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PHCL2610 Introductory Physiology Syllabus Fall 2017

University of Toledo
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Contributor: fafa
Category: Physiology
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Introductory Physiology The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences PHCL2610-001/091 Coordinator: Dr. Frederick E. Williams (Coordinator) Email: Office Hours: TBD or by appt in Wolfe Hall 1227 Office Location: Wolfe Center 274C HSC Office Phone: 419-383-1991 Instructor: Dr. Ana Maria Oyarce Email: Office Hours: TBD Office Location: Wolfe Center 280C HSC Office Phone: 419-383-1919 Class Location: Rocket Hall 1520 Class Day/Time: MWF at 2:30 - 3:25 pm Credit hours: 3 Course Description This class is designed to give students a thorough introduction to human physiology and prepare them for success in the Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical science curriculum. LEARNING OUTCOMES To have a working understanding of the principles influencing the cells and systems of the body with regard to physiology and how drugs may influence these parts of the human experience. To be able to use critical thinking to solve problems in physiology based on data supplied. More detailed outcomes are available at the online blackboard site. TEACHING STRATEGY Face to face lecture, recorded lecture where possible, and online quizzes and homework Prerequisites BIOL2170 Fundamentals of Life Science Required Texts and Ancillary Material Text: none. Web Site: PHCL 2610 Blackboard for course materials and announcements Honors Students -091 section If you attending the 091 section you will be required to do more for your honors in class. 1. students will be required to identify a physiological problem to be researched. 2. students must then work together to produce a 10 page double spaced paper on the topic. 3. students are then required to put together and deliver a 10 minute presentation on the topic. 4. Grading will be by the faculty and the total number of extra points achievable is 50. This means that those in the 091 section will be graded based on 700 pts possible and not 650. University Policies The University is an equal opportunity educational institution. Please read The University’s Policy Statement on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Americans with Disability Act Compliance. Academic AccommodationS The University of Toledo is committed to providing equal access to education for all students. If you have a documented disability or you believe you have a disability and would like information regarding academic accommodations/adjustments in this course please contact the Student Disability Service Office or the Office of Academic Access (OA) (Rocket Hall 1820; 419.530.4981; ). Students with disabilities receiving accommodations through OA are encouraged to discuss these with the course coordinator, after class or during office hours, so that the instructors may be better informed on how to assist the student during the semester. Academic Policies A.) Course Policies Attendance Students are expected to attend classes. In the event of absence from class, students will be responsible for all material covered in class. Classroom Courtesy The University has jurisdiction over any individual student, group of students or student organization alleged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct on the University of Toledo premises. Students must conduct themselves in a manner which is conducive to learning for themselves and others. Disruptive behaviors are not acceptable and may affect a student’s final grade, or in severe cases result in a student being removed from class. Disruption of operations of the University Community is an action or combination of actions by an individual or a group, which unreasonably interferes with, hinders, obstructs, or prevents the right of others to freely participate in its programs, services, or academic settings. This may include, but is not limited to a disruption by the use of pagers, cell phones and/or any other communication devices. Policies on Late Work Late quizzes/assignments will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor if the student provides appropriate written documentation of medical illness, hospitalization, or death in the family. If you do not have a valid excuse, you will not get credit. Lecture Notes and recordings Handouts for the lectures will be available. It is your responsibility to print the notes and bring them to class. The lectures will be recorded using ECHO360 if available and the recordings will be available to students only on Blackboard. Students may also audiotape lectures with permission of the instructor; otherwise, no A/V equipment or pictures are permitted. The handouts and recordings are private properties belonging to each instructor and there will be no authorization to post them in any websites other than Blackboard. For issues pertaining to lecture content, contact the instructor who teaches the topic. For issues pertaining to grades, tests, lecture schedule, reading assignments, etc., contact the course coordinator. B.) Exam Policy All exams will contain 50 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. Exam Review Exam scores will be available on Blackboard as soon as possible. This is contingent upon how fast the grading center returns the graded exams. You will be able to