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CHAPTER 11: NERVOUS SYSTEM II: DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) OBJECTIVES: 1. Outline the major divisions of the nervous system. 2. Discuss how the organs of the central nervous system (CNS) are protected in terms of bones, membranes and fluid. 3. Name the three meninges and discuss the differences between how they are structured around the brain and spinal cord. 4. Name the space that lies between two of the meninges surrounding both the brain and spinal cord, and name the fluid that fills this space. 5. Name the additional space that is found around the spinal cord, and name the fluid that fills this space. 6. Define the term meningitis. 7. Discuss the external structure of the spinal cord in terms of its length, start, end, number of segments, and enlarged areas. 8. Name the terminal point of the spinal cord, the term used for how the remaining spinal nerves appear, and the point at which they terminate. 9. Fully discuss the cross-sectional anatomy of the spinal cord. 10. Name the cells that line the central canal and identify the fluid that fills the central canal. 11. Distinguish between a "horn" and a "column" in the spinal cord. 12. Explain which portion of the spinal cord is the location for the major nerve tracts, and discuss their significance. 13. Compare and contrast ascending and descending tracts. 14. Discuss the general characteristics of nerve tracts. 15. Discuss the features located on the periphery of the spinal cord in cross-section. 16. Define the term ganglion and discuss the specificities of a dorsal root ganglion. 17. Define the term nerve pathway. 18. List and discuss the components in a reflex arc. 19. Discuss the significance of reflex arcs. 20. Fully discuss the three-fold function of the nervous system. In the first sentence, name the three functions of the nervous system. Then write a paragraph discussing how and where a nerve impulse begins and name the components of a nerve pathway. Then draw a simple nerve pathway that involves three neurons (with cell parts labeled), and track (on your diagram) the transmission of a nerve impulse throughout this pathway. Finally, fully discuss how the nerve impulse begins, how it travels through each neuron, how it is transmitted between neurons, and finally, how it is transmitted to the effector. 21. Name and locate the three major regions of the brain. 22. Discuss the structure of the cerebrum in terms of its size, two major divisions, surface appearance, major grooves, and lobal divisions. 23. Identify the composition of the bulk of the cerebrum. 24. Define the term cerebral cortex and discuss its composition and significance. 25. Compare the major functional areas (sensory and motor) of the cerebral cortex in terms of location and function (a diagram may help here). 26. Explain what is meant by an association area of the cerebral cortex and name a few association traits. 27. Name the term referring to the measurement of brain activity. 28. Explain what is meant by hemisphere dominance, and name the hemisphere that is dominant in most people. 29. Define the term basal ganglia and explain their location and function. 30. Name the interconnected cavities within the cerebrum and brain stem and identify the fluid that fills these spaces and name the cells that line these spaces. 31. Name the specialized capillaries that secrete CSF and denote their location on a diagram. 32. Trace a drop of CSF from where it is secreted to where it is reabsorbed back into the blood stream. 33. Define the terms arachnoid granulations and dural sinuses. 34. Discuss the functions of CSF. 35. Discuss the two important areas of gray matter within the diencephalon, in terms of location and function. 36. Identify the three major parts of the brain stem. 37. Discuss the midbrain in terms of its location, composition and function. 38. Name the location of the pneumotaxic area of the respiratory center. 39. Discuss the importance of the medulla (oblongata). 40. Briefly explain the significance of the limbic system and reticular formation. 41. Locate the cerebellum on a diagram, and discuss its structure and function. 42. Discuss the general structure of a nerve. 43. Distinguish between a mixed, sensory, and motor nerve. 44. Name the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, designate them by Roman numeral, discuss their function, and designate them as sensory, motor, or mixed. 45. Discuss the characteristics of spinal nerves in terms of number, coverings, and composition. 46. Discuss how a spinal nerve is distributed. 47. Define the term nerve plexus and explain its significance. 48. Name the four major nerve plexuses and briefly discuss the areas that each innervates. 49. Compare the somatic and autonomic divisions of the NS in terms of motor neurons involved, the presence or absence of ganglia, neurotransmitter type, and effector type. 50. Describe the general function of the ANS. 51. Name the two major divisions of the ANS, and describe their general function. 52. Compare the length of a preganglionic and postganglionic neuron in the sympathetic and parasympathetic division of the ANS. 53. Define the term ganglion, and compare the location of sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia. 54. Explain why sympathetic ganglia are called chain ganglia. 55. Compare the origin of a sympathetic preganglionic neuron with a parasympathetic preganglionic neuron. 56. Describe the structures around the spinal cord (i.e. dorsal root, ventral root, spinal nerve, white ramus communicans, gray ramus communicans, paravertebral (chain) ganglia, and prevertebral ganglia.) 57. Explain the general preganglionic sympathetic pathway traveled by a nerve impulse to the paravertebral (chain) ganglia. 58. Explain the three different routes that a nerve impulse above may take from the paravertebral ganglia (i.e. It may synapse with the postganglionic neuron either ...) 59. Distinguish between cholinergic and adrenergic fibers (axons). 60. Define the term receptor. 61. Describe the two types of cholinergic and adrenergic receptors. 62. Compare and contrast the two divisions of the ANS in terms of their name, general function, origin of preganglionic fiber, length of preganglionic fiber, location of ganglia, and type of neurotransmitter secreted by the postganglionic fiber. I. PROTECTION OF THE CNS The brain and spinal cord are protected (surrounded) by bones, membranes, and fluid. A. Bones 1. The brain is encased by eight skull bones (i.e. cranium; name the eight bones); 2. The spinal cord is encased by 26 bones that make up the vertebral column B. Meninges The membranes around the brain and spinal cord are called "meninges"; three distinct layers. 1. Brain: See Figure 11.1, page 367. a. Dura mater ("white" in Fig 11.1): outermost membrane that is attached to the inner periosteum of the skull; tough, white fibrous CT; contains many blood vessels & nerves; Note: DM splits into two layers where it encloses the dural sinuses (that collect venous blood from the brain). b. Arachnoid Mater ("violet" in Fig 11.1): middle layer; thin net-like membrane. Beneath the arachnoid mater lies a wide space called the sub-arachnoid space. This space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serves as a cushion for the brain. c. Pia Mater ("salmon" in Fig 11.1): inner layer that clings to brain surface; very thin delicate CT; many nerves & blood vessels = nourishment; dips into grooves & contours. * See blue boxes on page 368 concerning subdural hematoma & meningitis. 2. Spinal cord: See Fig 11.2, page 368. a. Note that the dura mater is not attached to bone of the vertebra (as in the brain where it is attached to the skull). b. The space between the dura mater and the bone is called the epidural space and is filled with loose CT and fat. c. CSF fills the subarachnoid space and central canal. I. PROTECTION OF THE CNS C. Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) 1. In addition to filling the subarachnoid space, CSF fills the ventricles (interconnected cavities) within the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem. See Figure 11.3, page 369. 