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Management Accounting How Information Supports Decision Making.docx

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Management Accounting How Management Accounting Information Supports Decision Making Objective 1 1) Management accounting is subject to the rules formulated by standard setters such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Answer: FALSE Explanation: Financial accounting is subject to the rules of the FASB. Terms: management accounting 2) Management accounting information is primarily oriented to external stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, regulators, and tax authorities. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Management accounting information is primarily oriented to management. Terms: management accounting 3) The International Accounting Standards Board sets the guidelines used for management accounting. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Financial accounting must be consistent with the rules of the IASB. Terms: International Accounting Standards Board 4) A good management accounting system can become a source of competitive advantage for a company. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 5) Management accounting information is sometimes predictive and forward looking. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 6) Management accounting has no prescribed rules about its content, how the content is to be developed, and how the content is to be presented. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 7) The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board sets cost accounting standards for all federal government activities. Answer: TRUE Terms: Government Accounting Standards Board 8) Management accounting measures can provide advance warnings of problems. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 9) Information about customer satisfaction is an example of financial information. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Information about customer satisfaction is an example of nonfinancial information. Terms: nonfinancial information 10) Management accounting information can be used for all of the following except: A) calculate the cost of a product or service. B) evaluate the performance of a company. C) project materials needs. D) evaluate the market price of the stock. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 11) Which of the following types of information are used in management accounting? A) financial information B) nonfinancial information C) information focused on the long term D) All of the above are correct. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 12) Management accounting: A) is both retrospective, providing feedback about past operations, and also prospective, incorporating forecasts and estimates about future events. B) is primarily oriented to external stakeholders. C) must be consistent with rules formulated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). D) provides information that is generally available only on a quarterly or annual basis. Answer: A Terms: management accounting 13) Which of the following descriptors refer to management accounting information? A) It is only retrospective, reporting and summarizing in financial terms the results of past decisions and transactions. B) It is driven by rules. C) It is prepared for shareholders. D) It is oriented to meeting the decision making needs of employees and managers inside the organization. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 14) Which of the following would be considered management accounting information? A) Budgeted production for the year 2011. B) Budgeted Balance Sheet. C) Analysis of trend in stock prices. D) Both budgeted production for the year of 2011, and the budgeted balance sheet. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 15) Management accounting information includes all of the following except: A) tabulated results of customer satisfaction surveys. B) the cost of producing a product. C) the percentage of units produced that is defective. D) market price of the stock. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 16) Management accounting reports might include information about: A) customer complaints. B) net income for the year on budgeted income statement. C) total assets on budgeted balance sheet. D) All of the above are correct. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 17) The person MOST likely to use management accounting information is a(n): A) banker evaluating a credit application. B) shareholder evaluating a stock investment. C) governmental taxing authority. D) assembly department supervisor. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 18) Which of the following is NOT a function of a management accounting system? A) strategic development B) financial reporting C) control D) product costing Answer: B Terms: management accounting 19) Financial accounting: A) focuses on the future and includes activities such as preparing next year's operating budget. B) does not need to comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). C) is primarily oriented to external stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, regulators and tax authorities. D) is prepared for the use of department heads and other employees. Answer: C Terms: financial accounting 20) The person MOST likely to use ONLY financial accounting information is a: A) factory shift supervisor. B) vice president of operations. C) current shareholder. D) department manager. Answer: C Terms: financial accounting 21) Historically, management accounting innovations have been developed by: A) the International Accounting Standards Board. B) the Cost Accounting Standards Board. C) Academic accountants. D) Managers. Answer: D Terms: management accounting 22) In general, it was not until the 1970s that management accounting systems: A) were improved because of demands by the FASB and the SEC. B) stagnated and proved inadequate. C) started to develop innovations in costing and performance-measurement systems due to intense pressure from overseas competitors. D) started to address the decision-making needs of managers. Answer: C Terms: management accounting 23) Financial accounting information: A) provides a signal that something is wrong. B) identifies what is wrong. C) explains what is wrong. D) simply summarizes information but gives no indication that anything is wrong. Answer: A Terms: financial accounting 24) The regulatory authority responsible for formulating rules of United States GAAP is: A) the Financial Accounting Standards Board. B) the Cost Accounting Standards