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Ch05 Various Organizations

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Public Relations
PR IN VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Public Relations in its applications vary from one organization to another. In this lecture we will identify these different roles and purposes. We will also determine assignments and different techniques required therein besides the support provided by the public relation program. Public Relations For Trade Associations Predominantly, Public Relations is a significant function of most of these associations. Purposes Of Trade Association P R Programmes. Promoting sales through product publicity. Creating consumer understanding of how to use the industry’s products. Overcoming inequities or other problems in the competitive situation. Creating public understanding of the regulation of an industry by government. Combating government interference in or competition with an industry. Creating public support for legislative proposals that the industry favors or public opposition to legislation it opposes. Obtaining public recognition for the social & economic contributions that an industry makes to the nation. Recruiting qualified people for careers in an industry. Creating public understanding of the industry’s labor policies & of its labor union relations. Steps To Develop Trade Association PR Programmes. Analysis of the public relations situation. Definition of problem area. Identification of concerned publics. Establishment of specific objectives. Planning of program. Implementation of program. Periodic appraisal of progress. Techniques of Trade Association PR. Research PR primarily adopts two universally accepted methods for conducting research Public opinion. Industry data. Publicity & personal contacts with media people. Institutional advertising. Motion pictures, slides & CD ROMs. Periodic publications. Pamphlets. Instructional leaflets. To Sum up as per “Reuel Elton” Trade Association does not order, it advises. It does not coerce, it persuades. It does not issue mandates, or even instructions. It uses only the moving eloquence of a reasoned appeal to the self interest of its members. Public Relations For Financial Institutions. Banking institutions. Leasing companies. Insurance companies. Stock exchanges. Usual Assignments For PR 1 Measuring opinions towards the company of shareholders, financial analysts & legislators. Recommending communication strategy, particularly for corporate goals. Assisting with preparation of financial literature, such as letters to new shareholders, interim & annual reports, dividend enclosures etc. Making arrangements & preparing informational materials for financial meetings, facility tours & presentations for the investor groups, analysts & financial media. Writing financial news releases & handling of inquiries from financial media. One of the important role of Financial PR is in the preparation of annual reports. What Should Annual Reports Contain An attractive & distinctive cover. An inviting design that helps reader get the main message. A table of contents and / or highlights. Identification of members of the Board of directors. A statement or letter from the chairman or the CEO or both, summarizing the past year’s events & emphasizing goals for the future. Consolidated balance statements of earnings, shareholder’s interest, & operating cash flows for the year. Financial highlights & comparisons with at least the previous year, but often with the past 5~10 years. Auditor’s statement of independence & adhering to accepted accounting principles. Public Relations Typical Support. It is essential to identify the type of technical support PR can provide which is enumerated below: Helping with physical arrangements. Creating handouts & other on site communications. Assisting with tours & souvenirs. Accommodating news media, including all necessary arrangements. Generating publicity support. Preparing Q&A sheets for top executives in anticipation of questions from shareholders. Role Of Public Relations In Government “A popular government without popular information or a means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or tragedy, or perhaps both.” James Madison Government public relations rests on 2 fundamental premises: A democratic government must report its activities to the citizens That effective government administration requires active citizen participation & support. Overall Goals For Government PR Plan. Ensuring active cooperation in government program e.g. voting, seat belt use, anti smoking ordinances etc. Fostering citizen support for established policies & programs e.g. foreign aid, welfare etc. Informing constituents about the activities of the government agency. Public Relations For (NPO) - Non Profit Organizations. Aims Of PR In N.P.O’s. To gain acceptance of an organization’s mission. To develop channels of communication with those an organization serves. – To create & maintain a favorable climate for fund raising. To inform & motivate key organizational constituents such as employees, voluntary workers, trustees to dedicate themselves & work productively in support of the organization’s mission, goals & objectives. Changing Functions Of PR In N.P.O’s. Paid advertising. Communication selectivity & reach. Marketing concepts & management by objectives have emerged as important part of communication strategy. PR IN LABOUR UNIONS & RELIGIOUS GROUPS Overview Continuing with the role of public relations we will in this lecture study the PR aspects in labor matters while determining the role in labor unions in relation to community. We will also find out what role PR can play for religious groups and also explain the acrostics of public relations. .PR Aspects Of Labour Matters. Identification of key groups; & analysis of the company’s responsibilities towards them. Anticipation & observation of their reactions to the company. Development of understanding of the company, its aims, and actions. Community Public Relations Importance