ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENT n The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating, and mitigating the biophysical, social and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made (IAIA and IEA, 1999). n EIA is a process to predict the environmental effects of proposed initiatives before they are carried out (CEAA, 2007). PRINCIPLES OF EIA 1. A strong legislative foundation 2. Suitable procedures 3. Public involvement 4. Orientation towards problems 5. Monitoring and feedback capacity STAGES IN EIA Conceptually, EIA procedure involves different stages and Ontario’s impact assessment procedure has different approach. Stage 1: Proposal; This is the basic concept of an undertaking. Who should carry out impact assessment? Stage 2: Screening-Is EIA required? It simply implies narrowing of the EIA application to projects that require assessment because of perceived ‘significant’ environmental effects. - Case-by-case screening - Threshold screening STAGES IN EIA Stage 3: Scoping –What the EIA will address Scoping determines the important issues and parameters that should be addressed and establishes the spatial and temporal boundaries. - Open scoping - Closed scoping - Scoping requires “alternative to” = different ways of meeting the need and purpose of the project. Alternative to nuclear energy is hydroelectric power. Consider the relative cost and benefits of the alternatives. -“alternative means” = different options for carrying out the project. Provide alternative locations or use different access roads, technical or engineering designs. Stage 4: Assessment of the proposal Impact prediction is a statement specifying, without direct measurement, the past, present, or future condition of a particular value ecosystem component that will be affected. It should be accurate and precise. STAGES IN EIA e. Judgemental tools: eg. Intention surveys and Delphi technique f. Scenario tool: is a way of looking at alternative future possibilities. Prediction of Impact on biophysical environments Predicting the impacts of developments on biophysical components of the environment has been the heart of EIA. * Air quality impacts * Water impacts * Soil quality impacts * Coastal zone impacts * Terrestrial & Wildlife impacts Prediction of impacts on human environment * Direct economic impacts * Housing impacts * Indirect economic impacts * Local service impacts * Demographic impacts * Socio-cultural impacts * Health impacts WEAKNESSES OF EIA ACT n Inability of monitor, audit and enforce conditions of approval on the project. n Difficulties in enforcing breach of conditions. n It does not require cumulative effects. n Lack of intervenor funding. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN EIA n Public participation provisions in EIA - Adequate notification is critical to a fair meaningful participation. - There should be avenue for acquisition and exchange of information about EIA. - Financial support for effective participation. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN EIA CONTINUED - There should be adequate opportunities for the public comment on the proposal. - Hearing is important for informed decision making.