2. The Ventricles: a. are continuous with central canal of spinal cord; b. are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) c. are lined by ependymal cells (remember this neuroglial cell in CNS?) 3. Secretion and Circulation of CSF See Figure 11.4, page 370. a. CSF is secreted by specialized capillaries in choroid plexuses into the lateral ventricles (ventricles 1 & 2); b. CSF circulates down into the 3rd & then 4th ventricle and then into either: the central canal of spinal cord; the subarachnoid space of meninges. c. CSF is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream through arachnoid granulations that project into dural sinuses. d. CSF movement is aided by cilia of ependymal cells. CSF Total volume in above spaces = 150 mL. About 1 liter is secreted daily to replenish the circulating 150 ml every 3-4 hours. Functions: mechanical protection (i.e. cushion); chemical protection (i.e. ions, hormones); * See CA 11.1, page 371 concerning CSF pressure. II. THE SPINAL CORD The spinal cord is a nerve column that passes downward from brain into the vertebral canal. Recall that it is part of the CNS. Spinal nerves extend to/from the spinal cord and are part of the PNS. A. Structure of the Spinal Cord: Longitudinal See Fig 11.5, page 372. 1. Length = about 17 inches; a. Start = foramen magnum; b. End = tapers to point (conus medullaris) and terminates near the intervertebral disc that separates the 1st - 2nd lumbar (L1-L2) vertebra. 2. Contains 31 segments (and therefore gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves). 3. Note cervical and lumbar enlargements. 4. Note cauda equina (“horse’s tail”) in which the lower lumbar and sacral nerves travel downward (i.e. lower spinal nerves must “chase” their points of exit). 5. Note filum terminale that represents distal portion of the tail (pia mater). B. Structure of the Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional See Figure 11.6, page 373. A cross-section of the spinal cord resembles a butterfly with its wings outspread (gray matter) surrounded by white matter. 1. Gray matter or "butterfly" = bundles of (interneuron) cell bodies: a. posterior (dorsal) horns, b. lateral horns, and c. anterior (ventral) horns. 2. Note location of: a. central canal (lined by ependymal cells), b. gray commissure, c. anterior median fissure, d. posterior median sulcus. II. THE SPINAL CORD B. Structure of the Spinal Cord: Cross-Sectional 3. White matter = myelinated (interneuron) axons: a. Locations: posterior (dorsal) funiculi or white column, lateral funiculi or white column, and anterior (ventral) funiculi or white column. 4. Other Important Features: a. ventral root; b. dorsal root; dorsal root ganglion (DRG). 1. Ganglion = a bundle of cell bodies outside the CNS; 2. DRG contains the cell bodies of sensory (afferent) neurons bringing impulses to the CNS. c. The fusion of the dorsal and ventral roots designates the beginning of the spinal nerve which then passes through its intervertebral foramen. 5. Summary sketch: II. THE SPINAL CORD C. Functions of the Spinal Cord Nerve Pathway = the route traveled by a nerve impulse through the nervous system. 1. Reflex arc = the simplest demonstration of a nerve pathway See Figure 11.7, page 374. involves 2-3 neurons; involuntary response; does not involve the brain; Examples include: knee-jerk or patellar reflex (Fig 11.8, page 374) withdrawal (Fig 11.9, page 375 & Fig 11.10, page 376) sneezing blinking 2. Components of a Reflex arc: See Table 11.2, page 375. A receptor, which reacts to a stimulus; A sensory neuron, that conducts the afferent (sensory) impulses to the CNS; The integration center, consisting of one to several synapses in the CNS; A motor neuron, that conducts the efferent (motor) impulses from the CNS to an effector; An effector, the muscle fibers or gland that respond to the motor impulse by contracting or secreting a hormone. 3. Uses of Reflexes: See Clinical Application 11.2, page 377. a. to insure proper transmission of a NI from sensory receptor to effector; b. to prevent tissue damage. II. THE SPINAL CORD D. Ascending and Descending Tracts 1. The white matter of the spinal cord represents the location of our major nerve pathways called "nerve tracts". a. provide a 2-way system of communication: See Figures 11.11, 11.13, pages 377-379 and Table 11.3, page 379. In general, ascending tracts are located in the posterior (dorsal) columns and conduct sensory (afferent) impulses from body parts to brain; In general, descending tracts are located in the anterior (ventral) columns and conduct motor (efferent) impulses from brain to effectors. General characteristics of nerve tracts: 1. Most cross over; 2. Most consist of 2-3 successive neurons; 3. Most exhibit somatotropy (i.e. tracts from/to upper body are located on outside, tracts from/to lower body on inside); b. All pathways are paired (right and left). E. Spinal Cord Injuries. See Clinical Application 11.3, page 380. III. BRAIN A. Brain Development 1. Embryonic neural tube expands and hollows cranially. 2. Three vesicles develop that split and become four adult ventricles. 3. The walls of the three vesicles become certain adult brain areas a. Forebrain = Cerebrum, basal nuclei, and diencephalons b. Midbrain = Midbrain c. Hindbrain = pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum The brain is the largest and most complex portion of the nervous system. It occupies the cranial cavity and is composed of one hundred billion multipolar neurons. The brain oversees the function of the entire body and also provides characteristics like personality. The brain is composed of 4 major portions, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon and brain stem. See Figure 11.15, page 382 and reference plate 76, page 968. B. Structure of the Cerebrum 1. Cerebrum = the largest portion of the brain, which is divided into two cerebral hemispheres. a. Hemispheres are connected by a deep bridge of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum; b. Surface ridges are called convolutions* (gyri); c. Each hemisphere is divided into lobes, which are named for the bones that cover them including frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. See Fig 11.16, page 383. d. Convolutions are separated by two types of grooves: sulci = shallow groove; 1. central sulcus (frontal/parietal) 2. lateral sulcus (temporal/others) fissure = deep groove; 1. longitudinal fissure separates the two cerebral hemispheres. 2. transverse fissure (cerebrum/cerebellum) * See blue box on page 384 concerning a disorder called lissencephaly ("smooth brain"). III. BRAIN B. Structure of the Cerebrum 1. Cerebrum e. Composition: Bulk of cerebrum is white matter. * bundles of myelinated nerve fibers (by oligodendrocyte); Cerebral cortex or the outer portion of cerebrum is composed of gray matter. * bundles of neuron cell bodies. Sketch: C. Functions of the Cerebrum 1. Functional Regions of the Cerebral cortex See Fig 11.17, page 385. Responsible for all conscious behavior by containing three kinds of functional areas, which include motor, sensory and association areas: a. Motor Areas are located in the frontal cortex: Primary motor cortex 1. initiates all voluntary muscle movements; 2. located in the gyrus just anterior to the central sulcus (precentral gyrus). Broca's area 1. motor speech area; 2. located in left frontal lobe, above temporal lobe; III. BRAIN C. Functions of the Cerebrum 1. Functional Regions of the Cerebral cortex b. Sensory Areas are concerned with conscious awareness of sensations and are located in the parietal, occipital, and temporal cortex. Primary somatosensory cortex 1. receives information from general receptors (i.e. temperature, touch, pressure, & pain). 2. located in postcentral gyrus of parietal cortex; Visual (Cortex) Area 1. receives incoming information from vision receptors (in eye); 2. located in occipital cortex. Auditory (Cortex) Area 1. receives incoming information from hearing receptors (in ear); 2. located in temporal cortex. Gustatory cortex Not Pictured on page 385. 1. receives incoming information from taste receptors in taste buds; 2. located in parietal cortex just above the temporal lobe. c. Association Areas of cerebral cortex General: 1. include areas that are not directly involved in motor or sensory function. 2. are involved in many traits. 