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Ramont and Niedringhaus, Comprehensive Nursing Care

Bucknell University
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Chapter 1, 2nd Edition, Instructors Manual
d. Variety of backgrounds of nursing students Learning Outcome 1 Relate essential nursing values to attitudes, personal qualities, and professional behaviors. Concepts for Lecture 1. Nursing values and characteristics a. Caring i. Core characteristic nurses guided by philosophy of caring demonstrated through (a) Communication (b) Manner (c) Attire (d) Responsiveness ii. Care about and promote health and well-being of the whole person (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) b. Precisionmust do things accurately to avoid harm or life-threatening events c. Timelinessactivities need to be performed at a specific time to provide the best care d. Hygienepreventing spread of infection and promoting healing requires careful attention to hygiene for both the client and the nurse e. Characteristics to improve quality of practice i. Confidentiality ii. Accountability iii. Teamworkcreating a positive work environment iv. Healthy communication v. Critical thinking and problem solvingcan enrich all areas of your life Learning Outcome 2 Explain ways to approach this textbook and plan your study time effectively. Concepts for Lecture 1. Academic survival skills a. Reading this textbook i. Read preface and material in front of book ii. Become familiar with how book is organized, special features, table of contents iii. Read textbook before classhelps you organize thoughts and learn new terms iv. Save highlighting for reviewing after the lecture and mark location of answers to study questions in margins b. Studying effectively i. Set aside a block of time to study ii. Look at learning outcomes to determine what is important and write out answers iii. Use the written learning outcome responses to study for tests and quizzes iv. Outline chapter after reading it, organizing concepts and information that supports those ideas v. Try to answer study questions and look up those you answer incorrectly vi. Make up your own study questions using class notes vii. Use the companion website and student CDuse the links to other sites to learn more about the topic viii. Study in groups of 3 or 4 to help process information and discuss ideas Learning Outcome 3 Discuss the importance of time management for students in a nursing program. Concepts for Lecture 1. Managing time a. Needs to be customized based on the demands in your life b. Being organized and having a plan will help you work within limits on your time c. Planning calendar i. Start with blank yearly planner or calendar ii. Fill in holidays, vacations, appointments, class time, clinical days iii. Add due dates, tests, homework, and projects as assigned iv. Schedule study time v. Schedule personal time vi. Plan group study time (a) Stay focused on content (b) Bring 4 to 5 questions to discuss with the group (c) Break session into segments (lecture review, shared questions, quizzing, review of class objectives) (d) Maintain current responsibilities (e) Financial planning Learning Outcome 4 Describe three important aspects of time management that support academic survival in nursing education. Concepts for Lecture 1. Learning how to manage time effectively is an important lesson for students. 2. A planning calendar can be used to schedule your time. 3. Scheduling group study sessions can be useful when you participate regularly. Bring four or five questions with you to discuss with the group. Break the session into segments to focus study time. 4. Maintaining current responsibilities is another aspect of time management. It may be necessary to cut back on extracurricular activities. Child care may need to be arranged. Family study-time could be initiated. Learning Outcome 5 Identify strategies to use when answering various types of test questions. Concepts for Lecture 1. Taking tests a. Answering multiple-choice questions i. Most are multiple-choice questions similar to NCLEX-PN ii. Read each question and all choices before answering and try to eliminate one or more choices iii. Examine each choice to see if anything is incorrect iv. Avoid choosing correct answers that do not answer the question v. Knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis level questions vi. Confirm or eliminate all of the above or none of the above by identifying one choice as incorrect or correct, respectively vii. Trust your first instinct after narrowing it to two choicesDO NOT CHANGE ANSWERS viii. Improve testing ability by answering questions in your study guide, on the companion website, and at the end of chapters b. Answering essay, short-answer, and calculation questions i. Read question carefully to determine what is being asked ii. Write a brief outline for essay questions to help organize thoughts and serve as a checkpoint iii. Always show your work when doing calculationshelps to determine where you went wrong if answer is not correct