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English for Careers: Business, Professional and Technical, 11th Edition

University of Mississippi
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Contributor: ivanka
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Chapter 14
English for Careers, 11e (Smith) Chapter 14 Polished Writing Style 1) The new drug proved to be highly effective, it has no side effects A) properly constructed sentence B) comma splice C) lacks parallel parts D) dangler E) has unclear pronoun Answer: B 2) Since I no longer maintain an office downtown for working on this kind of project. A) properly constructed sentence B) misplaced part C) run-on D) fragment E) dangler Answer: D 3) Before leaving for the day, this work should be completed A) properly constructed sentence B) dangler C) misplaced part D) comma splice E) fragment Answer: B 4) Learning to sail is challenging and exhilarating it is also not the easiest thing to do A) properly constructed sentence B) dangler C) lacks parallel parts D) run-on E) choppy Answer: C 5) If you want to feel really well, you should get enough sleep A) properly constructed sentence B) lacks parallel parts C) comma splice D) misplaced words E) dangler Answer: A 6) An appeals court ordered the money returned, however, the IRS didn't comply. A) properly constructed sentence B) misplaced part C) lacks parallel parts D) dangler E) comma splice Answer: E 7) When packing the order yesterday, one important item was omitted. A) properly constructed sentence B) comma splice C) misplaced D) lacks parallel parts E) dangler Answer: E 8) Noah Webster supported himself through sales of his spelling book over 100 million copies of the book were sold. A) properly constructed sentence B) run-on C) misplaced parts D) dangler E) choppy Answer: B 9) To keep your files in order, the filing rules must be learned. A) properly constructed sentence B) lacks parallel parts C) fragment D) misplaced part E) dangler Answer: E 10) A child was injured yesterday by a bus on the way home from school. A) properly constructed sentence B) run-on C) misplaced part D) lacks parallel parts E) dangler Answer: C 11) Choose the correct sentence. A) The conference spokesperson delivered his speech wearing a three-piece suit. B) Wearing a three-piece suit, the speech was delivered by the conference spokesperson. C) Wearing a three-piece suit, the conference spokesperson delivered his speech. Answer: C 12) Choose the correct sentence. A) My dad, at the age of five, taught me to ride my bicycle without training wheels. B) My dad taught me to ride my bicycle without training wheels when I was five. C) At the age of five, my dad taught me to ride my bicycle without training wheels. D) Without training wheels, my dad taught me how to ride a bike at the age of five. Answer: B 13) Identify the correct sentence. A) The rescuers spotted the drowning man in the helicopter struggling to keep his head above water. B) Struggling to keep his head above water in the helicopter, the rescuers spotted the drowning man. C) In the helicopter, the rescuers spotted the drowning man struggling to keep his head above water. D) Struggling to keep his head above water, the rescuers spotted the drowning man in the helicopter. Answer: C 14) Identify the correct sentence. A) A crew of six people must travel long distances nearly every day to harvest bamboo for two pandas. B) A crew of six people must nearly every day travel long distances to harvest bamboo for two pandas. C) A crew of six people must travel long distances nearly everyday to harvest bamboo for two pandas. Answer: A 15) Identify the correct sentence. A) Clara served homemade spaghetti to her parents and grandparents loaded with mushrooms and peppers. B) Loaded with mushrooms and peppers, Clara served homemade spaghetti to her parents and grandparents. C) Loaded with mushrooms and peppers, a spaghetti dinner was served to Clara's parents and grandparents that was homemade. D) Clara served homemade spaghetti loaded with mushrooms and peppers to her parents and grandparents. Answer: D 16) Identify the correct sentence. A) While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because her friends were calling her, her brother's blasting stereo, and her dad mowing the lawn. B) While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because her friends were calling her, her brother was blasting his stereo, and her dad was mowing the lawn. C) While studying for her psychology test, Francina had trouble concentrating because of phone calls from her friends, noise from her brother's stereo, and her dad was mowing the lawn. Answer: B 17) Identify the correct sentence. A) The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, across the street, and down the dark alley. B) The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, crossed