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Geology Matter and Minerals.docx

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Essentials of Geology Matter and Minerals 1) Which of the following best defines a mineral and a rock? A) A rock has an orderly, repetitive, geometrical, internal arrangement of minerals; a mineral is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of rocks. B) A mineral consists of its constituent atoms arranged in a geometrically repetitive structure; in a rock, the atoms are randomly bonded without any geometric pattern. C) In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure; a rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains. D) A rock consists of atoms bonded in a regular, geometrically predictable arrangement; a mineral is a consolidated aggregate of different rock particles. Answer: C 2) Which of the following is not a fundamental particle found in atoms? A) neutron B) selectron C) electron D) protons Answer: B 3) Atoms of the same element, zinc for example, have the same number of ________. A) electrons in the nucleus B) protons in the nucleus C) neutrons in the outer nuclear shell D) electrons in the valence bond level Answer: B 4) Which of the following is an accurate description of ionic bonding? A) Nuclei of bonding atoms exchange electrons; the resulting ions are bonded together by the attractive forces between the negative and positive nucleons. B) Atoms of two different elements share electrons and protons; the resulting compound is bonded together by the strong, binding energy of shared protons. C) Nuclei of two different atoms share electrons, and the resulting compound is tightly bonded by the very strong, induced, electronuclear bonds. D) Atoms of different elements, having gained or lost electrons, form negative and positive ions that are bonded together by attractive forces between ions with opposite charges. Answer: D 5) Which of the following is correct for isotopes of the same element? A) The atoms have different numbers of protons and the same number of neutrons. B) The atoms have the same number of electrons and different numbers of protons. C) The atoms have different numbers of neutrons and the same number of protons. D) The atoms have different numbers of electrons but the same number of neutrons. Answer: C 6) What mineral is the hardest known substance in nature? A) silicate B) native gold C) diamond D) muscovite Answer: C 7) Which carbonate mineral reacts readily with cool, dilute hydrochloric acid to produce visible bubbles of carbon dioxide gas? A) calcite B) quartz C) dolomite D) plagioclase Answer: A 8) Which mineral is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2)? A) calcite B) diamond C) olivine D) quartz Answer: D 9) Which of the following minerals is a silicate? A) hematite B) muscovite C) calcite D) halite Answer: B 10) A cubic centimeter of quartz, olivine, and gold weigh 2.5, 3.0, and 19.8 grams respectively. This indicates that ________. A) gold has a higher density and specific gravity than quartz and olivine B) gold is 6 to 7 times harder than olivine and quartz C) gold and olivine are silicates, quartz is elemental silicon D) olivine and quartz powders are harder than metallic gold Answer: A 11) Which one of the following is a sodium and calcium feldspar with twinning striations? A) orthoclase B) microcline C) plagioclase D) sanidine Answer: C 12) Which of the following minerals is a ferromagnesian silicate? A) quartz B) orthoclase C) hornblende D) muscovite Answer: C 13) Which of the following minerals is in the mineral group known as mica? A) orthoclase B) muscovite C) augite D) olivine Answer: B 14) Which of the following best characterizes ferromagnesian silicates? A) They contain iron and magnetite, are black in color, and they have metallic lusters. B) They are black to dark-green silicate minerals containing iron and magnesium. C) They contain magnetite and ferroite, and they are clear to light green. D) They are mostly clear, colorless, and rich in the elements magnesium and ferrium. Answer: B 15) Which one of the following mineral groups exhibits a sheet-like silicate structure? A) carbonates B) pyroxenes C) clays D) feldspars Answer: C 16) Which one of the following is a typical product of weathering? A) micasmicas B) ferromagnesians C) feldspars D) clays Answer: D 17) The ion at the center of a silicate tetrahedron is surrounded by ________. A) 4 oxygen ions B) 6 oxygen ions C) 4 sodium ions D) 6 sodium ions Answer: A 18) Which one of the following describes a mineral's response to mechanical impact? A) luster B) cleavage C) streak D) crystal form Answer: B 19) Which of the following denotes the purity of gold used in jewelry? A) carnot B) carette C) karat D) carlot Answer: D 20) Ruby and sapphire are red and blue forms of the mineral ________. A) diamond B) turquoise C) emerald D) corundum Answer: D 21) All silicate minerals contain which two elements? A) iron, silicon B) silicon, sodium C) oxygen, carbon D) silicon, oxygen Answer: D 22) What element is the most abundant in the Earth's crust by weight? A) carbon B) chlorine C) oxygen D) sodium Answer: C 23) The strong tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth, parallel planes is known as ________. A) streak B) cleavage C) cracking luster D) crystal form Answer: B 24) What in the name given to an atom that gains or loses electrons in a chemical reaction? A) molecule B) ion C) isotope D) nucleon Answer: B 25) An atom's mass number is 13 and its atomic number is 6. How many neutrons are in its nucleus? A) 19 B) 7 C) 13 D) 6 Answer: B Bloom's: Applying 26) Which one of the following is not true for minerals? A) They have a specific, internal, crystalline structure. B) They can be a liquid, solid, or glass. C) They have a specific, predictable chemical composition. D) They can be identified by characteristic physical properties. Answer: B 27) In which type of chemical bonding are electrons shared between adjacent atoms? A) ionic B) subatomic C) covalent D) isotopic Answer: C 28) How do the electrons behave in a mineral with metallic bonding? A) They are tightly bound to certain atoms and cannot readily move. B) They can move relatively easily from atom to atom inside the mineral. C) They react with protons to make neutrons in the outer valence shells. D) They move to adjacent negative ions, forming positive ions. Answer: B 29) Which group