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Living Psychology in a Global Economy

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Living Psychology in a Global Economy -4286256286500 Outline (Survey & Question) This outline is intended to help you survey the chapter. As you read the various sections, write down any questions or comments that come to mind in the space provided. This is a valuable part of active learning and the SQ4R method. It not only makes your reading time more enjoyable and active, but it also increases retention and understanding of the material. TOPIC NOTES I. Communication The Nature of Communication Nonverbal Communication Male/Female Differences in Communication II. Leadership Trait Perspective Situational Approach Functional Perspective Leadership and Bases of Power . III. Persuasion A. Elements of Persuasion B. Routes to Persuasion IV. Conflict A. Identifying Conflict B. Causes of Conflict V. Living Psychology—Improving Communication and Coping with Conflict Communication Skills Conflict Resolution Skills C. Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Are you Passive, Aggressive, or Assertive? 895352857500 Core and Expanded LEARNING OUTCOMES (Read, Recite, & wRite) While reading the chapter, stop periodically and recite (or repeat in your own words) the answers to the following learning objectives. It will also help your retention if you write your answer on a separate sheet. (Page numbers refer to the text Living Psychology.) Textbook Core LO: What are the major elements of communication and nonverbal communication? Define communication and describe the seven elements important in the communication process (pp. 583-586). Define nonverbal communication and describe the importance of gestures, body language, proxemics, paralanguage, and gender differences in this form of communication (pp. 587-591). Textbook Core LO: What are the essentials of good leadership? Define leadership and explain the trait perspective regarding great leaders (pp. 592-595). Describe the situation approach to great leadership, and compare the three major styles of leaders (pp. 595-596). Describe the functional perspective regarding leadership, and compare task- versus relationship oriented leadership (pp. 596-597). Describe the five bases/sources of power among leaders (pp. 597-598). Textbook Core LO: How are people persuaded, and how can I become more persuasive? Describe the four major elements of persuasion (pp. 600-604). Contrast the central and peripheral routes to persuasion (pp. 605-606). Textbook Core LO: What is conflict? Is it ever good? Define conflict and compare dysfunctional and functional types of conflict (pp. 607-608). Describe cultural conflicts and three ways to minimize the effects of cultural differences (pp. 608-609). Differentiate between intra- and interpersonal conflict and describe how these conflicts can affect persons and organizations (pp. 609-610). Describe five causes of conflict (pp. 610-612). Textbook Core LO: How can I improve my communication and conflict resolution skills? Describe six blocks to good communication (pp. 613-615). Describe three strategies and skills for improving communication, including the five components related to effective feedback (pp. 615-616). Describe five ways to resolve conflict (pp. 617-618). Contrast passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors; state six of the rights listed in the Assertiveness Bill of Rights; and describe four tips for saying no (pp. 618-620). -4762512319000 KEY TERMS (Review) The review step in the SQ4R method is very important to your performance on quizzes and exams. Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to define the following terms. Assertiveness: ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Autocratic (authoritarian) Leader: ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Bait-and-Switch Technique: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Central Route to Persuasion: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Charismatic Leader: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Coercive Power: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Communication: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Conflict: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Democratic (participative) Leader: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Door-in-the-Face Technique: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Emotional Conflict: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Expert Power: ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Foot-in-the-Door Technique: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Great Person Theory: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Kinesics: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Laissez-Faire Leader: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Leadership: ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Legitimate Power: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Lowball Technique: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Mixed Message: ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Nonverbal Communication: __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Paralanguage: _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Peripheral Route to Persuasion: _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Persuasion: _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Proxemics: _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Referent Power: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship-Oriented Leader: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Reward Power: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Substantive Conflict: _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Task-Oriented Leader: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ -12382516256000 ACTIVE LEARNING EXERCISES (Recite) The recite step in the SQ4R method requires you to be an ACTIVE learner. By completing the following exercises, you will test and improve your mastery of the chapter material, which will also improve your performance on quizzes and exams. Answers to some exercises appear at the end of this study guide chapter. ACTIVE LEARNING EXERCISE I Improving Your Communication Skills One of the most difficult parts of communication is “breaking the ice” with strangers. Experts (e.g., McKay et al., 1985) have offered specific tips for this situation. Think of someone you want to meet. Then study each of the following suggestions and create your own personal questions or statements. 1. Ask for information — “I want to take biology 101 next semester. Who would you recommend for an instructor?” Add your personal information question here: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Refer to current events —“Who do you think will win the presidential election?” Add your personal current events question here: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Give a compliment — “You’ve got a great smile.” Add your personal compliment here: ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Be direct — “I feel awkward, but I’ve noticed you in my psychology class and I really want to get to know you better.” Add your personal direct statement here: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVE LEARNING EXERCISE II Identifying Conflict in Your Everyday Life Read each of the following examples: Part I. If the situation is an intrapersonal conflict, label the specific type of conflict — approach-approach, approach-avoidance, or avoidance-avoidance. Part II. If the situation is an interpersonal conflict, label whether it is a substantive or an emotional conflict. SITUATION 1 A very attractive person invites you to a great party tonight, but you really need to spend time studying to get a good grade on your psychology exam tomorrow. A. This is an example of an _______________conflict. B. If you chose intrapersonal, follow Part I of the instructions; if you chose interpersonal, follow Part II. SITUATION 2 Your spouse repeatedly complains that your sarcasm and jealousy are hurting your relationship. A. This is an example of an _______________conflict. B. If you chose intrapersonal, follow Part I of the instructions; if you chose interpersonal, follow Part II. SITUATION 3 You are offered a job transfer to another department with a supervisor whom everyone dislikes, or the same job you have now but in another city in an undesirable location. A. This is an example of an _______________conflict. B. If you chose intrapersonal, follow Part I of the instructions; if you chose interpersonal, follow Part II. SITUATION 4 You have a roommate who sets the temperature in your apartment so low that you often find yourself shivering and unable to concentrate on your studies. You want to turn up the heat, but she says the furnace increases her allergies and the heating bills. She wants you to wear heavier clothing. A. This is an example of an _______________conflict. B. If you chose intrapersonal, follow Part I of the instructions; if you chose interpersonal, follow Part II. -12382510160000 CHAPTER OVERVIEW (Review) The following CHAPTER OVERVIEW provides a narrative overview of the main topics covered in the chapter. Like the Visual Summary found at the end of each chapter in the text, this narrative summary provides a final opportunity to review chapter material. I. Communication Communication is a dynamic process of sending, receiving, and understanding messages. There are seven important elements in all communication: senders and receivers, messages, encoding, decoding, channels, noise, and context. Verbal communication is only part of the communication process. Nonverbal communication, the process of sending and receiving messages through means other than words, is also important. It includes numerous elements, such as eye contact, clothing, physical appearance, facial expressions, gestures and body language (kinesics), physical and personal space (proxemics), and the pace, pitch, and volume of speech (paralanguage). Researchers have identified several important gender differences in communication, but these differences are not characteristic of all men and women, or of all mixed-gender conversations. II. LEADERSHIP Leadership is the use of interpersonal influence to inspire or persuade others to support the goals and perform the tasks desired by the leader. The three major perspectives that attempt to explain who becomes a leader are trait, situational, and functional. According to the trait approach, or the great person theory, leaders are born, not made. In contrast, situational theorists believe the environment produces