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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 29 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...23 focuses on the knowledge and skills...
...knowledge and skills the nurse needs to...
...and Clinical Activities Discuss the assessment data...
...Clinical Activities Discuss the assessment data that...
...venous stasis and the nursing interventions to...
...lab, show students the different types and... practice applying the appropriate size antiemboli...
...ask them to discuss the experience and...
...them to discuss the experience and what...
...compression device. Once the device is applied,... applied, inform the students that the...
...the students that the client needs to...
...of bed. Have the students disconnect the...
...the students disconnect the sequential compression stockings...
...methods a) removing the stockings and b)...
...and b) disconnecting the tubing. Have the...
...the tubing. Have the client return to...
...client return to the bed and students...
...and students restart the compression therapy each...
...each time. Ask the students to discuss...
...the students to discuss the pros and...
...students to discuss the pros and cons...
...method. 4. During the clinical experience, assign...
...THINKING Consider This The client brought her...
...stockings from home. The UAP tells you...
...tells you that the clients stockings are...
...will you do The client is on...
...compression device, and the nurse is monitoring...
...this last check, the client states that...
N/A 209
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