of minerals are the most abundant in the Earth's crust? A) sulfides B) carbonates C) silicates D) chlorides Answer: C Chapter Subhead: 2.6 Mineral Groups 30) Which the following denotes the massive, positively charged, nuclear particles? A) protons B) electrons C) isotrons D) neutrons Answer: A 31) What are the lightest or least massive of the basic atomic particles? A) uranium nuclei B) protons C) electrons D) neutrons Answer: C 32) Which of the following has the highest specific gravity? A) wood B) water C) gold D) quartz Answer: C Bloom's: Applying 33) Which of the following will react readily with acids such as hydrochloric? A) calcite B) quartz C) diamond D) talc Answer: A 34) Which of the following describes the light reflecting and transmission characteristics of a mineral? A) luster B) color streak C) virtual absorption D) fluorescence Answer: A 35) What is the name of dark-colored mica? A) calcite B) biotite C) quartz D) olivine Answer: B 36) Hornblende and the other amphiboles have what type of silicate structure? A) metallic B) sheet C) 3-D framework D) double chains Answer: D Word Analysis. Examine the words and/or phrases for each question below and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the option which does not fit the pattern. 37) a. electron b. atom c. proton d. neutron Answer: b 38) a. hardness b. streak c. luster d. cleavage Answer: c 39) a. quartz b. olivine c. feldspar d. calcite Answer: d ; 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals Bloom's: Applying 40) a. olivine b. quartz c. amphibole d. pyroxene Answer: b Bloom's: Applying 41) a. galena b. calcite c. gypsum d. halite Answer: a Chapter Subhead: 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals Bloom's: Applying 42) Calcite and dolomite are both carbonate minerals. Answer: TRUE Chapter Subhead: 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals Bloom's: Applying 43) Rocks are aggregates of one or more minerals. Answer: TRUE 44) Mineral luster is broadly classified as either being metallic or opaque. Answer: FALSE 45) Electrically neutral atoms have equal numbers of electrons and protons. Answer: TRUE 46) Rock-forming silicate minerals have higher specific gravities than water. Answer: TRUE Bloom's: Applying 47) In a silicon-oxygen structural unit, silicon atoms occupy corners of a tetrahedron. Answer: FALSE 48) Calcite and halite react with dilute acids to evolve carbon dioxide. Answer: FALSE , Applying 49) All atoms of the same element have the same atomic number. Answer: TRUE 50) Orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars have quite different forms of cleavage. Answer: FALSE 51) Diamond and quartz are both minerals composed of a single element. Answer: FALSE ; 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals 52) The micas, biotite and muscovite, both exhibit one direction of cleavage. Answer: TRUE , Figure 2.24 53) Nonmetallic minerals like quartz and gypsum have no industrial uses. Answer: FALSE Chapter Subhead: 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals 54) Ferromagnesian silicate minerals contain some magnesium and/or iron. Answer: TRUE 55) Positive ions are atoms that have gained electrons during a chemical reaction. Answer: FALSE 56) Isotopes of the same element have the same mass number. Answer: FALSE 57) Moh's hardness scale is a relative measure of which physical property of minerals? Answer: hardness 58) What physical property denotes the color of a powdered mineral? Answer: streak 59) The physical property denoting a mineral's tendency to crack along parallel, planar surfaces is known as what? Answer: cleavage 60) What is the hardest mineral known? Answer: diamond 61) What is the chemical composition of graphite and diamond? Answer: carbon Chapter Subhead: 2.9 Important Nonsilicate Minerals 62) In atoms, which electrons are involved in chemical bonding? Answer: valence 63) A compound is a stable chemical substance composed of two or more what? Answer: elements 64) What is the dominant form of chemical bonding exhibited by minerals such as native gold, native copper and copper-rich sulfides? Answer: metallic 65) What two major characteristics differentiate minerals from natural glasses? Answer: solid, internal arrangement of atoms Bloom's: Applying 66) Most glasses and some minerals exhibit a type of fracture characterized by nested and curved, crack surfaces. What term describes this property? Answer: conchoidal 67) Parallel, straight, linear imperfections visible on the cleavage surfaces of plagioclase feldspar are called what? Answer: striations 68) What is the smallest particle of matter that exhibits and defines the distinctive chemical characteristics of the individual elements? Answer: atom 69) What ferromagnesian silicate mineral is named for its green color? Answer: olivine 70) What mineral group forms by the breakdown and weathering of rock-forming silicate minerals and are important constituents of soils? Answer: clays Critical thinking and discussion questions. Use complete sentences, correct spelling, and the information presented in Chapter 2 to answer the questions below. 71) Overall, the physical properties of minerals provide a reliable means to identify common minerals. However, certain properties can exhibit a range of characteristics or values making them less useful for identification purposes. Choose three physical properties that might vary considerably between samples of the same mineral and explain why such variability would exist. Bloom's: Applying, Evaluating 72) Based on the brief discussion of chemistry and chemical bonding in chapter 2, why do minerals rarely exhibit pure chemical compositions (100% always the same chemical composition)? Bloom's: Evaluating 73) Considering the composition and structure of Earth discussed in chapter 1, do you think all of the possible silicate (and even mineral) structures have been identified by scientists? Discuss why or why not. Also, does this same reasoning apply to all possible chemical elements of Earth? Diff: 3 Bloom's: Analyzing, Evaluating 74) Label the various parts of an atom in the diagram below. Answer: See Figure 2.4A in chapter 2 of the Essentials of Geology, 11e textbook 75) Fill in the table below on silicate minerals Answer: (a) none (b) pyroxene group - augite (c) amphibole group - hornblende (d) two planes at 60 and 120 degrees

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