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Ch20 Middle America Land of the Shaking Earth.docx

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Chapter 20 Joysheet Middle America: Land of the Shaking Earth 1. In Mexican history, the “Spanish era” ended in: a. 1770 b. 1792 c. 1808 d. 1821 e. 1846 2. Thirty percent of Mexico’s population is composed of: a. Europeans b. Mestizos c. Mulattos d. Indigenas e. Creoles 3. Many of Mexico’s larger cities were founded as _____-mining camps. a. Silver b. Gold c. Copper d. Nickel e. Tin 4. Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata led the: a. Mexican Revolution of 1810-1821 b. Zapatista Army for National Liberation c. Captaincy-General of Guatemala d. Sandinistas e. Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920 5. Which of these statements most closely characterizes land reform in Mexico? a. The abolition of private land ownership except for small plots b. Tax breaks to encourage haciendas to increase their efficiency c. Expropriation and redistribution of land from large haciendas d. The sale of communal farmlands and ejidos to nationalized agricultural companies e. Seizure of company-owned agricultural land, transferring ownership to the state 6. The San Andres Accords: a. Gave autonomy to many Maya communities in southern Mexico b. Granted the Central American Federation’s independence from Mexico c. Transferred large amounts of land in Mexico’s north to the United States d. Ended Spanish control over Mexico in 1821 e. Transferred U.S. control over the Panama Canal back to Panama 7. The Zapatistas rebelled against Mexico City to: a. Gain autonomy from the central government b. Protest the government’s plans to increase tourism in their region c. Denounce the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement d. Obtain greater control over land and resources e. All of the above 8. Four-fifths of all Mexicans live: a. Along the seacoasts b. In the Mexico City metropolitan area c. On the Mexican Plateau d. South of the Tropic of Cancer e. In the tierra templada 9. In 2004, Mexico was the _____-largest foreign oil supplier to the United States. a. Second b. Third c. Fourth d. Fifth 10. Which of these cities is not in Mexico’s core region? a. Guadalajara b. Puebla c. León d. Monterrey e. Ecatepec 11. The centers of basins in Central Mexico often contain: a. Volcanic soils b. Swamp lands c. Large cities d. Tropical forests e. Silver mines 12. Mexico City has dreadful _____ because of _____. a. Traffic; lack of mass transit systems b. Air pollution; thermal inversions c. Unemployment; maquiladora closings d. Flooding; Lake Texcoco 13. Which Central American country borders the largest number of other countries? a. Belize b. Guatemala c. Honduras d. El Salvador e. Nicaragua 14. Central America’s largest export is: a. Bananas b. Cotton c. Coffee d. Sugarcane e. Rubber 15. Which of these countries has the highest percentage of white population? a. Belize b. El Salvador c. Cuba d. Mexico e. Costa Rica 16. The Nicaraguan government was overthrown in 1979 by the: a. Somozas b. Contras c. CIA d. Sandinistas e. Zapatistas 17. El Salvador’s civil war started after: a. Land was redistributed to peasants b. An invasion by Guatemala c. A military coup d. A Native American uprising e. Private industry was taken over by the state 18. The United Fruit Company played an important role in which country’s civil war? a. Honduras b. El Salvador c. Guatemala d. Nicaragua e. Panama 19. What fact is most relevant to Costa Rica’s relatively peaceful history? a. The lack of notable mineral deposits in the country b. The small budget Costa Rica’s military receives c. Costa Rica’s strong efforts to preserve its natural landscape d. The lack of a powerful landed aristocracy e. Costa Rica’s distance from the center of colonial government 20. How did Panama receive independence? a. A war of independence with Spain in the 1840s b. Panama broke away from the Central American Federation in 1839 c. Panama broke away from Colombia in 1903 with U.S. assistance d. A treaty with Spain in return for Spanish rights to build a canal e. A Panamanian uprising against Colombia after the U.S. defeated Colombian forces 21. The least urban country in Central America is: a. Belize b. Guatemala c. Honduras d. El Salvador e. Nicaragua 22. The “banana war” of the 1990s broke out between: a. The United States and the European Union b. The United States and Central America c. Central America and CARICOM d. The European Union and CARICOM 23. Before the Panama Canal was built, which country was the primary focus for a canal? a. Colombia b. Costa Rica c. Honduras d. Nicaragua e. Mexico 24. Cuba’s main export crop is: a. Cotton b. Sugarcane c. Coffee d. Tobacco e. None of the above 25. Which of these is not one of the Bahama islands? a. Grand Cayman b. Great Exuma c. Great Inagua d. Great Abaco e. Grand Bahama 26. More than 90 percent of what country has been deforested, especially its valuable mahogany trees? a. Cuba b. Haiti c. Jamaica d. El Salvador e. Belize 27. Which of these statements about the Caribbean is false? a. After slavery was abolished most Jamaican blacks migrated from the lowlands to the mountainous interior of the island b. After seizing all privately owned farmland in 1959, only one-third of Cuba’s agricultural land now belongs to the state c. Haiti’s small economy is based largely on subsistence agriculture rather than crops grown for export d. The island of Trinidad pumps great quantities of oil, which is shipped to other Caribbean islands and the United States for refinement e. The capital of the Dominican Republic is the oldest continually inhabited European city in the New World 28. Forty percent of the population of Trinidad and Tobago is descended from immigrants from which country? a. Great Britain b. Spain c. Nigeria d. India e. Venezuela True-False Questions 1. All goods made in maquiladoras are assembled from imported parts and manufactured solely for export. FALSE 2. The Mexican “Maya Riviera” is located on the east coast of the Yucatan. TRUE 3. Belize City, Guatemala City, and Panama City are all national capitals. FALSE 4. In 2004, U.S. policy labeled Haitian immigrants as a threat to national security. TRUE

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