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Argosy University Psychology 101
The diversity that exists in our world today amongst the sexual behaviors and orientation of people today is not only a debatable topic of people in general but it is even a highly debatable topic among the scientific community as well. Whether it is a matter of religious views that marks the disagreement among the general population or the fact they find the actions of homosexual couples disturbing, there is much effort being put into research to determine why people engage in homosexual behavior. Through the videos (Argosy, 2014) and the reading (Gerrig, 2012) it has been hypothesize by many that there could be genetic factors that influence orientation and behavior of individuals when it pertains to sexual behavior and orientation. Even among the scientific community this is not very conclusive and many studies lead to different, and even conflicting opinions. Biological factors do appear to be the most popular answer from what is considered to be “the normal” behavior. When considering the psycho-social aspects of sexual orientation and behavior the videos for this lesson (Argosy, 2014) illustrates to us that there are many social factors that can determine ones divience from the “norm” with their sexual behavior. In watching these videos there can be a safe determination that one who may have been cared for in an unnatural way as a child may never develop the ability to choose because their sexual identity has been clouded and caused them to be confused in their life. Erikson’s developmental theory would suggest that in the adosescent stage during the ages of 13-19 years of age that this role confusion could occur based on a conflict encountered in an individuals life at this time (Gerig, 2012). Cultural and even religious views can cause what is deemed to be an unnatural behavior. A culture or religion that devalues the female in the relationship and sees her as property and someone to care for children latterly brainwashes them from an earliest memory. They have been taught in their developmental years that they may have little worth and that love is not for them but their male counterpart. He is allowed to have multiple wives to help the “family” and that she has a specific role in the family. This sounds archaic and from those who consider themselves normal it is. In having professional objectivity there are questions that should be asked in all situations. What determines the normal sexual behavior? I would make an educated guess that a large number of people who find homosexuality to be disgusting for example, if you were a fly sitting in the corner of their life probably enjoy viewing pornographic material illustrating the same type of relationship. A deviant sexual behavior where couples use torture to heighten their arousal, if it is enjoyed by both participants is it wrong? My theory is this. Any behavior that dictates to a participant that one must behave in a way to be loved may be o.k. in the short term, ultimately it will be like any addiction cause by drugs. It will continue to escalate to an unhealthy level and will eventually result in the termination of the relationship. It is the belief of this writer that these behaviors are choices, but they are choices based on social, cultural, and even values that were instilled during the proper stages of development that has been illustrated to us from the lessons in the last module. It is a strong belief that a child that is abused sexually that his or her development will be deterred and they very well will have a difficult time when it comes to sexual maturity and relationships. It is the belief of this writer that religious views that make sex in all aspects evil and taboo will have an adverse effect on individuals. A male or female raised in a home where the mother is abused, degraded, and made to look as if she has little worth. The male will more than likely treat his spouse in the same manner and the female will very likely accept the same type of treatment from hers because this is proper behavior in their eyes. It is felt that there may be factors biologically that could lead to some behaviors sexually. At this time though, it is still not concrete enough to feel this way. Reference Gerrig, R.J. (2012). Psychology and life. (20th edition). . Argosy University. (2014). General Psychology: Module 2. Retrieved from

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