3. are usually interconnected. 4. involve all four lobes. Association traits include: 1. analyzing & interpreting sensory experiences; 2. help provide memory, reasoning, verbalizing, judgment and emotions. See Table 11.5, page 387, Functions of Cerebral Lobes. III. BRAIN C. Functions of the Cerebrum 1. Functional Regions of the Cerebral cortex d. Hemisphere Dominance (Brain Lateralization) Most basic functions (sensory & motor) are equally controlled by both left & right hemispheres (remember communication exists through corpus callosum). However, for some association functions, one hemisphere has greater control over language-related activities including speech, writing, reading, mathematics and logic. 1. This hemisphere is considered the "dominant hemisphere". a. In most people, the left hemisphere is dominant. b. The other hemisphere (non-dominant) controls orientation in space, art and musical appreciation and emotions. e. Memory Memory is the consequence of learning. Whereas learning is the acquisition of new knowledge, memory is the persistence of that learning, with the ability to access it at a later time. Two types of memory: See page 387 & 388. 1. Short Term 2. Long Term. 2. Basal Nuclei See Fig 11.19, page 389. a. masses of gray matter located deep within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. b. serve as relay stations for outgoing motor impulses from the brain. (i.e. from primary motor cortex in frontal cortex to basal ganglia and then through brain stem, down spinal cord, etc.) c. Release dopamine, which inhibits excess movements * See Clinical Application 11.5, page 390, Parkinson's disease. III. BRAIN D. Diencephalon: See Fig 11.15, page 382 & Fig 11.21, page 392. 1. includes two important areas of gray matter: a. Thalamus central relay station for incoming sensory impulses (except smell), that directs the impulse to the appropriate area of the cerebral cortex for interpretation; b. Hypothalamus main visceral control center of the body (i.e. regulates homeostasis). a. heart rate & blood pressure; b. body temperature; c. water & electrolyte balance; d. control of hunger & body weight; e. control of digestive movements & secretions; f. regulation of sleep-wake cycles; g. control of endocrine system functioning. 2. Limbic System = involved in Emotional response a. also includes structures in the frontal and temporal cortex, basal nuclei, and deep nuclei; b. controls emotional experience and expression; c. can modify the way a person acts; d. produces feelings of fear, anger, pleasure, and sorrow; e. recognizes life threatening upsets in a person's physical or psychological condition and counters them; f. involved in sense of smell. III. BRAIN E. Brain Stem: See Fig 11.20, page 389, and Fig 11.21, page 392. The brain stem is composed of three major parts that include the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. The brain stem serves as a pathway for fiber tracts running to (sensory impulses) and from (motor impulses) the cerebrum and is the sight where many cranial nerves (PNS) arise. 1. Midbrain a. located between diencephalon and pons b. Corpora quadrigemina = 4 dome-like protrusions on the dorsal midbrain surface (remember you saw these in lab when you separated the cerebrum from cerebellum!); c. gray matter within white matter; d. acts in reflex actions (visual and auditory); e. also contains areas associated with reticular formation. 2. Pons a. bulging portion of brain stem; b. "bridge" or pathway of conduction tracts; c. location of pneumotaxic area (regulation of breathing rate) of respiratory center; d. also contains areas associated with reticular formation. 3. Medulla (Oblongata) a. inferior portion of brain stem, which blends into the spinal cord at its base; b. contains an autonomic reflex center involved in maintaining homeostasis of important visceral organs. Cardiac center adjusts force and rate of heart contraction; Vasomotor center regulates blood pressure by acting on smooth muscle in the walls of peripheral arterioles (i.e. vasoconstriction = bp increase; vasodilation = bp decrease) Respiratory center = controls the depth and rhythm of breathing. Additional centers regulate involuntary activities such as vomiting, hiccuping, swallowing, coughing, and sneezing.) 4. Reticular Formation See Fig 11.21, page 392 controls brains alertness; inhibited = sleep, alcohol, tranquilizers 5. Types of Sleep a. Slow wave (90min) overall decrease in reticular formation activity b. Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) certain areas of brain are active responsible for dreaming lasts 15 minutes alternates with slow wave III. THE BRAIN F. Cerebellum See Fig 11.22, page 394. 1. large, cauliflower-like structure located dorsally to the pons and medulla and inferiorly to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum (separated by transverse fissure); 2. note pattern of white matter (within gray matter) = "arbor vitae"; 3. coordinates all voluntary muscle movements (subconsciously); skilled movements, posture, equilibrium (i.e. balance). G. Brain Function Summary Table: See Table 11.7, page 395. Brain Part Specific Portion Location/ Characteristics Functions Cerebrum Primary Motor Cortex Broca’s Area Primary Somatosensory Cortex Visual Cortex Auditory Cortex Gustatory Cortex Association Areas Basal Nuclei Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain Stem Midbrain Pons Medulla (Oblongata) Cerebellum I. PNS INTRODUCTION The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves that extend to and from the CNS organs. In other words, the PNS includes the cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The PNS connects all body parts to the brain and/or spinal cord. The PNS is divided into a sensory and motor branch, and the motor branch of the PNS is further subdivided into a somatic nervous system (from CNS to skin and skeletal muscles) and autonomic nervous system (from CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and endocrine glands). II. STRUCTURE OF PERIPHERAL NERVES See Fig 11.23, page 397 & Fig 11.24, page 398. A. A nerve is a cord-like bundle of axons wrapped in CT. B. Structure of a Nerve: 1. Three types of CT wrappings (similar to muscle): a. endoneurium around each axon (and myelin); b. perineurium around each fascicle (bundle) of axons; c. epineurium around each nerve. III. NERVE FIBER CLASSIFICATION A. Mixed Nerves 1. Nerves that carry impulses both to and from the CNS; 2. contain both sensory and motor axons; 3. most common; 2-way communication. B. Sensory (afferent) Nerves 1. Nerves that only carry sensory impulses toward the CNS; 2. rare (only three pairs of cranial nerves). C. Motor (efferent) Nerves 1. Nerves that only carry motor impulses away from CNS; 2. rare (only five pairs of cranial nerves). IV. CRANIAL NERVES See Fig 11.25, page 399 and Table 11.9, page 402. A. 12 pairs 1. 2 pairs to/from forebrain, 2. 10 pairs to/from brain stem; B. designated by Roman numerals: I. Olfactory = sense of smell; sensory only. II. Optic = sense of vision; sensory only. III. Oculomotor = innervates eye muscles; motor only. IV. Trochlear = innervates eye muscles; motor only. V. Trigeminal = largest; sensory from face; motor to chewing muscles; mixed.* VI. Abducens = innervates eye muscles; motor only. VII. Facial = innervates muscles of facial expression; sensory taste; mixed. VIII. Vestibulocochlear = sense of hearing and equilibrium; sensory only. IX. Glossopharyngeal = moves tongue and pharynx muscles; mixed. X. Vagus = innervates visceral smooth muscle; mixed; See Fig 11.28, page 401. XI. Accessory = innervates neck muscles; motor only. XII. Hypoglossal = moves tongue; motor only. C. Memorize by using one of many mnemonic devices: One example is: "Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet AH!" See for more. * See green box on page 400 concerning trigeminal neuralgia. IV. CRANIAL NERVES D. Summary Table (Keyed at the end of this outline) Numeral Name Function Sensory, Motor, or Mixed Nerve V. SPINAL NERVES: See Figure 11.29, page 403. A. Introduction 1. Recall that a spinal nerve is formed from the fusion of a dorsal and ventral root. Then the spinal nerve passes through its intervertebral foramen. 