the street, and down the dark alley. C) The suspicious man in the black trench coat walked through the yard, across the street, and went into the dark alley. Answer: A 18) Identify the correct sentence. A) I broke up with my boyfriend because he did not respect me, he was verbally abusive, and unfaithful. B) I broke up with my boyfriend because he was disrespectful, verbally abusive, and unfaithful. C) I broke up with my boyfriend because he was disrespectful, abused me verbally, and his unfaithful behavior. Answer: B 19) Choose the correct sentence. A) Not all mouse traps are designed to kill mice, some merely trap them. B) Not all mouse traps are designed to kill mice some merely trap them. C) Not all mouse traps are designed to kill mice; some merely trap them. Answer: C 20) Combine these two simple sentences into one simple sentence with a compound verb. Jenny went to the grocery store. She bought chicken and potatoes. A) Jenny went to the grocery store; she bought chicken and potatoes. B) Jenny went to the grocery store and bought chicken and potatoes. C) Jenny went to the grocery store, and she bought chicken and potatoes. Answer: B 21) Combine these two simple sentences into a complex sentence. Many industrialized nations use the metric system. The United States refuses to adopt it. A) Although many industrialized nations use the metric system, the United States refuses to adopt it. B) Many industrialized nations use the metric system, but the United States refuses to adopt it. C) Many industrialized nations use the metric system; however, the United States refuses to adopt it. Answer: A 22) Choose the sentence that is written in active voice. A) The math problems were given to the students. B) The students were taking a math test. C) The math test was given by the instructor. D) The math test grades were given to the students. Answer: B 23) Choose the sentence that is written in active voice. A) The prognosis was given by Dr. House. B) The patient was given a prognosis by Dr. House. C) Dr. House gave the prognosis to the patient. D) The prognosis was given a prognosis by Dr. House to the patient. Answer: C 24) Choose the sentence that is written in active voice. A) The paper is being written by the student. B) The student is writing the paper. C) In the English class, the paper is being written by the student. Answer: B 25) Choose the sentence that is written in active voice. A) The book will be published next year. B) Next year the book will be published. C) will publish the book next year. Answer: C 26) Choose the sentence that is written in active voice. A) A serious accident was prevented on the highway by Roger's quick thinking. B) Roger's quick thinking prevented a serious accident on the highway. C) A serious accident was prevented on the highway. Answer: B Choose the option that corrects the error in the underlined portion. If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." 27) Bill, the foreman of the construction company, is concerned about the safety in the large building. They have had three accidents in the past week. A) It has had B) She has had C) Members of the crew have had D) No change is necessary. Answer: C 28) It says that more students learn through visual and hands-on teaching methods than through auditory ones. A) Chapter 19 says B) They say C) She says D) No change is necessary. Answer: C 29) Ted told James that they had been given too much work by their boss and the deadline was tomorrow, which seemed unfair. A) tomorrow; which seemed unfair B) tomorrow, although it C) tomorrow. This demand seemed D) No change is necessary. Answer: C 30) The freezing rain had been falling for several hours the streets were dangerously slick and flooded in some areas. A) hours, and the B) hours; the C) hours. The D) No change is necessary. Answer: B 31) Angela sat on the edge of the boat and took a swig of beer; then she fell overboard and into the ocean. A) beer and then B) beer, then C) beer; then, D) No change is necessary. Answer: D 32) You will get a scholarship if you earn at least three A's this semester. A) scholarship. If B) scholarship, if C) scholarship; if D) No change is necessary. Answer: D 33) When the body needs to fight infectious diseases it increases the number of white blood cells. A) diseases, it B) diseases. It C) diseases; it D) No change is necessary. Answer: A Revise the following sentences so they are structured correctly. 34) Having come to class late, the teacher marked me absent. Answer: The teacher marked me absent because I was late for class. 35) The cat's low weight, broken claws, and its fur being matted indicated that the animal was being neglected. Answer: The cat's low weight, broken claws, and matted fur indicated that the animal was being neglected. 7 Copyright © 2014 Education, Inc.

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