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Ch20 Romanticism 18-19 Centuries

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CHAPTER 20 Romanticism: The Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Romantic artists a. were interested in the wild and ghostly. b. yearned for the past or a golden future. c. loved wild landscapes. d. All these answers are correct. Answer: d 2. 1830 is the date of a. the Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy. b. the July Revolution in France. c. the attack on Fort Sumter. d. the Spanish-American War. Answer: b 3. Which is NOT a tenet of Romanticism? a. nostalgia b. exoticism c. chivalric tales d. the sublime e. social realism Answer: e 4. The Houses of Parliament are an example of a. Classical revival architecture. b. Palladian architecture. c. Gothic revival architecture. d. Islamic revival architecture. Answer: c 5. “La Marseillaise” is a. a French city. b. a French building. c. the French anthem. d. a French epic. Answer: c 6. François Rude’s sculpture La Marseillaise represents a. a parade in Paris. b. Liberty leading France to protect the motherland. c. the French Revolution led by Louis XVI. d. the battle of the Centaurs. Answer: b 7. The Brighton Pavilion is an example of a. Gothic revival. b. Islamic Gothic. c. Classical revival. d. Indian Gothic. Answer: d 8. Gouache is a kind of a. etching. b. paint. c. woodcut. d. pigment. Answer: b 9. Which best describes the work of William Blake? a. Classical b. Gothic c. down-to-earth d. military e. visionary Answer: e 10. Géricault’s paintings reflect his interest in a. combating social injustice. b. horsemanship. c. psychology. d. both psychology and combating social injustice. e. All these answers are correct. Answer: e 11. In the Raft of the “Medusa,” “Medusa” refers to a. a jellyfish. b. a life raft. c. a ship. d. a hospital. e. a painting by Caravaggio. Answer: c 12. Géricault’s Raft of the “Medusa” was based on a. a Romantic concoction under the influence of opium. b. an event taken from the newspapers of the day. c. a scene from the French Revolution. d. a mythological scene. Answer: b 13. The Salon refers to a. an official art exhibition. b. a room in a château. c. a room in a private Paris apartment. d. an art gallery. Answer: a 14. ________ marked the high point in Romantic influence on politics. a. The publishing of Lyrics of Ballads b. The “return to nature” movement c. Charles X ascending to the French throne d. The July Revolution e. The Sturm und Drang movement Answer: d 15. The war depicted in Massacre at Chios was between a. America and England. b. France and Italy. c. Greece and Turkey. d. Greece and Italy. Answer: c 16. Massacre at Chios is sympathetic to a. Greece. b. Turkey. c. Italy. d. France. e. England. Answer: a 17. In Liberty Leading the People, the figure of Liberty is an example of a. irony. b. allegory. c. satire. d. metonymy. e. realism. Answer: b 18. Aquatint combines a. watercolor and drawing. b. engraving and oil. c. watercolor and silverpoint. d. watercolor and engraving. Answer: d 19. Which is NOT a theme in Goya’s painting? a. social injustice b. child psychology c. irrational thinking d. frivolity Answer: d 20. Chronos was a. a bad Spanish father. b. the father of the Olympians. c. the father of Goya. d. the father of Hermes. Answer: b 21. Which is NOT a correct match? a. Burke – the sublime b. Goethe – Sturm und Drang c. Freud – “The Uncanny” d. Rousseau – Les Misérables Answer: d 22. Constable’s painting of Salisbury Cathedral is an example of a. Gothic revival. b. Realism. c. Romanticism. d. watercolor. Answer: c 23. Towards the end of his career, Turner painted a. carefully delineated scenes of upper class virtue. b. realistic landscapes. c. broadly imagined, expressionistically colored landscapes. d. photographic-quality portraits. Answer: c 24. Which is NOT an American Romantic writer? a. Coleridge b. Thoreau c. Emerson d. Cooper e. Poe Answer: a 25. ________ was a literary movement that exalted individualism and nature as a reaction against French Classical taste. a. Walden Pond b. Gouache c. Storm and Stress d. Gothic Revival e. Alhambra Answer: c 26. Which of the following is a correct match? a. Coleridge – “The Solitary Reaper” b. Shelley – “Kubla Khan” c. Byron – “Don Juan” d. Keats – “Ozymandias” Answer: c Key Works Sir Charles Barry and Augustus W. N. Pugin, Houses of Parliament, London, 1836–1870 Richard Upjohn, Trinity Church, New York, 1841–1852 John Nash, Royal Pavilion, Brighton, England, 1815–1818 François Rude, Departure of the Volunteers of 1792 (La Marseillaise), 1833–1836 William Blake, God Creating the Universe (Ancient of Days), frontispiece of Europe: A Prophecy, 1794 Théodore Géricault, Mounted Officer of the Imperial Guard, 1812 Théodore Géricault, Madwoman with a Mania of Envy, 1822–1823 Théodore Géricault, Raft of the “Medusa”, 1819 Théodore Géricault, study for the “Father,” Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts Eugène Delacroix, Massacre at Chios, 1822–1824 Eugène Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827–1828 Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830 Eugène Delacroix, Women of Algiers, 1834 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Los Caprichos, plate 3, published 1799 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Witches’ Sabbath, 1798–1799 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Family of Charles IV, 1800 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Executions of the Third of May, 1808, 1814 Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Chronos Devouring One of His Children, c. 1820–1822 Caspar David Friedrich, Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1819 John Constable, Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop’s Garden, 1820 Joseph Mallord William Turner, The Fighting “Téméraire” tugged to her last berth to be broken up, 1838 Thomas Cole, View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm (The Oxbow), 1836 George Caleb Bingham, Squatters, 1850 Albert Bierstadt, Sunrise, Yosemite Valley, c. 1870 George Catlin, The White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas, 1844–1845 Edward Hicks, Peaceable Kingdom, c. 1834 Key Terms aquatint binder, binding medium gouache ground luminism monolith rosin wash watercolor

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