2. Spinal nerves are associated with the spinal cord and are named for the region of the spinal cord from which they arise. B. General Characteristics: 1. 31 pairs: a. C1 - C8 b. T1 - T12 c. L1 - L5 d. S1 - S5 e. Co 2. Composition = all mixed nerves. C. Distribution of Spinal Nerves A short distance after passing through its intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve branches into several branches: See Fig 11.31, page 405. 1. A posterior branch (dorsal ramus) 2. A large anterior branch (i.e. ventral ramus) 3. Branches to paravertebral (autonomic) ganglia = rami communicans V. SPINAL NERVES: See Figure 11.29, page 403. D. Nerve plexus See Figure 11.32, page 406. 1. Definition = a branching network (of the anterior branches) of spinal nerves. a. The nerves do not extend directly to the body part they innervate, instead they form networks. 2. present in all spinal nerves except T2 - T12: a. cervical plexus; neck muscles and diaphragm (breathing) b. brachial plexus; upper limb c. lumbar plexus; anterior and medial thigh d. sacral plexus; posterior lower limb, leg 3. Each resulting branch of the plexus contains the fibers from several spinal nerves; 4. Fibers from each spinal nerve are carried to the body periphery via several different routes or branches. Therefore, damage to one spinal segment cannot completely paralyze any limb muscle. See Clinical Application 11.7, page 408 concerning spinal nerve injuries. E. Intercostal Nerves 1. Nerves T2-T11 run in intercostal spaces 2. Supply skin (sensory) and muscles (motor) in the surrounding area I. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) regulates the action of smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and some glands. In other words, the ANS regulates involuntary (automatic; unconscious) actions. There are two major divisions of the ANS. The parasympathetic division functions under normal conditions (to maintain homeostasis), and the sympathetic division of the ANS functions under stress. II. AUTONOMIC NERVE FIBERS: See Figure 11.35, page 409. A. Somatic (Fig 11.35b): 1. one motor neuron; 2. no ganglia; 3. NT = acetylcholine (ACh); excitatory; 4. Effector = skeletal muscles. B. ANS (fig 11.35a): 1. two motor neurons; 2. synapse between neurons occur within a ganglion; 3. effectors = smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands. 4. Two Divisions: a. Parasympathetic: 1st neuron (preganglionic) = long; 2nd neuron (postganglionic) = short. NT of postganglionic fiber = ACh. b. Sympathetic: 1st neuron (preganglionic) = short; 2nd neuron (postganglionic) = long. NT of postganglionic fiber = norepinephrine.. C. LOCATION OF ANS GANGLIA: 1. Definition: A ganglion is a collection of neuron cell bodies outside the CNS. 2. Parasympathetic ganglia are located at or near the effector. See Fig 11.39, page 413. 3. Sympathetic ganglia are located on either side of the spinal cord (chain ganglia; sympathetic trunk), and are far from their effector. See Fig 11.38, page 412. 4. Pre-ganglionic neuron a. Origination: Parasympathetic arise from the Craniosacral regions of the brain & spinal cord. Sympathetic arise from the Thoracolumbar regions of the spinal cord. b. Length of axon (or pre-ganglionic fiber): Parasympathetic = long. Sympathetic = short. III. ANATOMY OF THE ANS: See Fig 11.37, page 410. A. Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar) Division See Fig 11.38, page 412 1. T1 - L2; 2. General Pathway is complex!!!! a. preganglionic neuron from spinal cord; b. out through white ramus communicans to enter an adjoining c. paravertebral (chain) ganglion forming part of the sympathetic trunk (chain). 3. Once a preganglionic axon reaches a paravertebral ganglion, one of three things can happen: a. It can synapse with a postganglionic neuron within the same ganglion = synapse in a paravertebral chain ganglion at same level. The postganglionic neuron passes through the gray ramus communicans and out the ventral ramus leading to its effector (blood vessel, skin). b. It can ascend or descend within the sympathetic chain to synapse in another paravertebral ganglion = synapse in a paravertebral chain ganglion at a different level. The postganglionic neuron passes through gray ramus communicans. c. It can pass through the ganglion to prevertebral (collateral) ganglion (via Splanchnic Nerve) Therefore synapse occurs within the prevertebral ganglion and the postsynaptic neuron extends to effector (abdominal organ). B. Parasympathetic ANS See Fig 11.39, page 413 1. Long preganglionic fibers; much simpler. 2. Preganglionic fibers follow blood vessels to ganglia in or near wall of effector IV. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ANS A. Autonomic Neurotransmitters 1. ACh is released by cholinergic fibers (axons); 2. Norepinephrine is released by adrenergic fibers (axons). B. Actions of Autonomic Neurotransmitters A receptor is present in the cell membrane of an effector and recognizes its NT, allowing for a response to occur within the effector. 1. Cholinergic receptors bind ACh; two types: a. nicotinic are always stimulatory. b. muscarinic may be stimulatory or inhibitory. See Fig 11.40, page 414. 2. Adrenergic receptors bind norepinephrine; two types: a. alpha (? ) are usually stimulatory. b. beta ( ? ) are usually inhibitory. 3. Effects of Autonomic Stimulation on Various Effectors: See Table 11.10, page 414. C, Control of Autonomic Activity 1. overall CNS controls ANS a. medulla oblongata = cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory functions b. hypothalamus = visceral control including renal and digestive c. limbic system = controls physiology of emotions V. ANS Summary Table (Keyed at the end of this outline) Branch of ANS General Function Origin of Preganglionic fiber Length of Preganglionic fiber Location of Ganglia NT secreted by post-ganglionic fiber VI. LIFE SPAN CHANGES As the nervous system ages, cells are lost, which over time, lead to slowed functioning. Apoptosis of brain neurons begins before birth. Neuron loss among brain regions is not uniform. In adults, the number of cerebral cortex dendrites has declined, leading to slower neurotransmission. Risk of falling increases as balance decreases. Sleep problems are common in the elderly. VII. Clinical Terms Related to the Nervous System See pages 416-417. Summary Table for Cranial Nerves Numeral Name Function Sensory, Motor, or Mixed Nerve I OLFACTORY OLFACTION/SMELL SENSORY II OPTIC VISION SENSORY III OCULOMOTOR MOVE EYE MOTOR IV TROCHLEAR MOVE EYE MOTOR V TRIGEMINAL CHEWING/MASTICATION AND SENSORY FROM FACE MIXED VI ABDUCENS MOVE EYE MOTOR VII FACIAL FACIAL EXPRESSION MIXED VIII VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR HEARING AND EQUILIBRIUM SENSORY IX GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL MOVE MUSCLES OF TONGUE AND PHARYNX MIXED X VAGUS INNERVATE VISCERAL SMOOTH MUSCLE MIXED XI ACCESSORY MOVE NECK MUSCLES MOTOR XII HYPOGLOSSAL MOVE TONGUE MOTOR ANS Summary Table Branch of ANS PARASYMPATHETIC SYMPATHETIC General Function maintain homeostasis to survive stressful or “fight or flight” situations Origin of Preganglionic fiber from cranial region of brain or sacral region of spinal cord from thoracic or lumbar region of spinal cord Length of Preganglionic fiber Long short Location of Ganglia at or near effector alongside spinal cord NT secreted by post-ganglionic fiber acetylcholine norepinephrine Chapter 11: Nervous System II I. Introduction A. Introduction 1. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. 2. The brain is the largest and most complex part of the nervous system 3. The brain includes two cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, the brainstem, and the cerebellum. 4. The brainstem connects the brain and spinal cord and allows two-way communication between them. 5. The spinal cord provides two-way communication between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. 6. The brain lies within the cranial cavity of the skull and the spinal cord occupies the vertebral canal. 