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Community Health

University of Illinois : UICCH 3300
Uploaded: A year ago
Contributor: Steve6
Category: Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences
Type: Assignment
Tags: Community, Health
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Filename:   Community Health 2 discussion.doc (35.5 kB)
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Community Health
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Fostering interprofessional collaboration in a community is a cornerstone for success in any team. As it remains a trademark of successful healthcare innovation, interprofessional cooperation between nurses and community officials is defined through partnership, sharing, interdependency, power, and process (Olubajo et al., 2022). I will deliver education in a community setting based on Planned Parenthood in the selected site. With a collaborative endeavor to empower residents with the knowledge of planned parenthood, the topic was chosen as it incorporates issues such as sex education, contraceptive use, and child care. Majoring on the subject and desired effect to reach a wider audience, the asset-based community development (SBCD) model will be utilized to mobilize community members to come together and build on the existing assets in the region. By implementing the SBCD model, the concern will promote behaviors that discourage pregnancy maintenance and collaborate with institutions, associations, individuals, and physical healthcare assets to deliver the prompted knowledge through education.
The selection approach will consider individuals interested in impending societal issues and the support of necessary experience that can aid in the decision-making process to terminate the problem. The first step will involve parents teaching them about girls' rights to their sexuality. Noting that from a younger age, they should avoid behaviors that promptly lead them to be pregnant. Some instances of youthful courtship, dating while not ready to be a parent, and engaging in alcohol use will influence a tendency to engage in sex. Teachers will be involved in delivering sex and health education to empower young girls to have sufficient knowledge to decide by themselves and be endowed with independent health choices such as using contraceptives and protection. Religious leaders will also be available to guide youths on the benefits of abstinence and as an alternative for a better and safe direction in life. The program will collaborate with pharmaceutical companies to empower community members on the effectiveness of contraceptives with the guidance of licensed pharmacists and healthcare practitioners (Bolden et al. 2019). With their presence and education, contraception will be available and affordable. As the above partners collaborate on educating youths and community members, the nature of the interaction will further widen to have a proactive system.
The shared interaction and collaboration can improve community-based interventions and outcomes in empowering youths and other community members. Additionally, it can reduce medical errors and communication gaps between partners and those empowered. With the connection, inefficiencies will be diminished, and healthcare costs will be affordable for all (Frisch et al., 2020). Alternatively, the interacting partners and community members within the site will have a better relationship and sense of duty.

Bolden, R., Gulati, A., & Edwards, G. (2019). Mobilizing change in public services: insights from a systems leadership development intervention. International Journal of Public Administration.
Frisch, N., Atherton, P., Doyle-Waters, M. M., MacLeod, M. L., Mallidou, A., Sheane, V., ... & Woodley, J. (2020). Patient-oriented research competencies in health (PORCH) for researchers, patients, healthcare providers, and decision-makers: results of a scoping review. Research involvement and engagement, 6(1), 1-14.
Olubajo, L., Dimitri, P., Johnston, A., & Owens, M. (2022). Managing interorganisational collaborations to develop medical technologies: the contribution of interpersonal relationships. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 46(6), 482-496.
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