leaders. According to this perspective, three major styles of leaders rise to the top at different points in history and according to the needs of the group: autocratic (authoritarian), democratic (participative), and laissez-faire. The functional perspective does not promote the role of a single leader. It emphasizes the behaviors that individuals exhibit, which contribute to the functioning of the group. Depending on the needs of the group, some people become task-oriented leaders, whereas others become relationship-oriented leaders. Researchers have identified five bases of leader power: legitimate power (job title or position), expert power (experience and expertise), referent power (feelings of identification with another), reward power (ability to give rewards for complying with desired behavior), and coercive power (ability to use punishment, or the threat of it, for failure to comply with desired behavior). III. Persuasion Persuasion is any form of communication designed to change the attitudes of the recipient. Researchers have identified four major elements of persuasion. First, the attractiveness of the source ("Who") is very important for trivial matters, but credibility (trustworthiness and expertise) is more persuasive on vital issues. Second, the message ("What") is more persuasive when it is two-sided and appeals to cognitive or emotional processes. Third, the target (or "Whom" component) depends on successful audience analysis (age, motivation, gender). And, fourth, the successful delivery of the message ("How") depends on several elements, including: repeated exposure, classical conditioning, the foot-in-the-door technique, the door-in-the-face technique, lowballing, and the bait-and-switch technique. When someone is highly involved, motivated, and attentive, he or she will thoughtfully consider the issues and become persuaded because of logic and careful analysis of the arguments. This is called the central route to persuasion. On the other hand, if someone is uninvolved, unmotivated, or inattentive, he or she will be influenced by factors irrelevant or extraneous to the product or issue — the peripheral route to persuasion. IV. CONFLICT Conflict occurs when individuals or groups have to choose between two or more competing goals. Conflict can be dysfunctional (destructive) or functional (constructive), and it can occur within the individual (intrapersonal) or between two or more people in opposition to each other (interpersonal). There are two major types of interpersonal conflict — substantive and emotional. Substantive conflict involves disagreement over the goals to be pursued or the means for their accomplishment. Emotional conflict involves difficulties that arise between individuals or organizations over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, and the like. Some of the most common causes of conflict are limited resources, role conflict, personal style and value differences, goal differences, discrimination, and harassment. V. LIVING PSYCHOLOGY Six of the most important blocks to communication are: physical distractions, perceptual set, semantic problems, mixed messages, status differences, and communication overload. There also are several communication strategies and skills that help facilitate communication: audience analysis, active/empathic listening, and feedback. To resolve conflict, researchers have identified five possible approaches: avoidance, accommodation, compromise, authoritative command, and collaboration. People tend to respond to conflict by becoming passive, aggressive, or assertive. -12382511684000 SELF-TESTS (Review & wRite) Completing the following SELF-TESTS will provide immediate feedback on how well you have mastered the material. In the crossword puzzle and fill-in exercises, write the appropriate word or words in the blank spaces. The matching exercise requires you to match the terms in one column to their correct definitions in the other. For the multiple-choice questions in practice tests I and II, circle or underline the correct answer. When you are unsure of any answer, be sure to highlight or specially mark the item and then go back to the text for further review. Correct answers are provided at the end of this study guide chapter. Crossword Puzzle for Chapter 15 ACROSS 1 Possesses a compelling vision that transforms follower's beliefs, values, and goals. 2 Forced choice between two or more competing goals. 4 Based on the ability to give rewards for complying with desired behavior. 5 Using interpersonal influence to inspire or persuade others to support the goals and perform the tasks desired by the leader. 8 Based on a job title or position (president, police officer). 10 Based on experience and expertise (physician, lawyer). 13 Communication intended to change attitudes. 15 Interdependent process of sending, receiving, and understanding messages. 16 A form of nonverbal communication using gestures and body language. 17 A form of nonverbal communication, which includes the pace, pitch, and volume at which words are spoken, and the tone of voice and inflections used by the speaker. 18 Encourages group discussion and decision making through consensus building. 19 Beginning with a very large, intrusive request followed by a smaller request. 20 A form of nonverbal communication involving physical and personal space. 