review your exams during office hours unless you make other arrangements with the instructor. Examination Regulations Promptness - Students should be in the assigned examination room at the start of the class period. No extra time will be permitted for students who arrive late for an examination. Students, who do arrive late, provided that no student has finished his/her examination and left the room, will be allowed to take the exam. However, if a student arrives late, but after a previously arriving student has finished his/her examination and left the room, the tardy student will be considered to have been absent from the examination and will have to take a MAKEUP EXAMINATION. Articles in Examination Room Drinks, food, coats, hats, purses, notebooks, papers, books, telephones, electronic devices, etc. will not be permitted at your seat during an exam. The use of pagers, telephones, or other electronic equipment is not permitted during an examination and should be turned off. Unless otherwise noted, only #2 pencils and ID will be permitted at your desk. Calculators (non-programmable and TI-30 preferred if necessary) can be used on examinations only when permitted. We will let you know in advance if a calculator is needed for an exam. Make-up Examinations Make-up examinations will be given only to those students who obtain an excused absence from the instructor prior to the examination or during the first class session following the examination.  Late excuses will not be accepted!  Make-up examinations will be scheduled during final examination week. The format of the make-up exam will be determined by the instructor and could be a combination of multiple choice questions and short answer essay. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated, and any student caught in this action will be dealt with according to the Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty found in The University of Toledo General Catalog. The grade for the course will be reduced to an "F". In addition, the student may be dismissed from the College and/or University. Any form of work that is not your own, including copied assignments and falsified quizzes, is considered academic dishonesty. Examination Schedule Exam Topic Examination Date Exam 1 Homeostasis, Pathology Central Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Monday – September 18 Exam 2 Endocrine system Reproductive systems Monday – October 9 Exam 3 Hematology (blood) Cardiovascular system Monday – October 30 Exam 4 Renal system Respiratory system Monday – November 20 Exam 5/Final Exam Sensory systems Muscle Gastrointestinal system Wednesday – December 13 2:45 – 4:45 pm Drop / Withdrawal Last day to add/drop the class is September 6 and last day to withdraw from classes is October 14. No "W" grades will be issued after that date. IW grades are not available anymore. The petition for withdrawal must be received in the Office of the Registrar, Rocket Hall, Room 1100, by the deadline date either: in person, fax, or mail. When mailing, the envelope must be postmarked by the deadline date. Always check the registrar office site at dates spring.html GRADING Four semester exams and a final exam will be given. Grades are determined from 100 pts. per exam for five exams. 50 pts at 5 pts. per quiz for ten quizzes online. 100 pts. for homework to be done online. Total pts. = 500 + 50 + 100 = 650 pts. Final Course grades will be determined as a percentage of the total accumulated points of all examinations administered during the semester. Total points you earned (exams + quizzes/assignments) x 100 = Final Average (%) Total points possible (650 pts.) The Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics uses the following grading scale for undergraduate courses: Letter Grade Numerical Average (%) Quality Points A 90-100 4 A- 88.5-89.9 3.67 B+ 86.5-88.4 3.33 B 80-86.4 3 B- 78.5-79.9 2.67 C+ 76.5-78.4 2.33 C 70-76.4 2 C- 68.5-69.9 1.67 D+ 66.5-68.4 1.33 D 60-66.4 1 D- 58.5-59.9 0.67 Communication Guidelines Instructors will do their best to respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours. If you do not receive a response by then, please try again. Students are expected to check their UT email account frequently for important course information. If you are having difficulty in the course or trouble understanding some of the information discussed in class, please contact the instructors. You are encouraged to come to office hours to go over the material that you do not understand. Student Support Services The University of Toledo offers a wide range of academic and student support services that can help you succeed in the course. COURSE SCHEDULE The tentative schedule of topics is included on the following table Week Topics Instructor 1 Introduction, Terms, Homeostasis & Pathology Central nervous system Williams 2 Central nervous system Williams 3 Autonomic nervous system Endocrine system introduction Williams/Oyarce 4 Endocrine system Oyarce 5 Endocrine system Oyarce 6 Reproductive systems Hematology (Blood) Oyarce 7 Cardiovascular system Oyarce 8 Cardiovascular system Oyarce 9 Cardiovascular system Renal system Oyarce 10 Renal system Oyarce 11 Renal system Respiratory system Oyarce 12 Respiratory system Sensory systems Oyarce 13 Thanksgiving (no lectures) Oyarce 14 Sensory systems Muscle types, cells and contraction Oyarce 15 Gastrointestinal system Oyarce

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