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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 46.04 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...spores through meiosis. Gametophyte generation is haploid,...
...meiosis. The haploid gametophyte generation, which is...
...the sporophyte. The gametophyte gives rise to... the male gametophyte of angiosperms. Pollination...
...represents a male gametophyte. The carpels are...
...Producing the male gametophyte ANTHER ? SPOROGENOUS...
...Producing the female gametophyte. OVULE ? MEGASPORE...
...megagametophyte or female gametophyte. Three cells migrate...
...called the female gametophyte or megagametophyte or...
...zygote. The male gametophyte produces a long...
...of the female gametophyte (syn. embryo sac)....
N/A 157
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 31.52 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Botany | Downloaded: 0
...reduction of the gametophyte. The advent of...
...Reduction of the gametophyte continued with the...
...plants is a gametophyte-dominated life cycle for...
...the delicate female gametophyte and young embryos...
...themselves. For the gametophyte to exist within...
...miniaturization of the gametophyte of seed plants....
...Why has the gametophyte generation not been...
...of the maternal gametophyte. The gametophyte nourishes...
...maternal gametophyte. The gametophyte nourishes the sporophyte...
...retained, but the gametophyte develops within the...
...megasporangium. A female gametophyte develops inside a...
...into the female gametophyte. While some primitive...
...the immature female gametophyte. 6) Two or...
...develop within the gametophyte. 7) At the...
...reached the female gametophyte. Fertilization occurs when...
...leaves. The female gametophyte surrounds and nourishes... (derived from gametophyte tissue), and a...
...contain the female gametophyte, the embryo sac....
...into the female gametophyte. • In a...
...of the female gametophyte. • The zygote...
N/A 294
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 35.71 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 called the gametophyte with haploid cells....
...a new multicellular gametophyte. Unlike the life...
...single-celled. While the gametophyte and sporophyte stages...
...the sporophyte and gametophyte depend on the...
...In bryophytes, the gametophyte is the “dominant”...
...sporophyte, while the gametophyte is a tiny...
...grow into a gametophyte by mitosis. Spores...
...plants. 2. The gametophyte is the dominant... mitosis. The gametophyte is a mass...
...compounds within the gametophyte. Those with specialized... the parent gametophyte. Layers of placental...
...from the maternal gametophyte. A bryophyte sporophyte... its parental gametophyte throughout the sporophyte’s...
...depends on the gametophyte for sugars, amino...
...foot embedded in gametophyte tissues. Hornwort and...
...from the parent gametophyte via transfer cells....
...protective cap of gametophyte tissue, the calyptra....
...of the parent gametophyte. The first vascular...
...independent of the gametophyte. The branches provide...
...into a bisexual gametophyte with both archegonia...
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 138.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...reduction of the gametophyte generation, heterospory, ovules,...
...dominated by the gametophyte generation, whereas seedless...
...The trend to gametophyte reduction continued in...
...the delicate female gametophyte and the young... a bisexual gametophyte. Seed plants likely...
...integuments. A female gametophyte develops from a...
...of a male gametophyte enclosed within a...
...into the female gametophyte. Bryophytes and seedless...
...of the female gametophyte within the ovule....
...containing a male gametophyte. In pines and...
...anthers. Each male gametophyte has two haploid...
...contains the female gametophyte, the embryo sac....
...and the male gametophyte extends a pollen...
...into the female gametophyte. One fertilizes the...
...of the female gametophyte to form the...
...of the female gametophyte develops into endosperm,...
N/A 196
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 151 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0 called the gametophyte and has haploid...
...a new multicellular gametophyte. Unlike the life...
...of a moss gametophyte. Bryophyte gametophytes form... the parent gametophyte. Layers of placental...
...from the maternal gametophyte. A bryophyte sporophyte... its parental gametophyte throughout the sporophyte’s...
...depends on the gametophyte for sugars, amino...
...from the parent gametophyte. The seta or...
...into a bisexual gametophyte with both archegonia...
N/A 205
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 87.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...reduction of the gametophyte generation, heterospory, ovules,...
...dominated by the gametophyte generation, while seedless...
...The trend to gametophyte reduction continued in...
...the delicate female gametophyte and the young...
...forms a hermaphroditic gametophyte. Seed plants likely...
...integuments. A female gametophyte develops from a...
...into the female gametophyte. Bryophytes and seedless...
...plants, the female gametophyte is retained within...
...of the female gametophyte within the ovule....
...containing a male gametophyte. A larger ovulate...
...develop within the gametophyte. During pollination, windblown...
...leaves. The female gametophyte surrounds and nourishes... (derived from gametophyte tissue), and a...
...contains the female gametophyte the embryo sac...
...Ovule ( female gametophyte (embryo sac) Within...
...forms a female gametophyte, or embryo sac....
...a mature male gametophyte. The pollen tube...
...into the female gametophyte. One fertilizes the...
N/A 983
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 129.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 called the gametophyte and has haploid...
...a new multicellular gametophyte. Unlike the life...
...dominated by the gametophyte stage Bryophytes are... mitosis. The gametophyte is a mass...
...compounds within the gametophyte. HOWEVER Some mosses... the parent gametophyte. Layers of placental...
...from the maternal gametophyte. A bryophyte sporophyte... its maternal gametophyte throughout the sporophytes...
...from the maternal gametophyte. It depends on...
...depends on the gametophyte for sugars, amino...
...from the parent gametophyte via transfer cells....
...protective cap of gametophyte tissue, the calyptra....
...productive cap of gametophyte tissue called calyptra....
...foot embedded in gametophyte tissues. O M...
...from the maternal gametophyte. The sporophytes of...
...into a bisexual gametophyte with both archegonia...
...into a bisexual gametophyte ( has both...
...foot gametangia gametophore gametophyte gymnosperm heterosporous homosporous...
...into a bisexual gametophyte having both male...
...into a female gametophyte bearing archegonia) micro-...
...structure of a gametophyte body of a...
N/A 211
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