7. Meninges are located between the bone and the soft tissues of the nervous system and protect the brain and spinal cord. II. Meninges A. The meninges have three layers. B. The outermost layer is the dura mater and is composed of tough, white, dense connective tissue. C. Dural sinuses are channels in dura mater. D. Denticulate ligaments are bands of pia mater that attach spinal cord to dura mater. E. The epidural space is between the dural sheath and the bony walls and contains blood vessels. F. The arachnoid mater is thin, weblike membrane that lacks blood vessels and is located between the dura and pia maters. G. The subarachnoid space is between the arachnoid and pia maters and contains a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. H. The pia mater is very thin and contains many nerves and blood vessels. I. The pia matter is attached to the surfaces of the brain and spinal cord. III. Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid A. Introduction 1. Ventricles are interconnected cavities and are located within the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem. 2. The ventricles are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord and are filled with cerebrospinal fluid. 3. The largest ventricles are the lateral ventricles which are located in the cerebral hemispheres. 4. The third ventricle is located in the midline of the brain beneath the corpus callosum. 5. The fourth ventricle is located in the brainstem just in front of the cerebellum. 6. The cerebral aqueduct is a connection between the third and fourth ventricles. 7. The choroids plexus is specialized mass of capillaries and functions to secrete cerebrospinal fluid. 8. Most of the cerebrospinal fluid arises in the lateral ventricles and circulates into the third ventricle, fourth ventricle, the central canal of the spinal cord, and the subarachnoid space. 9. Cerebrospinal fluid is continuously absorbed into the blood. 10. Arachnoid granulations are tiny, fingerlike structures that project from the subarachnoid space into the dural sinuses. 11. Cerebrospinal fluid is different from blood in that it contains a greater concentration of sodium and lesser concentrations of glucose and potassium. 12. The functions of cerebrospinal fluid are to help maintain a stable ionic concentration in the CNS, and provides a pathway to the blood for wastes. 13. Because cerebrospinal fluid completely surrounds the brain and spinal cord, it protects them by absorbing forces that might otherwise jar and damage them. IV. Spinal Cord A. Introduction 1. The spinal cord is continuous with the brain and extends through downward through the vertebral canal. 2. The spinal cord begins at the level of the foramen magnum and terminates near the intervertebral disc that separates the first and second lumbar vertebrae. B. Structure of the Spinal Cord 1. The spinal cord consists of thirty-one segments, each of which gives rise to a pair of spinal nerves. 2. The two enlargements of the spinal cord are the cervical enlargement and the lumbar enlargement. 3. The cervical enlargement supplies nerves to the upper limbs. 4. The lumbar enlargement supplies nerves to the lower limbs. 5. The conus medullaris is the tapered end of the spinal cord. 6. The filum terminale is a thin cord of connective tissue that anchors the spinal cord to the upper surface of the coccyx. 7. The cauda equina is a group of spinal nerves below the conus medullaris. 8. Two grooves that extend the length of the spinal cord are the anterior median fissure and a posterior median sulcus. 9. In a cross section of the spinal cord, white matter surrounds gray matter. 10. Each side of the gray matter is divided into the following three horns: posterior horn, anterior horn, and lateral horn. 11. Motor neurons are located in the anterior horns. 12. The gray commissure is a horizontal bar of gray matter in the middle of the spinal cord. 13. The central canal is a canal running through the center of the gray commissure down the entire length of the spinal cord. 14. Three regions of the white matter are posterior funiculi, anterior funiculi, and lateral funiculi. 15. Nerve tracts are groups of myelinated nerve fibers in the CNS. C. Functions of the Spinal Cord 1. Reflex Arcs a. Reflex arcs carry out reflexes. b. A reflex arc begins with a receptor at the end of the dendrites of a sensory neuron. c. The sensory neuron leads to several interneurons which serve as a processing center. d. The interneurons communicate with motor neurons whose fibers pass to effectors. e. Spinal reflexes are reflexes whose arcs pass through the spinal cord. 2. Reflex Behavior a. Reflexes are automatic, subconscious responses to changes within or outside the body. b. Reflexes function to maintain homeostasis by controlling many involuntary processes such as heart rate, breathing rate, etc. c. The knee-jerk reflex is an example of a simple monosynaptic reflex because it only uses two neurons. d. The knee-jerk reflex is initiated by striking the patellar tendon. e. When the tendon is struck, the quadriceps muscle is pulled. f. When the muscle is pulled, stretch receptors are stimulated. g. The receptors generate a nervous impulse that enters the spinal cord on an axon; the axon synapses with a motor neuron. h. The axon of the motor neuron synapses with the quadriceps muscle and the muscle responds by contracting. i. The knee-jerk reflex helps maintain posture. j. The withdrawal reflex occurs when a person touches something painful. k. In the withdrawal reflex, muscles on the affected side contract and the flexor muscles on the unaffected side are inhibited. l. The extensor muscles on the unaffected side contract, helping to support the body weight that has been shifted. m. A crossed extensor reflex is due to interneuron pathways within the reflex center of the spinal cord that allow sensory impulses arriving on one side of the cord to pass across to the other side and produce an opposite effect. n. A withdrawal reflex protects because it prevents or limits tissue damage when a body part touches something potentially harmful. 3. Ascending and Descending Tracts a. Ascending tracts conduct sensory impulses to the brain. b. Descending tracts conduct motor impulses away from the brain. c. The names that identify nerve tracts often reflect the origin and termination of the tract. d. Four major ascending tracts of the spinal cord are fasciculus gracilis, fasciculus cuneatus, spinothalamic tracts, and spinocerebellar tracts. e. The fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus are located in posterior funiculi. f. The fibers of fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus conduct sensory impulses associated with the senses of touch, pressure, and body movement from skin, muscles, tendons, and joints to the brain. g. The spinothalamic tracts are located in lateral and anterior funiculi. h. The lateral spinothalamic tracts conduct impulses from various body regions to the brain and five rise to sensation of pain and temperature. i. The anterior spinothalamic tracts impulses are interpreted as touch and pressure. j. Spinocerebellar tracts are located in lateral funiculi. k. Impulses on the spinocerebellar tracts originate in the muscles of the lower limbs and trunk and travel to the cerebellum. l. Three major descending tracts of the spinal cord are corticospinal tracts, reticulospinal tracts, and reubrospinal tracts. m. Corticospinal tracts are located in lateral and anterior funiculi. n. The corticospinal tracts conduct motor impulses associated with voluntary movements from the brain to skeletal muscles. o. The pyramidal tracts are the corticospinal tracts and the extrapyramidal tracts are all other descending spinal tracts. p. Reticulospinal tracts are located in lateral and anterior funiculi. q. Motor impulses of the reticulospinal tracts control muscular tone and activity of sweat glands. r. Rubrospinal tracts are located in lateral funiculi. s. Rubrospinal tracts carry motor impulses that coordinate muscles and control posture. V. Brain A. Introduction 1. The brain contains nerve centers associated with sensory functions. and is responsible for sensations and perceptions. 2. The other functions of the brain include control of motor functions and higher mental functions such as memory; it also provides characteristics such as personality. B. Brain Development 1. The brain begins as a neural tube. 2. The portion of the neural tube that becomes the brain has the following three major cavities: forebrain, midbrain, and hidbrain. 