Of Community Public Relations. It makes friends. It is good business. It helps the welfare of your employees. It is social obligation of modern day business. What it calls for Understanding the community. Organizing to fit the community relationship needs. Conducting the business in tune with the community. Sharing time, talents, facilities and money. Informing the community about what you are doing & why? Public Relations For Religious Groups. An Acrostic Of Public Relations Putting yourself in the other person’s place. Understanding the public,& especially those units vital to you & your ministry. Being aware of latest & most effective techniques & approaches in gaining cooperation. Launching a program that makes full use of all channels of understanding & support. Influencing your congregation in such a way that everyone becomes an active agent in PR programs. Charting your course after careful study by analyzing the problem and… solving it in a manner that wins support & approval. R cognizing the fact that actions speak louder than words. Encouraging, advising & stimulating associates, employees. Linking all phases & divisions of your religious programs so that all work in harmony & unity. Analyzing each situation for its effects on individuals & groups. Thinking & planning in terms of the greatest good for the greatest number. Interpreting your program to show that it is interesting, timely & informative. Organizing your setup so that goodwill grows from within. Naming friendly, competent, enthusiastic persons to positions which demand a “public relations consciousness.” Seeking at all times to keep your public informed through full, frank & frequent reports. Problems Of PR In Religious Groups. The intangible nature of many religious activities. The sacred nature of many religious activities requiring dignified approach. The problem of showing the practical worth of some religious values. The problem of interpreting a program that follows a traditional pattern. The difficulty of knowing at which level to project ideas so they will appeal to persons of all ages. PR IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS & IN MEDIA CHANNALS Overview Practicing Public Relations for educational institution is entirely different. We will also provide guidelines for a good PR man in this regard. Now a days newspapers, Radio and TV have also become very conscious of their PR requirements so we will identify various connotations and the role PR can play in better relations between a newspaper management and its employees. Public Relations For Educational Institutions For a good PR professional he / she should: Possess integrity, strength of character & good judgment. Know how to plumb & judge public opinion. Have a strong desire to help and understand people. Have the ability to organize. Have a logical & objective mind. Have a keen sense of tact & diplomacy. Have the ability to inspire cooperative action by his colleagues & by the institution’s publics. Have the courage of his convictions. and Understand importance of communications. List Of Good PR For Employees. The management of educational institutions should ensure that it will provide – Pleasant working conditions. Equitable salary scale. Fair promotion policy. Recognition for faithful service & achievements. Considerate policy on vacations & sick leaves. Weekly offs / leaves, exchange professorships. Retirement benefits. Special tuition rates or scholarships for children of employees. Cards or letters of appreciations. Respects when ill, birthday & Eid greetings. Displays & exhibits. Copies of important news releases. Clippings of these stories. Public Relations For Newspapers General principles and essentials of PR for newspapers are similar to those of various organizations yet these may differ for identification and application purposes. Publics of Newspapers – Employees. Readers. Advertisers. General public i.e. the community. The trade. Government Officials. Shareholders. Problems Of Newspapers Employees. Failure to be treated as human beings – Failure to consider a partner in the enterprise. No visible career advancement. A feeling that management is trying to keep labor from earning enough pay. Resentment against in charge because of incompetence, favoritism. A feeling that management fights ,never cooperates with labor/unions. Simple physical discomforts. Newspapers Major PR Problems a. Need to strengthening goodwill of the paper. b. Monopoly ownership of the newspapers. c. Newsprint shortage, criticism from readers. d. Employee relations. Newspapers PR with a Purpose Newspaper Public Relations should be its promotion with a purpose. A good newspaper to be portrayed as a symbol & an institution. Newspaper should be portrayed as practicing good citizenship. Newspaper is progressive & fair. Newspaper renders justice to all & fights injustice to anyone. Newspaper is tolerant & encourages mutual understanding among persons of all faiths & origins. Newspaper preaches local way of life, expounding its faults as well as its virtues. Public Relations For Radio & TV With the communication horizon expanding immensely, Radio and TV have also entered a new phase where besides government owned privately owned stations even in our part of the world are opening up in big numbers. Two Types State Owned. Privately Owned. Major Keys to Success – Station. Programmes. Business practices. Commercial standards. 10 Little Public Relations Things For Radio/Tv To Do. Guest speakers / Dignitaries. Officials should be freely available. Make your talent available to perform. Welcome newcomers to the community. Invite meetings of women clubs, civic organizations to your station. Organize community Radio & TV workshops with nationally known guest speakers. Maintain up-to-date lists of various categories aside from business prospects. Leave no opportunity to participate in a noble cause. Help community in case of a disaster. In case of an error, it should immediately take the public into confidence.

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