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AACN Cultural Competency in Baccalaureate Nursing Education

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Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition
AACN Cultural Competency in Baccalaureate Nursing Education Cultural Competencies Apply knowledge of social and cultural factors that affect nursing and health care across multiple contexts Demonstrate an understanding of culture and cultural competence in practice Compare similarities and differences in values, beliefs and practices among and within diverse populations Explain the relationship among cultural, physiological, ecological, pharmacologic and genetic factors Integrate social and cultural assessment data (including language and health literacy) in planning, implementing and evaluating care Use relevant data sources and best evidence in providing culturally competent care: Critique existing research and knowledge sources to determine its relevance and applicability to diverse groups (Appropriate for a management text) Integrate best evidence and patient perspectives in planning care Facilitate access to data resources and services to provide culturally competent care Participate in the collection, documentation and use of cultural and social data in the planning, delivery and evaluation of care Advocate for the protection of vulnerable populations in human subjects research Promote achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations Advocate for effective resources to facilitate cross-cultural communication for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) and health literacy Participate in providing leadership to interprofessional teams to minimize and prevent health disparities and to achieve culturally competent programs and services Recognize quality and patient safety as complex system issues that involve patients and members of the healthcare team Collaborate with patients and families to identify mutually agreed upon goals and outcomes of care Advocate for social justice, including commitment to the health of vulnerable populations and the elimination of health disparities Recognize the historic and contemporary implications of public policies and discrimination affecting health, healthcare systems and use of healthcare services by racial, ethnic, and other vulnerable groups Recognize and report individual and institutional discrimination practices, unequal treatment practices, breaches of patients’ human and civil rights, or violations of respect for patient autonomy to appropriate authorities Demonstrate leadership in addressing behavior that is insensitive, lacks cultural understanding, or reflects prejudice in order to improve adherence to professional standards of respect and civility Demonstrate cultural competence in ethical decisions about care delivery Participates in continuous cultural competence development Engage in ongoing self-reflection of own behaviors toward diverse patients and other members of the interpfrofessional team Articulate the value of pursuing lifelong learning about different cultures to foster professional growth and development and provide culturally competent care Engage in a variety of activities to develop understanding of cultural differences and similarities about health and healthcare to improve ability to work with diverse and vulnerable populations AACN, July 2010

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