21 Standing up for your rights without infringing on those of others. DOWN 1 A highly involved, motivated, and attentive audience is convinced because of logic and careful analysis of the arguments. 3 Getting someone to commit to an attractive proposal before revealing the hidden costs. 6 Derived from one's feelings of identification with another (movie stars, athletes, friends). 7 Based on the ability to use punishment, or the threat of it, for failure to comply with desired behavior. 9 Difficulties between individuals or organizations that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, and the like. 11 Emerges during times of crisis to make all major decisions, assign tasks to members of the group, and demand full obedience. 12 Offering an attractive proposal, then making it unavailable or unappealing, and offering a more costly alternative. 14 Disagreement between individuals or organizations over the goals to be pursued or the means for their accomplishment. FILL-IN EXERCISES Giving your supervisor a verbal or written summary of your ideas to improve working conditions is an example of ________ (p. 584). To successfully conduct business in another culture, it is important to learn the appropriate ________ of that culture (p. 588). Research has shown that in an average verbal communication 38 percent of the entire communication is contained in the ________ (p. 589). The eight traits of a successful leader are ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, and ________ (p. 593). ________ leaders tend to emerge and work best during times of crisis (p. 595). Advertisers often pay famous athletes or movie stars huge sums of money to endorse products because of their ________ power with fans (p. 598). The ________ technique begins with a very large request followed by a smaller request, whereas the________ technique begins by making a small request followed by a larger request (p. 603). When speaking to an audience that is highly motivated and attentive, you should choose the __________ to persuasion, which leads to more lasting changes in attitude (p. 605). ________ is often the source of significant damage to personal and work relationships (p. 607). ________ involves standing up for your rights without infringing on the rights of others (p. 618). MATCHING EXERCISES Column A Column B Kinesics 1.____ How words are spoken. Assertive Response 2.____ Two workers disagreeing over how to best complete a job. Paralanguage 3.____ Nonverbal communication using gestures and body language. Collaboration 4.____ Conflicts personal in nature and focused on others. Mixed Message 5.____ Physicians, lawyers, programmers, plumbers. Substantive Conflict 6.____ Puts problem solving ahead of own interests. Expert Power 7.____ CEO, manager, police officer. Referent Power 8.____ Words that communicate the opposite of body language. Legitimate Power 9.____ Being direct and honest in what you do and do not want. Emotional Conflict 10.____ Athletes, musicians, actors. PRACTICE TEST I Your boss sends an email reminding you of your production goals. This communication is _____. lateral through a sensory channel downward through a lateral channel upward through an environmental channel downward through an environmental channel Environmental conditions surrounding communication are referred to as the _____. context noise channels receivers According to current managerial thinking, _____ communication is the most efficient method. downward subordinate to superior lateral upward Research shows that in average communication up to _____ percent of the emotional content is transmitted nonverbally. 55 10 90 75 The space or distance of _____ is generally preferred during formal conversations with people we do not know well. less than one foot 1-4 feet 4-12 feet 12 ft and beyond Research shows that _____ may be the single most important quality of successful leaders honesty flexibility expertise drive _____ theorists believe the environment produces leaders. Trait Situational Functional Evolutionary _____ approach suggests individuals become leaders because they contribute to group needs. Situational Functional Trait Democratic College professors typically have _____ power in their relations with students. legitimate autocratic reward referent The two most important components of the credibility of a source are trustworthiness and _____. attractiveness conviction expertise values _____ is an important element in the delivery of a message. classical conditioning lowballing repeated exposure all of these options A method of persuasion in which an unmotivated audience is convinced because of extraneous factors is called _____. the central route subliminal advertising the peripheral route audience analysis _____ can bring important problems to the surface and offer opportunities for improvement. Paralanguage Functional conflict Participative leadership Referent power Two managers’ argument over a department’s long-range goals is an example of a(n)_____ conflict. emotional intrapersonal avoidance-avoidance substantive Barriers that block communication goals are _____. physical distractions semantics status differences all of these options When individuals are conflicted and unsure about their feelings or intentions, they tend to _____. be easily distracted not know what to say send mixed messages be argumentative Active