3. The forebrain divides into the telencephalon and the diencephalon. 4. The hindbrain partially divides into the metencephalon and myelencephalon. 5. The wall of the anterior potion of the forebrain gives rise to the cerebrum and basal nuclei. 6. The posterior portion of the forebrain gives rise to the diencephalon. 7. The midbrain is called midbrain in the adult and the hindbrain gives rise to the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata. C. Structure of the Cerebrum 1. The cerebrum is the largest part of the adult brain. 2. The cerebrum consists of two hemispheres. 3. The corpus callosum is a bridge of nerve fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres. 4. Convolutions are ridges. 5. Sulci are grooves between ridges. 6. A fissure is a deep groove. 7. The longitudinal fissure separates the left and right cerebral hemispheres. 8. The transverse fissure separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. 9. The 5 lobes of the cerebral hemispheres are frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal and insular. 10. The most anterior lobe is the frontal. 11. The frontal lobe is bordered posteriorly by the central sulcus and inferiorly by a lateral sulcus. 12. The parietal lobe is separated from the frontal lobe by the central sulcus. 13. The temporal lobe lies inferior to the frontal and parietal lobes and is separated from them by the lateral sulcus. 14. The most posterior lobe is the occipital lobe. 15. The tentorium cerebelli is an extension of the dura mater between the occipital lobe and cerebellum. 16. The insula is located deep within the lateral fissure. 17. The cerebral cortex is an outer, thin layer of gray matter and contains nearly 75% of all the neuron cell bodies in the nervous system 18. Just beneath the cerebral cortex is white matter. D. Functions of the Cerebrum 1. Functional Regions of the Cortex a. The cerebral cortex is divided into the following three major sections: motor, sensory, and association areas. 2. Motor Areas a. The primary motor areas are located in the frontal lobes just in front of the central sulcus and in the anterior wall of this sulcus. b. Impulses transmitted from the primary motor are responsible for fine movements in skeletal muscles. c. Broca’s area is located just anterior to the primary motor cortex and superior to the lateral sulcus and is responsible for coordinating complex muscular movements of the mouth, tongue, and larynx for speech. d. Broca’s area is usually found in the left hemisphere. e. The frontal eye field is located above Broca’s area and is responsible for controlling voluntary movements of the eyes and eyelids. 3. Sensory Areas a. Sensory areas interpret impulses from sensory receptors. b. Sensations on the skin are interpreted in the anterior portions of the parietal lobes along the central sulcus. c. Visual sensations are interpreted in the occipital lobe. d. Auditory sensations are interpreted in the temporal lobe. e. Taste sensations are interpreted in the bases of the central sulci along the lateral sulci. f. Like motor fibers, sensory fibers cross over in the spinal cord or brainstem. 4. Association Areas a. Association areas are regions of the cerebral cortex that are not primarily sensory or motor in function. b. Association areas analyze and interpret sensory experiences and help provide memory, reasoning, verbalizing, judgment, and emotions. c. The association areas of the frontal lobe provide higher intellectual processes. d. The prefrontal areas control emotional behavior and produce awareness of the possible consequences of behavior. e. The parietal lobes have association areas that help interpret sensory information and aid in understanding speech and choosing word to express thoughts and feeling. f. The association areas of the temporal lobes interpret complex sensory experiences, such as those needed to understand speech and to read. g. The association areas of the occipital lobes are important for analyzing visual patterns and combining visual images with other sensory experiences. h. The general interpretative area is located where the parietal, temporal, and occipital association areas join and functions to make it possible for a person to recognize words and arrange them to express a thought, and to read and understand ideas presented in writing. 5. Hemisphere Dominance a. In over 90% of the population, the left hemisphere is dominant. b. The dominant hemisphere controls language-related activities of speech, writing, and reading. Is also controls complex intellectual functions requiring verbal, analytical, and computational skills. c. The nondominant hemisphere controls nonverbal functions, such as motor tasks that require orientation of the body in space, understanding and interpreting musical patterns and visual experiences. It also controls emotional intuitive through processes. d. Nerve fibers of the corpus callosum enable the dominant hemisphere to control the motor cortex of the nondominant hemisphere. 6. Memory a. Memory is the consequence of learning. b. Two types of memory are short-term and long-term. c. Short-term memories are electrical in nature. d. When the electrical impulse of a short-term memory ceases, the memory goes away. e. Long-term memory changes the structure or function of neurons in ways that enhance synaptic transmission. f. Memory consolidation is the way the brain encodes memories and how short-term memories are converted to long-term memories. E. Basal Nuclei 1. The basal nuclei are masses of gray matter located deep within the cerebral hemispheres and are called caudate nucleus, the putamen, and globus pallidus. 2. The basal nuclei relay motor impulses originating in the cerebral cortex and passing into the brainstem and spinal cord. 3. The basal nuclei produce most of the dopamine in the nervous system. 4. Impulses from the basal nuclei function to control muscular activities. F. Diencephalon 1. The diencephalon is located between the cerebral hemispheres and above the brainstem. 2. The various parts of the diencephalon are thalamus, hypothalamus, optic tracts, the infundibulum, posterior pituitary bland, mammillary bodies and the pineal gland. 3. The thalamus is a selective gateway for sensory impulses ascending from other parts of the nervous system to the cerebral cortex. 4. The thalamus receives most sensory impulses and channels them to appropriate parts of the cortex for interpretation. 5. The hypothalamus regulates heart rate, arterial blood pressure, body temperature, water and electrolyte balance, control of hunger and body weight, control of movements and glandular secretions of the stomach and intestine, produces hormones, and controls sleep and wakefulness. 6. The limbic system consists of portions of the cerebral cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal nuclei, and other deep nuclei and controls emotional experience and expression and can modify the way a person acts. G. Brain Stem 1. Introduction a. The brain stem connects the brain and spinal cord. b. The brain stem consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. c. Nuclei of the brain stem are masses of gray matter. 2. Midbrain a. The midbrain is between the diencephalon and the pons. b. The cerebral aqueduct is a connection between the third ventricle and fourth ventricle. c. Corpora quadrigemina are two pairs of rounded knobs on the superior surface of the midbrain. d. The superior colliculi contain centers for visual reflexes. e. The inferior colliculi contain centers for auditory reflexes. f. The red nucleus is at the center of the midbrain and is important for controlling reflexes that maintain posture. 3. Pons a. The pons is located on the underside of the brainstem between the midbrain and medulla oblongata. b. The dorsal portion of the pons largely consists of fibers that relay impulses to and from the medulla oblongata and the cerebrum. c. The ventral portion consists of fibers that relay impulses from the cerebrum to centers within the cerebellum. d. Several nuclei of the pons relay sensory information to higher brain centers. e. The pons also regulates rate and depth of breathing. 