I would describe adolescence as the period between starting puberty and entering adulthood. Adolescence consists of three stages: early, middle, and late adolescence. While you’re in the process of each stage - many changes occur to not just your body, but cognitively, socially, sexually, and emotionally. Do you consider yourself to be an adolescent? Explain why or why not. I do consider myself an adolescent as I am in the late stages of adolescence. I just turned 23, technically considered a young adult. I believe the ages for late adolescence are between 18-25. What did you want to be known and acknowledged for during adolescence? What were some of your prominent thought processes during adolescence? What was at the forefront of your mental world? When I was in the middle stages of adolescence I was known as the girl who was an amazing tennis player, shy but incredibly sweet and always willing to lend a helping hand. I remember in high school; I didn’t open up to too many people. I had my group of people and I was content. I think I had a lot more anxiety, which made it extremely difficult to branch out and create new friendships with people I didn’t consider “safe.” I would say my forefront of my mental world was to play it safe and chill in the back because I didn’t want to be noticed, or at least that’s what my anxiety constantly told me. What did you accomplish during adolescence? What were you good at? What accomplishment were you most proud of? How did others perceive you? Explain what your temperament and emotional characteristics were like during adolescence? I accomplished high school. I think I was good at a lot of things – being a good friend, always showing kindness, my helpful nature, and sports to name a few. Regardless of all these things I think I am MOST proud of getting through high school. Its not that it was bad, but I was an anxious wreck. I didn’t allow myself to show people there was more to me than just “reserved and shy.” During adolescence, where did you see yourself going? What did you believe or plan you would do in the future? What things did you have your heart set on? What did you want to be when you grew up? As an adolescent planning for the future, what emphasis/priorities were placed on money, happiness, intimacy, and generosity in the future? I tend to think I followed the plan I created for myself in adolescence, rather closely. All throughout childhood and adolescence I envisioned myself becoming a teacher, or school counselor. From the beginning the plan was to teach - my heart was set on educating-empowering young minds. However, when I graduated and sought out employment within the local school district and was successful in my search, I began to rethink my decision. I realized my true fascination lied in the world of psychology. I began taking class after class after class at the community college, it was a wonderful decision. I rediscovered my interest and continued my journey empowering young minds as well as focusing on social-emotional-behavioral difficulties that play a big role in these students lives today. I feel great emphasis was placed on happiness – growing up I remember being told, “teachers don’t make a lot of money,” and “you won’t make a livable income doing that.” As you can tell – those comments were ignored. It didn’t matter to me because what matters is if you’re proud of what you do. Regardless of what my change of heart – going into education has been a wonderful experience that has brought me tremendous amounts of joy. It is a very rewarding career, especially in my line of work with SPED. Although I don’t plan on staying in teaching – I do plan to stay within the education system for quiet sometime. As for intimacy, not much emphasis was ever placed on relationships. During high school, I declared myself a cat lady way before I even had a cat because at the time I was set on retuning to the motherland: Espana.

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