listening involves _____. asking direct questions asking for clarification total attention all of these options As a communicator, asking your recipient “What do you think?” invites _____. questions answers communication feedback Focusing on areas of agreement in conflicts is known as _____. collaboration compromise accommodation empathic listening The _____ approach to conflict often results in one or more parties believing their needs have been ignored. collaboration compromise accommodation authoritative command PRACTICE TEST II Communication in the global community poses unique challenges because of different _____. languages values beliefs all of these options Translating or interpreting the meaning of a message is known as _____. encoding receiving decoding mixed messages Environmental conditions surrounding communication include _____. physical setting and relationship issues psychological climate sociocultural factors all of these options Nonverbal communication using body language is called _____. paralanguage kinesics proxemics physical space The great person theory argues that leadership results from _____. high intelligence personal drive inherited traits self-confidence _____ leaders have a compelling vision of what they want to accomplish and can transform their followers’ beliefs. Autocratic Charismatic Participative Task-oriented _____ leaders work best in groups requiring little or no management. Authoritarian Charismatic Participative Laissez-faire Disciplinary actions and low-performance evaluations are all forms of _____ power. legitimate coercive expert autocratic A plumber is a good example of _____ power. task-oriented expert legitimate expensive When a communicator presents his or her opponents’ arguments to show their inherent flaws, this technique is called _____. audience coanalysis a two-sided argument repeated exposure the door-in-the face technique The effectiveness of the foot-in-the-door technique seems to result from _____. persistence and expertise of the seller duration and credibility of the pitch shift in self-perception in the recipient all of these options Research shows that the higher your need for _____ the more likely you are to be persuaded by central route techniques. acceptance participation control cognition One defining feature common to all conflict is _____. incompatible goals dysfunctional relationships time constraints poor communication _____ is NOT identified as one of the five important causes of conflict. Role conflict Personal style difference Gender differences Discrimination Discrimination and harassment are costly in terms of worker_______. motivation and productivity retaliation and absenteeism compensation insurance none of the above Because of _____, once people have formed an opinion about someone or something, they generally attend to information that confirms their beliefs and discount information that conflicts with them. perceptual set mixed messages prejudice all of these options _____ may be the most important key to effective communication. Advance preparation Charisma Audience analysis Lowballing Understanding the situation from another’s point of view requires _____. accommodation audience analysis empathic listening contextual feedback When giving feedback effectively, it should be _____. constructive and specific sensitive and open to outside observation focused on behaviors and traits current and focused on general traits _____ involves negotiating so that each party involved in the conflict achieves a reasonably fair settlement. Collaboration Compromise Accommodation Needs exchange -20002515049500 ANSWERS The following answers to active learning exercises, crossword puzzles, fill-ins, matching exercises, and Practice Tests I and II provide immediate feedback on your mastery of the material. Try not to simply memorize the answers. When you are unsure of your answer or make an error, be sure to go back to the textbook and carefully review. This will greatly improve your scores on classroom exams and quizzes. ACTIVE LEARNING EXERCISE II Situation 1. A. intrapersonal; B. approach-avoidance. Situation 2. A. interpersonal; B. emotional. Situation 3. A. intrapersonal; B. avoidance-avoidance. Situation 4. A. interpersonal; B. substantive. FILL-IN EXERCISES 1. encoding; 2. kinesics; 3. paralanguage; 4. drive, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, expertise, creativity, cognitive ability, leadership motivation, flexibility; 5. autocratic; 6. referent; 7. door-in-the-face, foot-in-the-door; 8. central route; 9. conflict; 10. assertiveness. MATCHING EXERCISES a. 3, b. 9, c. 1, d. 6, e. 8, f. 2, g. 5, h.10, i. 7, j. 4 Crossword Puzzle for Chapter 15 PRACTICE TEST I 1. d (p. 584) 11. d (p. 603) 2. a (p. 585) 12. c (p. 605) 3. c (p. 585) 13. b (p. 608) 4. c (p. 587) 14. d (p. 610) 5. c (p. 589) 15. d (p. 613) 6. b (p. 593) 16. c (p. 614) 7. b (p. 595) 17. d (p. 615) 8. b (p. 596) 18. d (p. 616) 9. c (p. 598) 19. c (p. 617) 10.c (p. 601) 20. d (p. 617) PRACTICE TEST II 1. d (p. 583) 11. c (p. 603) 2. c (p. 584) 12. d (p. 606) 3. d (p. 585) 13. a (p. 607) 4. b (p. 588) 14. c (p. 610) 5. c (p. 593) 15. a (p. 612) 6. b (p. 594) 16. a (p. 614) 7. d (p. 596) 17. c (p. 615) 8. b (p. 598) 18. c (p. 615) 9. b (p. 600) 19. a (p. 616) 10.b (p. 601) 20. b (p. 617)

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