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Great Gatsby

Uploaded: 3 years ago
Contributor: SlaysMami22
Category: History
Type: Assignment
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Filename:   8.01 Graded Assignment_ The Great Gatsby, Session 1.docx (8.24 kB)
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Name: Frances Molina-Sanchez Date: December 2, 2020 "Life, freedom, and the quest for satisfaction." That is the American Dream. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, we read about the 1920's and the characters' quest for the American Dream. This epic is an American exemplary set in the thundering twenties. The tale is described by a youngster by the name of Nick Caraway, who is likewise Daisy's cousin. As we read the novel, we find out about Gatsby and different characters as they attempt to take a stab at and seek after the American Dream. In the novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald represents the American Dream, the life of the individuals who seek after it, and the effect of that interest all through his depiction of Jay Gatsby's life and the individuals who encompass him. F. Scott Fitzgerald's tale portrays the American Dream through the numerous characters as they are depicted by the novel's storyteller, Nick. "It passed, and he started to talk energetically to Daisy, denying everything, shielding his name against allegations that had not been made. Yet, with each word she was drawing further constantly into herself, so he surrendered that and just the dead dream battled on as the evening sneaked away, attempting to contact what was not, at this point unmistakable, battling despondently, despairingly, toward that lost voice over the room" (144). In this statement, we get knowledge into how Tom, Daisy's significant other, is faithless and miserable in his marriage but is attempting to safeguard his doings just so Daisy won't leave him. Daisy realizes she's being undermined by her better half, however she keeps being with him regardless of whether she's despondent and she knows it. Gatsby is likewise seeking after a fantasy that never worked out as expected, as told in the novel. "I thought about Gatsby's marvel when he originally selected the green light toward the finish of Daisy's dock. He had progressed significantly to this blue yard, and his fantasy probably appeared to be near the point that he could scarcely neglect to get a handle on it" (180). His fantasy is being with Daisy, yet it was an outlandish one. As Nick put it, Gatsby's fantasy appeared to be so conceivable and straightforward for him, for from the impression of others, it is a fantasy that is excessively far for his compass. Albeit all the characters look for the quest for the American Dream, they don't all accomplish what they are making progress toward. Indeed, even the characters that as of now have the life of the American Dream are not content with it. In the novel, we read about the life of the characters of Tom and his significant other Daisy. "Her better half, among different actual achievements, had been one of the most impressive closures that ever played football at New Haven—a public figure as it were, one of those men who arrive at quite an intense restricted greatness at 21 that everything a while later relishes of let-down. His family were massively well off—even in school his opportunity with cash was an issue for rebuke." (8) They have all that they require and need: abundance, wealth, acclaim and everything every other person wants. Yet, they are troubled in their relationship as Daisy adores another man- - Gatsby, and Tom is continually going behind Daisy's back with another courtesan. Daisy's fantasy isn't finished with just abundance or popularity, yet it is additionally about keeping up a high status. Daisy attempts to keep up her great standing by remaining with her better half, Tom, in spite of his betrayal. Despite the fact that Tom is untrustworthy with Daisy, he actually cherishes her and puts forth a valiant effort to remain with her. Their quest for the American Dream impacts Gatsby on the grounds that he can't seek after his fantasy about being with Daisy. Another character who likewise has the American Dream is Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is depicted as this character who is rich and exceptionally popular. He has an extraordinary fortune yet that is as yet insufficient for him. "His heart beat quick and quicker as Daisy's white face came up to his own. He realized that when he kissed this young lady, and always married his unutterable dreams to her short-lived breath, his brain could never frolic again like the psyche of God. So he paused, tuning in for a second more to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. At that point he kissed her. As his lips contact bloomed for him like a blossom and the manifestation was finished" (134). Gatsby's fantasy is to eventually be with the lady he adores, Daisy. Be that as it may, he can't seek after this fantasy since he doesn't have a good position or notoriety. At the point when the others discover that Gatsby got well off through criminal ways, it changes their perspective on him and Daisy would not like to destroy her standing by being with quite a defective man.

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