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Soups assignment

New York University : NYUmath101
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Contributor: kash777
Category: History
Type: Lecture Notes
Rating: N/A
Filename:   Soups & Stocks Summative Test.docx (14.53 kB)
Page Count: 1
Credit Cost: 1
Views: 76
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Soups & Stocks Test – Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, Short Answers, True/False Seasoning a stock is when you would add _______, ________ and spices to the stock. Answer: Salt, herbs I want to make a good and delicious stock, what three types of ingredients I would need? Aromatics, herbs, liquid Aromatics, flavour, herbs Aromatics, bones, spices Nutritive, liquid, aromatics True/False. In my chicken stock, the most important ingredient would be the bones? In stocks we add mirepoix for the flavour, what does that consist of? Carrots, leeks, red onions Carrots, bones, herbs Carrots, onions, celery Spices, aromatics, herbs I am making a vegetable soup composed of chicken broth, what type of soup would this be and how do you know? Answer: You are making a clear soup because an example of a clear soup is a vegetable soup. Your soup would be un-thickened and clear. In a soup, the protein can come from _______, _________, and poultry, for vegetarians it can come from ____________. Answer: meat, fish, legumes True/False. For a soup a solid can be a base. Stocks cab be used to produce which of the following? (Multi-select) Curries Gravies Soups Sauces

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