4. Medulla Oblongata a. The medulla oblongata is located between the spinal cord and pons. b. The olive of the medulla oblongata is a bulge where bundles of fibers originate and pass to the cerebellum. c. The visceral activities controlled by the medulla oblongata are heart rate, vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and breathing. d. Nonvital reflexes regulated by the medulla oblongata are coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting. 5. Reticular Formation a. The reticular formation is a complex network of fibers that extend throughout the brainstem and diencephalon and connects with centers of the hypothalamus, cerebrum, cerebellum, and basal nuclei. b. The reticular formation activates the cerebral cortex into a state of wakefulness. c. Decreased activity of the reticular formation results in sleep. d. The reticular formation also filters incoming sensory impulses. e. The reticular formation also regulates motor activities so that various skeletal muscles move together evenly, and it inhibits or enhances certain spinal reflexes. 6. Types of Sleep a. The two types of sleep are slow wave and rapid eye movement. b. Slow-wave sleep occurs when a person is very tired and it reflects decreasing activity of the reticular formation. c. Slow-wave sleep is accompanied by reduced blood pressure and respiratory rate. d. REM sleep is the type of sleep in which dreaming occurs and heart rate and respiratory rates are irregular. H. Cerebellum 1. The cerebellum is located inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebrum and posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata. 2. The falx cerebelli is a layer of dura mater that partially separates the cerebellar hemispheres. 3. The vermis is a structure that connects the cerebellar hemispheres at the midline. 4. The cerebellar cortex is an outer, thin layer of gray matter. 5. The arbor vitae is a treelike pattern of white matter in the cerebellum. 6. The largest and most important nucleus of the cerebellum is the dentate nucleus. 7. Cerebellar peduncles are nerve tracts. 8. Inferior peduncles bring sensory information concerning the actual position of body parts such as limbs and joints to the cerebellum. 9. The middle peduncles transmit impulses from the cerebral cortex about the desired position of body parts to the cerebellum. 10. The superior peduncles sends correcting impulses to the midbrain. 11. Overall, the cerebellum functions to integrate sensory information concerning the position of body parts and coordinated skeletal muscle activity and maintains posture VII. Peripheral Nervous System A. Introduction 1. The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that branch from the central nervous system. 2. The somatic nervous system consists of the cranial and spinal nerve fibers that connect the DNS to the skin and skeletal muscles. 3. The autonomic nervous system consists of fibers that connect the CNS to viscera and various glands B. Structure of Peripheral Nerves 1. A peripheral nerve consists of connective tissue surrounding bundles of nerve fibers. 2. Epineurium is the outermost layer of connective tissue of a nerve. 3. Perineurium is a sleeve of connective tissue that surrounds a nerve fascicle. 4. Endoneurium is loose connective tissue that surrounds individual nerve fibers. C. Nerve Fiber Classification 1. Sensory nerves are nerves that conduct impulses into the brain or spinal cord. 2. Motor nerves are nerves that conduct impulses to muscles or glands 3. Mixed nerves are nerves that include both sensory fibers and motor fibers. 4. Cranial nerves are nerves that originate from the brain. 5. Spinal nerves are nerves that originate from the spinal cord. 6. General somatic efferent fibers carry motor impulses outward from the brain or spinal cord to skeletal muscles and stimulate them to contract. 7. General visceral efferent fibers carry motor impulses outward from the brain or spinal cord to various smooth muscles and glands associated with internal organs, causing certain muscles to contract or glands to secrete. 8. General somatic afferent fibers carry sensory impulses inward to the brain or spinal cord from receptors in the skin and skeletal muscles. 9. General visceral afferent fibers carry sensory impulses to the central nervous system from blood vessels and internal organs. 10. Special somatic efferent fibers carry motor impulses outward from the brain to the muscles used in chewing, swallowing, speaking, and forming facial expressions. 11. Special visceral afferent fibers carry sensory impulses inward to the brain from the olfactory and taste receptors. 12. Special somatic afferent fibers carry sensory impulses inward to the brain from the receptors of sight, hearing, and equilibrium. D. Cranial Nerves 1. Cranial nerves arise from the underside of the brain. 2. Cranial nerves are designated by roman numerals or names. 3. The olfactory nerve functions to transmit sensory impulses associated with smell. 4. The optic nerve functions to transmit sensory impulses associated with sight. 5. The oculomotor nerve functions to transmit impulses to muscles that arise the eyelids, move the eyes, and adjust the amount of light entering the eyes, and focus the lenses. It also transmits sensory impulses associated with proprioceptors. 6. The trochlear nerve functions to transmit impulses to muscles that move the eyes. It also transmits sensory impulses associated with proprioceptors. 7. The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve are ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular. 8. The ophthalmic division functions to transmit sensory impulses from the surface of the eyes, tear glands, scalp, forehead, and upper eyelids. 9. The maxillary division functions to transmit impulses from the upper teeth, upper gum, upper lip, lining of the palate, and skin of the face. 10. The mandibular division functions to transmit sensory impulse from the scalp, skin of the jaw, lower teeth, lower gum, and lower lip. It al transmits motor impulses to muscles of mastication and to muscles in the floor of the mouth. 11. The abducens nerve functions to transmit motor impulses to muscles that move the eyes. It also transmits sensory impulses associated with proprioceptors. 12. The facial nerve functions to transmit sensory impulses associated with taste receptors of the anterior tongue. It also transmits motor impulse to muscles of facial expression, tear gland, and salivary glands. 13. The two branches of the vestibulocochlear nerve are the vestibular branch and the cochlear branch. 14. The vestibular branch functions to transmit sensory impulses associated with the sense of equilibrium. 15. The cochlear branch functions to transmit sensory impulses associated with hearing. 16. The glossopharyngeal nerve functions to transmit sensory impulses for the pharynx, tonsils, posterior tongue, and carotid arteries. It also transmits motor impulses to salivary glands and to muscles of the pharynx used in swallowing. 17. The vagus nerve functions to transmit motor impulses to muscles associated with speech and swallowing, and to viscera of the thorax and abdomen. It also transmits sensory impulses from the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and viscera of the thorax and abdomen. 18. The branches of the accessory nerve are the cranial branch and spinal branch. 19. The cranial branch functions to transmit motor impulses to muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, and larynx. 