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Ch05 Sculpture

Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: cloveb
Category: Visual Arts
Type: Test / Midterm / Exam
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Filename:   Ch05 Sculpture.docx (15.34 kB)
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Chapter 5: Sculpture 1. Times Square Sky is generally classified as which of the following? a. high-relief sculpture b. earth sculpture c. low-relief sculpture d. space sculpture Answer: c Page: 107 2. Which of the following is an example of environmental sculpture? a. Aphrodite b. The Bus Driver c. Wheel Man d. Cubi X Answer: b Page: 122 3. Spiral Jetty is an example of a. earth sculpture b. environmental sculpture c. machine sculpture d. accommodation with technology Answer: a Page: 128 4. In most contemporary sculpture, there is one pervasive characteristic: a. Sculpture identifies volume in space. b. The tactile nature of the pieces recalls traditional sculpture. c. Sculpture remains true to materials. d. Sculpture now flies, floats, breathes. Answer: c Page: 118 5. Space sculpture emphasizes a. spatial relationships b. the density of materials c. the human body d. movement Answer: a Page: 118 6. Who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? a. Richard Serra b. Judy Chicago c. Robert Smithson d. Maya Ying Lin Answer: d Page: 129 7. Sculpture, more than painting, appeals to a. the visual sense b. the sense of touch c. the imagination d. common sense Answer: b Page: 102 8. Arp’s Growth is an example of a. high-relief sculpture b. sculpture in the round c. the lost-wax process d. space sculpture Answer: b Page: 110 9. Our bodies are more actively involved in the perception of a. low relief sculpture b. high relief sculpture c. sculpture in the round d. sunken relief sculpture Answer: c Page: 111 10. Sculpture that has grooves of various depths cut into the surface plane of stone while the surface remains clearly perceptible is a. sunken-relief sculpture b. low-relief sculpture c. high-relief sculpture d. being true to materials Answer: a Page: 106 11. The Pietá was sculpted by a. Calder b. Michelangelo c. Rodin d. Ghiberti Answer: b Page: 109 12. An example of “truth to materials” in sculpture is a. a carving of stone, carefully polished so that it resembles human flesh b. a realistic shape c. an abstract shape d. a carving from wood, shaped so as to reveal the grain of the wood Answer: d Page: 117 13. Abstract sculptures a. usually represent specific objects and events b. often makes the density of sensa its primary subject matter c. can only represent density, but cannot present it d. are space sculptures Answer: b Page: 104 14. Which of the following is true of contemporary versus traditional sculpture? a. It is more likely to be made by modeling. b. It is more likely to be made by carving. c. It is more likely to be made by assembling preformed pieces of material d. It is easy to classify. Answer: c Page: 132 15. Which type of sculpture especially brings out the three-dimensionality of objects? a. low relief sculpture b. high relief sculpture c. sculpture in the round d. sunken relief sculpture Answer: c Page: 132 Short Answer 1. First describe the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and The Dinner Party. Be sure to identify what kind of sculpture each is. Then decide which sculpture is more successful. Defend your response. 2. First describe Giacometti’s City Square (La Place). Be sure to identify what kind of sculpture it is. Then explain how and what it protests. Be specific.

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