Board. C) the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. D) the International Accounting Standards Board. Answer: A Terms: financial accounting, FASB 25) Management accounting information is BEST described as: A) providing a signal that something is wrong. B) identifying and helping to explain what is wrong. C) simply summarizing information, but giving no indication that anything is wrong. D) measuring overall organizational performance. Answer: B Terms: management accounting 26) Compare and contrast the users and uses of management accounting and financial accounting. Answer: Management accounting provides information to internal decision makers of the business such as line supervisors, division managers and top executives. Its purpose is to help managers plan, organize, control and make operating decisions by predicting future results and evaluating performance. Financial accounting provides information to external decision makers such as investors and creditors. Its purpose is to present a fair picture of the financial condition of the company for use by these parties in making investing and credit decisions. Terms: management accounting, financial accounting 27) What is the purpose of management accounting? Answer: Management accounting gathers short-term and long-term financial and nonfinancial information to plan, coordinate, motivate, improve, control, and evaluate success factors of an organization. Management accounting converts data into usable information that supports planning, organizing, and control decision making. Terms: management accounting Objective 2 1) During the history of management accounting, innovations were developed to address the decision-making needs of managers. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 2) A key element in any organization's strategy is to identify its target customers and to deliver what those target customers want. Answer: TRUE Terms: strategy 3) Management accounting innovations are usually developed by academics. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Management accounting innovations are usually developed by management accountants in the field. Terms: management accounting 4) The first modern industry to develop and use large quantities of financial statistics to assess and monitor organizational performance was: A) steel companies. B) lumber companies. C) the railroads. D) automobile companies. Answer: C Terms: financial information 5) Which of the following companies is a service company? A) Lands' End B) Schwinn Bicycles C) Orkin Pest Control D) British Petroleum Answer: C Terms: service companies 6) Historically, service companies have: A) operated in less competitive environments than manufacturing companies. B) enjoyed global customer demand. C) used management accounting information in much the same way as manufacturing companies. D) competed by managing costs to provide the best service at the lowest price. Answer: A Terms: service companies 7) The Hawthorne study revealed that: A) individuals alter their behavior when they know they are being studied. B) groups alter their behavior when they know they are being studied. C) People react when they are being measured. D) All of the above are correct. Answer: D Terms: nonfinancial information, Hawthorne study 8) _______ helped develop the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. A) Hawthorne B) Deming. C) Carnegie D) Ford Answer: D Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 9) Describe the steps in the PDCA cycle. Answer: The Plan step of the PCDA cycle defines the organization's purpose and selects the focus and scope of its strategy. The Do step of the PDCA cycle involves the implementation of a chosen course of action. In this setting, management accounting information gets communicated to front-line and support employees to inform their daily decisions and work activities. The check step in the PDCA cycle includes two components — measuring and monitoring ongoing performance and taking short-term actions based on the measured performance. In the Act step of the PDCA cycle, managers take actions to lower costs, change resource allocations, improve the quality, cycle time and flexibility of processes, modify the product mix, change customer relationships, and redesign and introduce new products. Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 10) What role has the increasingly competitive business environment played in the development of management accounting? Answer: The competitive environment has changed dramatically. There has been a deregulation movement in North America and Europe during the 1970s and 1980s that changed the ground rules under which service companies operate. In addition, organizations encountered severe competition from overseas companies that offered high-quality products at low prices. There has been an improvement of operational control systems such that information is more current and provided more frequently. Employees need better management accounting information and accurate and timely information to improve the activities they perform and to make decisions. Employees also want innovations in management accounting information. Nonfinancial information has become a critical feedback measure. Finally, the focus of many firms is now on measuring and managing activities. Terms: financial accounting, management accounting Objective 3 1) At the highest level strategic planning involves choosing a strategy that provides the best fit between the organization's environment and its internal resources in order to achieve the organization's objectives. Answer: TRUE Terms: strategy 2) Quality is the degree of conformance between what the customer is promised and what the customer receives. Answer: TRUE Terms: quality 3) Government and nonprofit organizations, as well as profit-seeking enterprises, are feeling the pressures for improved performance. Answer: TRUE Terms: government and nonprofit organizations 4) Management accounting information allows managers to compare actual and planned costs and to identify areas and opportunities for process improvement. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 5) Management accounting can provide information on customer satisfaction. Answer: TRUE Terms: management accounting 6) Planning activities include all of the following except: A) estimate the cost and profit consequences from a course of action. B) evaluating the quality of the service provided. C) projecting labor requirements. D) budgeting. Answer: B Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 7) The most important factor in successful organizations is: A) weaknesses. B) competition. C) strategy. D) definition of quality. Answer: C Terms: strategy 8) A key element of any organization's strategy is identifying: A) its potential shareholders. B) its target customers. C) competitor's products. D) employee needs. Answer: B Terms: strategy 9) Explain the role of management accounting in helping an enterprise develop and implement its strategy. Answer: The organization needs management accounting information to help implement the strategy, allocate resources for the strategy, communicate the strategy, and link employees and operational processes to achieve the strategy. As the strategy gets executed, management accounting information provides feedback about where it is working and where it is not, and guides actions to improve the performance from the strategy.. Terms: management accounting, strategy Objective 4 1) Quality expert, W. Edwards Deming, helped develop and disseminate the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle. Answer: TRUE Terms: plan-do-act cycle 2) Many organizations start the planning stage by re-affirming or updating its mission statement. Answer: TRUE Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 3) Operating profit is an example of nonfinancial information. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Operating profit is an example of financial information. Terms: financial information 4) The check step in the PDCA cycle includes two components — measuring and monitoring ongoing performance and taking short-term actions based on the measured performance. Answer: TRUE Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 5) Which of the following best represents the Plan step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle? A) Take actions to lower costs, change resource allocations, improve the quality, cycle time and flexibility of processes, modify the product mix, change customer relationships, and redesign and introduce new products.. B) Measure and monitor ongoing performance and take short-term actions based on the measured performance. C) Define the organization's purpose and select the focus and scope of its strategy. . D) Implement the chosen course of action. Answer: C Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 6) Which of the following best represents the Do step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle?. A) Take actions to lower costs, change resource allocations, improve the quality, cycle time and flexibility of processes, modify the product mix, change customer relationships, and redesign and introduce new products. B) Measure and monitor ongoing performance and take short-term actions based on the measured performance. C) Define the organization's purpose and select the focus and scope of its strategy. D) Implement the chosen course of action. Answer: D Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 7) Which of the following best represents the Check step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle? A) Take actions to lower costs, change resource allocations, improve the quality, cycle time and flexibility of processes, modify the product mix, change customer relationships, and redesign and introduce new products. B) Measure and monitor ongoing performance and take short-term actions based on the measured performance. C) Define the organization's purpose and select the focus and scope of its strategy. D) Implement the chosen course of action. Answer: C Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 8) Which of the following best represents the Act step in the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle? A) Take actions to lower costs, change resource allocations, improve the quality, cycle time and flexibility of processes, modify the product mix, change customer relationships, and redesign and introduce new products. B) Measure and monitor ongoing performance and take short-term actions based on the measured performance. C) Define the organization's purpose and select the focus and scope of its strategy. D) Implement the chosen course of action. Answer: B Terms: plan-do-check-act cycle 9) How the customer is treated at the time of the purchase is an example of the __________ element of the value proposition. A) functionality and features B) industry standards C) quality D) service Answer: D Terms: nonfinancial information 10) Managers of service departments need all of the following information EXCEPT: A) efficiency data on work performance. B) quality data on work performance. C) profitability data of the whole company. D) profitability data of the service department. Answer: C Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 11) A national company manufactures a line of modern furniture. Information MOST useful to the employee who assembles the furniture includes: A) a daily report comparing the actual time it took to assemble a piece of furniture to the standard time allowed. B) a monthly report on the proportion of furniture pieces assembled with defects. C) the number of furniture pieces sold this month. D) revenue per employee. Answer: A Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 12) A national company manufactures a line of modern furniture. Information MOST useful to the top executive includes: A) individual job summaries of materials used. B) monthly financial reports on the company's profitability by product line. C) time reports submitted by each employee. D) scheduled downtime for routine maintenance on machines. Answer: B Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 13) A quarterly report disclosing declining market share information is MOST useful to: A) a front-line employee. B) the manager of operations. C) the chief executive officer. D) the accounting department. Answer: C Terms: financial information 14) A weekly report comparing machine time used to available machine time is information LEAST useful to: A) a front-line employee. B) the manager of operations. C) the chief executive officer. D) the accounting department. Answer: C Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 15) A daily report on the number of quality units assembled by each employee is information MOST useful to: A) a front-line assembly worker. B) the accounting department. C) the chief executive officer. D) the personnel department. Answer: A Terms: nonfinancial information 16) Which of the following would be MOST helpful for a top manager of a company? A) profitability report of the company B) information to monitor hourly and daily operations C) number of customer complaints D) operating expense summary reported by department Answer: A Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 17) A law firm would use management accounting information for all of the following decisions except: A) staffing