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Programming in Java.docx

Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: bio_man
Category: Computer Science
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Programming in Java Multiple Choice Questions Methods can be added to objects to move objects to define behavior to rotate objects to turn objects Answer: b move and turn are examples of built-in methods custom methods functions to manipulate objects all of the above Answer: a A variable is a name that represents a value reference to the memory location that holds a value both a) and b) none of the above Answer: c Variable declaration defines only the name of the variable an address in the memory the type of data the variable can hold both a) and c) Answer: d Numeric data types include: integers only characters and strings integers and floating point type only floating point type Answer: c A variable of a Boolean data type can hold any numeric values characters a true or false value all of the above Answer: c A variable declared in a method is called global data local data formal data actual data Answer: b A mathematical expression is a combination of operands and operators values variables parameters Answer: a Expression allows you to change the object’s behavior speed up the programming process calculate new values dynamically from current values a) and c) Answer: d The purpose of the function random number is only to get a random number between 0 and 1 to make an object behave differently to stop the animation at a random time all of the above Answer: b The function random number accepts parameters that define a maximum generated number’s value specify how many numbers need to be generated specify the range of the random number generated define a minimum generated number’s value Answer: c A Boolean parameter in the random number function specifies how many numbers need to be generated what is the data type of a generated number how generated numbers will be used the range of numbers generated Answer: b A method’s parameter can be only of the numeric data type any data type except object any data type including object only character data type Answer: c The number of parameters that the method can contain is only one usually two or three not more than three as many as needed Answer: d The parameters of a method cannot be changed within the method cannot be a constant makes the method useful in many situations all of the above Answer: c True or False Questions The most efficient approach to building a program is to develop one method that controls the entire animation. Answer: False Methods can be developed to define additional behavior for objects. Answer: True Code can be better organized if the programmer defines an appropriate set of methods. Answer: True A variable is a value that changes. Answer: False A variable can be used anywhere in the program, even before the declaration. Answer: False A variable declared in a method can only be used in that method. Answer: True Expressions can be used for calculations and use the current values of variables. Answer: True The random number generation program can only produce numbers within the range 0 to 1. Answer: False Only one or two parameters can be accepted by a method. Answer: False Parameters can have only numeric values. Answer: False Short Answer Questions 1) _______ define behaviors for objects. Answer: Methods Multiple methods allow you to better control the entire _______. Answer: animation Methods can consist of several _____ to other methods. Answer: calls Each variable must have a _____ that is a reference to its memory location. Answer: name ________ and ______ _____ are two types of numeric data that a variable can hold. Answer: integer, floating point Object properties are managed using ________. Answer: variables Variables declared within the method are called _____ variables. Answer: local All variables used in the method must be ________. Answer: declared An expression is a combination of ________ and _________. Answer: operators, operands Current values of variables can be used in a __________ _________ to calculate the value of another variable Answer: mathematical expression Methods used for object manipulation are either _______ or _________. Answer: built-in, custom The random number function generates numbers within the ____ , and it is controlled by some parameters accepted by that function. Answer: range To make an object behave differently over time, the programmer needs to make some parameter _______. Answer: random Writing methods based on the parameters’ values passed to them makes them more _____. Answer: useful For every parameter added to a method, _____ and _____ need to be specified. Answer: name, type

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