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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 46.1 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...his observations of fossil invertebrates in the... explain the fossil record and the...
...of evolution, the fossil record, homology, and...
...snakes and of fossil whales retain vestiges...
...not homologous. The fossil record The fossil...
...fossil record The fossil record documents the... increasingly good fossil record shows the...
N/A 176
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 34.06 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Botany | Downloaded: 0
...species. A. The Fossil Record and Geological...
...of biology. The fossil record is the...
...preserved as a fossil. These organisms have... sediment, this fossil is frozen in...
...rock. If a fossil is found sandwiched...
...formed. 3. The fossil record is a...
...discovery of a fossil depends on a...
...layer with the fossil must escape processes...
...heat, erosion). The fossil then has only...
...will find the fossil on or near...
...been discovered. The fossil record is slanted...
...the study of fossil strata does record...
...mass extinctions The fossil record reveals long...
...swept away. The fossil record records five...
...flight because the fossil record shows that...
...primarily on the fossil record. Recently, molecular...
...consistent with the fossil evidence that sharks...
...known from the fossil record. The slope...
...that have no fossil record. The molecular...
...calibration in the fossil record. The molecular...
...For example, the fossil record, comparative anatomy,...
...approaches. For example, fossil evidence dates the...
...weight in the fossil evidence and express...
...orders because the fossil record is incomplete....
...noticeable in the fossil record until after...
N/A 194
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 57.27 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...forms, but no fossil evidence supports or...
...hypothesis. Several recent fossil finds in China...
...anatomical, molecular, and fossil evidence. At the...
...common in the fossil record than they...
...shallow water. The fossil record chronicles the... to monotremes. Fossil evidence places the... Eocene whale fossil with a foot...
...been debunked by fossil discoveries. First, our...
...Posture. Based on fossil skeletons, it is...
...account for new fossil evidence and data...
...1974, a new fossil, about 40% complete,...
...of Ethiopia. This fossil, nicknamed “Lucy,” was...
...Based on this fossil and other discoveries,...
...skull bones and fossil tracks showed that...
...afarensis. The oldest fossil that is unambiguously...
...A remarkably complete fossil of a young...
...hypotheses recognize the fossil evidence for humanity’s...
...So far, the fossil evidence has been...
...The western European fossil evidence is consistent...
...later arrivals. However, fossil evidence from outside...
N/A 186
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 369.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...China, several recent fossil finds of early...
...appeared in the fossil record in the...
...gnathostomes in the fossil record are an...
...and laid eggs. Fossil evidence shows that...
...1974, a new fossil, about 40% complete,...
...Ethiopia. This 3.2-million-year-old fossil, nicknamed “Lucy,” was...
...skull bones, and fossil tracks showed that...
...hominins with the fossil record of australopiths...
...genetic analyses and fossil discoveries are needed...
...argue that the fossil was from a...
N/A 194
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 278 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...Concept 25.2 The fossil record documents the...
...of life. The fossil record shows that...
...existing ones. The fossil record is an...
...are discovered. The fossil record is biased...
...its limitations, the fossil record provides a...
...nitrogen-14 in a fossil, scientists can determine...
...can determine the fossil’s age. Carbon-14 is...
...have a good fossil record. The lower...
...cusped molars. The fossil record shows that...
...appear in the fossil record 600 million...
...suddenly in the fossil record in a...
...years ago. Recent fossil finds from China... There is fossil evidence that cyanobacteria...
...documented in the fossil record over the...
...for which the fossil record is most...
...seen in the fossil record. It is...
...developmental genes. The fossil record tells us...
...changes in the fossil record. “Evo-devo” is...
...look at all fossil horses, however, the...
N/A 203
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 160 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...his observations of fossil invertebrates in the... explain the fossil record and the...
...of evolution, the fossil record, homology, and...
...reverse transcriptase. The fossil record The fossil...
...fossil record The fossil record shows that... increasingly good fossil record shows the...
...of flippers. The fossil record provides evidence...
...of evolution. The fossil record can also...
...of evolutionary patterns. Fossil fishes predate all...
...snakes and of fossil whales retain vestiges...
N/A 184
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 81.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...obtained from the fossil record and from...
...called strata. The fossil record is the...
...their ages. The fossil record is a...
...been discovered. The fossil record is biased...
...a birds wing. Fossil evidence also documents...
...with reasonably complete fossil records can serve... living and fossil organisms. They construct...
...such as the fossil record, which can... from the fossil record to place...
...well as by fossil evidence. 6. An...
...primarily on the fossil record. One of...
...there is no fossil record. Molecular clocks...
...known from the fossil record. The slope...
...that have no fossil record. No molecular...
...calibration in the fossil record Few fossils...
...class domain family fossil record genus homoplasy...
N/A 196
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