iv. Memorize formulas and frequently used conversions Learning Outcome 6 Discuss the responsibilities of the student nurse during clinical experiences. Concepts for Lecture 1. Clinical experiences a. Major part of your learning b. Firsthand experience of client care is far more valuable after you read about them c. Initially assigned one client but will assume more responsibility as you progress d. Clients will have complex illnesses and needsyou are learning to be a safe healthcare provider e. Responsibilities include i. Ensure understanding of how to apply care ii. Practice skills repeatedly to develop efficiency and speed iii. Research information about assigned clients iv. Ask for help when you are unsure about how to proceed v. Report any and all deviations from baseline vi. Take advantage of all learning opportunities Learning Outcome 7 Explain the importance of prioritizing in the clinical setting. Concepts for Lecture 1. Prioritizing begins before walking onto unit a. Use of report sheets b. Attend shift report and visit client, introducing yourself and your role for the day, including your instructors name c. Arrange your day to include scheduled breaks d. Flexibility important to prioritizing as situations change e. Additional responsibilities such as additional clients or team leader roles require advanced prioritization and organizational abilities 2. Safety of the client is the number-one priority 3. Prioritizing, flexibility, critical thinking, and organizational skills must be developed for safe practice General Chapter Considerations 1. Have students study and learn key terms listed at beginning of chapter 2. Have students complete end-of-chapter exercises either in their book or on the MyNursingKit website 3. Use the Classroom Response Questions provided in PowerPoint to assess students prior to lecture 2012 Education, Inc. 2012 Education, Inc. 2012 Education, Inc. PowerPoint Slides 2124 Suggestion for Classroom Activities Give students 3 ( 5 index cards and have them write out their thoughts on what makes a good nurse, what kinds of things they will do to demonstrate excellence in their practice, and how they will evaluate themselves to determine whether they are doing a good job after they graduate from nursing school. Have students write their name on the back of the index card (or they can use some type of code so no one knows who wrote what) and collect the cards. Return these cards to students before graduating and suggest they keep it in their wallet with their license to remind themselves of what they value and find important. Suggestion for Classroom Activities Have students introduce themselves to the person sitting next to them. Ask them to learn all they can about this person, including why they chose to enter nursing and where they hope to work after graduation. After 5 to 10 minutes have each student introduce the person they met to the rest of the class. PowerPoint Slides 2930 PowerPoint Slides 2728 PowerPoint Slides 2526 Figure 1.1Sample time management schedule. PowerPoint Slides 2829 Suggestion for Classroom Activities Have students describe how they picture the clinical experience and what concerns they may have about their first day. Describe the facility where they will go, if it is already known, and what types of clients they will be assigned. If possible, arrange for students to talk with the group who just completed their first clinical rotation and encourage the more senior students to describe the support and supervision provided to them. Reinforce the need for client safety and the importance of never doing something because they think its the right thing to do. Its never too soon to start teaching students that if they arent sure how to proceed, they must ask. PowerPoint Slides 3031 PowerPoint Slides 3031 Suggestion for Classroom Activities Discuss test anxiety and strategies for overcoming it with students. Tell them you are going to conduct an experiment and ask for a volunteer from the audience who will be asked to add a column of six numbers. Have the student sit at the front of the class and give the student the list of numbers to add together (preferably without a calculator, but a calculator may be used if necessary). Then provide the student with another list, but while he or she is trying to add the list whisper in a stage whisper into the students ear I know youre going to get the wrong answer. This problem is way too tough for you to solve. You are in way over your head and other negative comments. Use this experiment as a way of explaining to the class that negative self-talk is self-defeating and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Emphasize the importance of developing positive self-talk as a way of improving testing ability and reducing test anxiety. MyNursingKit ( Websites NCLEX questions Case studies Animations and videos Student Workbook and Resource Guide Chapter 1 activities Separate purchase Classroom Response Question PowerPoints Testbank u/Ai@u3h0NLVz2O

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