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Week 13 - Nutrition and Aging

Michigan State University : MSU
Uploaded: 7 years ago
Contributor: onerka
Category: Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Week 13 - Nutrition and Aging.ppt (3.39 MB)
Credit Cost: 4
Views: 180
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Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Copyright 2008 Thomson Wadsworth Publishing PowerPoint Lectures for Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, eleventh edition Frances Sizer and Ellie Whitney Lectures by Judy Kaufman, Ph.D. Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level NUTRITION AGING Milly Ryan-Harshman, PhD, RD Elderly Population Elderly Income Food Security How will you age In what ways do you expect your appearance to change as you age Will you be independent What will your sex life be like How many friends will you have Will you be happy People who reach old age in good health most often Are nonsmokers Drink alcohol moderately Are highly physically active Maintain a healthy body weight Nutrition in the Later Years Energy and Activity Energy and Activity Cross sections of two thighs Energy and Activity These players of chair volleyball are working their upper bodies and having fun, while remaining seated. Protein Needs Protein needs remain about the same for older people as for young adults. Choose low-fat, fibre-rich protein foods to help control other health problems. Carbohydrates and Fiber Generous carbohydrate intakes are recommended for older adults. Including fibre in the diet is important to avoid constipation. Fats and Arthritis C Vitamin Needs Water and the Minerals - Water and the Minerals Adults of all ages need 6 to 8 cups of fluid each day. Iron Zinc Zinc deficiencies are also common. Zinc deficiency can depress the appetite and blunt the sense of taste, leading to low food intakes and worsening zinc status. Calcium Calcium absorption declines with age and people fail to consume enough calcium-rich foods. Calcium Can Nutrition Help People to Live Longer Lifestyle factors can make a difference in aging. In rats and other species, food energy deprivation may lengthen the lives of individuals. Claims for life extension through antioxidants or other supplements are common hoaxes. Food Choices of Older Adults S S Obstacles to Adequacy Programs that Help Assistance programs can help by providing nutritious meals, offering opportunities for social interactions, and easing financial problems. Shared meals can be the high point of the day. Food Feature Single Survival and Nutrition on the Run Singles of all ages face problems ranging from selection of restaurant foods to the purchasing, storing, and preparing of food from the grocery store. Food Feature Single Survival and Nutrition on the Run 4 4 Controversy Nutrient-Drug Interactions Who Should Be Concerned Prescription and over-the-counter medicines can have unintended consequences. Controversy Nutrient-Drug Interactions Who Should Be Concerned Medicines and Nutrition Medicines and Nutrition Absorption of Drugs and Nutrients Absorption of Drugs and Nutrients Caffeine Illicit Drugs Personal Strategy

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