needs. B) performance evaluation of staff. C) budgeted purchases of supplies. D) location of annual holiday party. Answer: D Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 18) Management accounting can play a critical role in the service industry because of all the following reasons EXCEPT: A) firms must be especially sensitive to the timeliness and quality of customer service. B) many employees have very little contact with customers. C) customers immediately notice defects and a delay in service. D) dissatisfied customers may never return. Answer: B Terms: management accounting The following information pertains to three divisions of Marine Industrial Coatings, Inc. (amounts in millions): Chemical Retail Paint Industrial Sales $16,000 $30,000 $120,000 Operating Income $4,000 $6,000 $40,000 Investment $320,000 $660,000 $2,000,000 19) What is the return on investment for the Chemical Division? A) 1.25% B) 2.25% C) 25.0% D) 50.00% Answer: A Terms: return on investment 20) Which division is more profitable based on ROI? A) Chemical B) Retail paint C) Industrial D) Both Chemical and Retail paint are more profitable than Industrial. Answer: C Terms: return on investment 21) What is the Return on Sales for the Retail paint division? A) 2% B) 4.5% C) 20% D) 45% Answer: C Terms: return on sales 22) For improving operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction, nonfinancial information is: A) critical. B) moderate. C) infrequently used. D) unnecessary. Answer: A Terms: nonfinancial information 23) Nonfinancial information might be used for all of the following except: A) improve product quality. B) reduce cycle times. C) satisfy customers' needs. D) All of the above are used. Answer: D Terms: nonfinancial information 24) Is financial accounting or management accounting more useful to an operations manager? Why? Answer: Management accounting is more useful to an operations manager because management accounting reports operating results by department or unit rather than for the company as a whole, it includes financial as well as nonfinancial data such as the number or percent of on-time deliveries and cycle times, and it includes quantitative as well as qualitative data such as the type of rework that was needed on defective units. It also provides information to control operations; it measures and evaluates existing systems to identify problems. Terms: financial accounting, management accounting 25) Give two examples of financial information and nonfinancial information. Answer: Financial information includes amounts that can be expressed in dollar amounts such as sales, net income, and total assets. It also includes ratios prepared using financial information such as the percentage increase in sales, return-on-sales, and return-on-investment. Nonfinancial information includes measures that are not expressed in dollar amounts. For example, nonfinancial measures of customer satisfaction include the number of repeat customers or ranked estimates of satisfaction levels. Nonfinancial measures of production quality include percent of on-time deliveries, the number of defects, and production yield. Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information Objective 5 1) The design and introduction of new measurements and systems must be accompanied by an analysis of the behavioral and organizational reactions to the measurements. Answer: TRUE Terms: nonfinancial information 2) People react when they are being measured, and they react to the measurements.. Answer: TRUE Terms: measurements 3) Information is never neutral; just the act of measuring and reporting information affects the individuals involved. Answer: TRUE Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 4) The act of simply measuring and reporting information on certain processes: A) focuses the attention of employees on those processes that are being measured. B) diverts the employee's attention to other activities that are not being measured. C) disproves the saying "What gets measured gets managed." D) has no effect on employee behavior. Answer: A Terms: nonfinancial information 5) Which statement below is FALSE? A) "What gets measured gets managed." B) People react to measurements. C) Employees spend more attention on those variables that are not getting measured. D) "If I can't measure it, I can't manage it." Answer: C Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 6) When a change is introduced, employees tend to: A) embrace the change. B) be indifferent to the change. C) exhibit no change in behavior. D) resist the change. Answer: D Terms: nonfinancial information 7) The introduction of a new management accounting system is MOST likely to motivate UNWANTED employee behavior when it is used for: A) evaluation. B) planning. C) decision making. D) coordinating individual efforts. Answer: A Terms: nonfinancial information 8) Management accountants are MOST likely to feel outside pressure to influence the numbers favorably when the information is used for: A) budgeting. B) compensation and promotions. C) continuous improvement. D) product costing. Answer: B Terms: financial information, nonfinancial information 9) Fostering a culture of high ethical standards includes all of the following EXCEPT: A) following the good example set by senior management. B) communicating to employees a belief system that inspires and promotes commitment to the organization's core values. C) following the general examples set by front-line employees. D) communicating to all employees a boundary system that states what actions will not be tolerated. Answer: C Terms: nonfinancial information 10) The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA): A) is a professional organization of management accountants. B) is a professional organization of financial accountants. C) issues standards for management accounting. D) a professional organization of management accountants that issues standards for management accounting. Answer: D Terms: Institute of Management Accountants 11) Discuss the potential behavior implications of performance evaluation. Answer: As measurements are made on operations and, especially, on individuals and groups, the behavior of the individuals and groups are affecte.D People react to the measurements being made. They will focus on those variables or the behavior being measured and spend less attention on variables and behavior that are not measured. Managers and employees may take unexpected and undesirable actions to influence the score on performance measure. For example, managers may skip discretionary expenses in order to increase their bonus. Terms: performance evaluation

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