20. The spinal branch functions to transmit motor impulses to muscles of the neck and back. 21. The hypoglossal nerve functions to transmit motor impulses to muscles that move the tongue. E. Spinal Nerves 1. Introduction a. There are thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves. b. All spinal nerves are mixed nerves and they provide two –way communication between the spinal cord and parts of the upper and lower limbs, neck and trunk. c. There are 8 pairs of cervical nerves. d. There are 12 pairs of thoracic nerves. e. There are 5 pairs of lumbar nerves. f. There are 5 pairs of sacral nerves. g. There is 1 pair of coccygeal nerves. h. The adult spinal cord ends at the level of the first or second lumbar vertebrae. i. The cauda equina is a collection of spinal nerves at the end of the spinal cord. j. Each spinal nerve emerges from the cord by roots. k. The dorsal root ganglion contains the cell bodies of the sensory neurons whose dendrites conduct impulses from the peripheral body parts. l. The axons of neurons in dorsal root ganglia extend through the dorsal root. m. A dermatome is an area of skin that the sensory nerve fibers of a particular spinal nerve innervate. n. The ventral root consists of axons from the motor neurons whose cell bodies are located within the gray matter of the cord. o. A ventral root and dorsal root unite to form a spinal nerve. p. A meningeal branch of a spinal nerve supplies the meninges and blood vessels of the spinal cord, as well as the intervertebral ligaments and the vertebrae. q. A posterior branch of a spinal nerve supplies the muscles and skin of the back. r. An anterior branch of a spinal nerve supplies muscles and skin on the front and sides of the trunk and limbs. s. A visceral branch of a spinal nerve supplies viscera. t. A plexus is a complex network of anterior branches of spinal nerves. u. In a plexus, fibers of various spinal nerves are sorted and recombined, so fibers associated with a particular peripheral body part reach it in the same nerve, even though the fibers originate from different spinal nerves. 2. Cervical Plexuses a. The cervical plexus is located deep in the neck on either side. b. The cervical plexus is formed by the anterior branches of the first four cervical nerves. c. Fibers from the cervical plexus supply the muscles and skin of the neck and contribute to the phrenic nerve. d. The phrenic nerve conducts impulses to the diaphragm. 3. Brachial Plexuses a. The brachial plexus is located deep within the shoulders between the neck and axillae. b. The brachial plexus is formed by the anterior branches of the lower four cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve. c. The major branches emerging from the brachial plexus are the musculocutaneous, ulnar, median, radial, and axillary. d. The musculocutaneous nerves supply muscles of the arms on the anterior sides and the skin of the forearms. e. The ulnar nerves supply muscles of the forearms and hands and the skin of the hands. f. The radial nerves supply muscles of the arms on the posterior sides and the skin of the forearms and hands. g. The median nerves supply muscles of the forearms and muscles and skin of the hands. h. The axillary nerves supply muscles and skin of the superior, lateral, and posterior regions of the arm. 4. Lumbosacral Plexuses a. The lumbosacral plexus is located in the lumbar and pelvic regions. b. The lumbosacral plexus is formed by anterior branches of the last thoracic nerve and lumbar, sacral , and coccygeal nerves. c. The major branches of the lumbosacral plexus are obturator, femoral, and sciatic nerves. d. The obturator nerves supply the adductor muscles of the thighs. e. The femoral nerves supply motor impulses to muscles of the thighs and legs and receive sensory impulses from the skin of the thighs and legs. f. The sciatic nerves supply muscles and skin the thighs, legs, and feet. g. The common peroneal nerves supply muscles and skin of the thighs, legs, and feet. h. The anterior branches of thoracic spinal nerves do not form plexuses; instead these branches become intercostal nerves that supply motor impulses to the intercostal muscles and the upper abdominal wall muscles. VIII. Autonomic Nervous System A. Introduction 1. The autonomic nervous system controls visceral activities by regulating the actions of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and various glands. 2. The autonomic nervous system functions without conscious effort. B. General Characteristics 1. The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are sympathetic and parasympathetic. 2. The sympathetic division prepares the body for energy-expending, stressful, or emergency situations. 3. The parasympathetic division is most active during ordinary, restful conditions. C. Autonomic Nerve Fibers 1. All nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system are motor fibers. 2. In the autonomic system, motor pathways include two neurons. 3. A preganglionic fiber is an axon of a preganglionic neuron. 4. A postganglionic fiber is an axon of a postganglionic neuron. 5. A preganglionic fiber synapses with a postganglionic neuron. 6. A postganglionic fiber synapses with an effector, such as a gland. D. Sympathetic Division 1. In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic fibers originate from neurons within the lateral horns of the spinal cord. These neurons are in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord. 2. In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic fibers leave the spinal nerves through white rami and enter sympathetic ganglia. 3. Paravertebral ganglia are located in chains along the sides of the vertebral column. 4. The sympathetic trunks are Paravertebral ganglia and the fibers that connect the ganglia. 5. The collateral ganglia are located within the abdomen, closely associated with certain large blood vessels. 6. Typically a preganglionic axon of the sympathetic nervous system will synapse with several other neurons within a sympathetic ganglion. 7. In the sympathetic division, the postganglionic fibers extend out from the sympathetic ganglia to visceral effectors. 8. Gray rami are branches that contain unmyelinated postganglionic axons. E. Parasympathetic Division 1. The preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic division arise from neurons in the midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and sacral region of the spinal cord. 2. The preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic division lead to ganglia that are located near or within various organs. 3. The short postganlionic fibers of the parasympathetic division lead to specific muscles or glands within visceral organs. 4. Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are usually myelinated and the postganglionic fibers are usually unmyelinated. F. Autonomic Neurotransmitters 1. The preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions secrete acetylcholine and are called cholinergic. 2. The parasympathetic postganglionic fibers are cholinergic fibers. 3. Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers secrete norepinephrine and are called adrenergic. 4. The different postganglionic neurotransmitters are responsible for the different effects that the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions have on organs. 5. Sympathetic tone is a state of constant partial contraction of smooth muscles in the wall of blood vessels caused by sympathetic innervation. G. Actions of Autonomic Neurotransmitters 1. The actions of autonomic neurotransmitters result from their binding to protein receptors in the membrane of effector cells. 2. Two types of cholinergic receptors are muscarinic and nicotinic. 3. Muscarinic receptors are located in the membranes of effector cells at the ends of all postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers and at the ends of the cholinergic sympathetic fibers. 4. Nicotinic receptors are located in the synapses between the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways. 5. Responses from muscarinic receptors are excitatory and slow. 6. Responses from nicotinic receptors are excitatory and rapid. 7. The two major types of adrenergic receptors are alpha and beta receptors. 8. Acetylcholinesterase decomposes acetylcholine. H. Control of Autonomic Activity 1. The autonomic nervous system is largely controlled by the brain and spinal cord. 2. The limbic system and cerebral cortex control the autonomic nervous system during emotional stress. IX. Life-Span Changes A. Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death and first occurs during development. B. By age thirty, the die-off of neurons accelerates. C. Over an average lifetime, the brain shrinks by about 10%. D. With aging, the numbers of dendritic branches and amounts of neurotransmitters decrease. E. Noticeable signs of a normally aging nervous system include fading memory and slowed responses and reflexes. F. Decline in function of the sympathetic nervous system may cause transient drops in blood pressure. G. Changes in sleep patterns reflect the functioning of the reticular activating system.

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