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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 228 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0 a volcanic island or the moraine...
...islands depends on island size and distance...
...woodland fragments. An island is thus any...
...unsuitable for the “island” species. Robert MacArthur...
...general hypothesis of island biogeography to identify...
...diversity on an island with a given...
...newly formed oceanic island that receives colonizing...
...eventually inhabit the island: The rate at...
...immigrate to the island, and The rate...
...extinct on the island. As the number...
...species on the island increases, the immigration...
...that reaches the island is less likely...
...species inhabit an island, extinction rates on...
...rates on the island increase because of...
...features of the island that affect immigration...
...Wilson’s model of island biogeography predicts that...
...correlated with the island’s size and distance...
...animals on many island chains, including the...
...these predictions. The island equilibrium model may...
N/A 184
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 87.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 a volcanic island or the moraine...
...islands depends on island size and distance...
...woodland fragments. An island is thus any...
...unsuitable for the “island” species. Robert MacArthur...
...general hypothesis of island biogeography to identify...
...diversity on an island with a given...
...newly formed oceanic island that receives colonizing...
...eventually inhabit the island: The rate at...
...immigrate to the island. The rate at...
...extinct on the island. Two physical features...
...features of the island affect immigration and...
...given time, an island’s immigration and extinction...
...individual reaching the island is less likely...
...The hypothesis of island biogeography predicts that...
...correlated with the island’s size and distance...
...animals on many island chains, including the...
...these predictions. The island equilibrium model has...
Test / Midterm / Exam | Approved: 7 years ago | 79.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...newly emergent volcanic island d. south Florida...
...a newly-formed volcanic island d. growth of...
...Figure 53.2 25. island with the greatest...
...of species 26. island with the least...
...of species 27. island with the lowest...
N/A 235
Lecture 6 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 2.44 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Conservation Biology | Downloaded: 0
...2Estimating Extinction RatesThe Island Biogeography Model (MacArthur...
...species on an island can be predicted...
...area of an island 4Estimating Extinction RatesWhy...
...RatesWhy do large island support more species?1....
...species on an island represents dynamic equilibrium...
...existing speciesOn unoccupied island, number of species...
...RatesFigure 7.9 The island biogeography modelIMMIGRATION RATEEXTINCTION...
...species on an island, reducing the area...
...habitat results in island being able to...
...According to the island biogeography model, the...
...and Generalizations of Island Biogeography ModelAssumptions and...
...with narrow ranges (island birds, freshwater fish)...
...and Generalizations of Island Biogeography ModelModel assumes...
...approximate those using island biogeography method applied... done with island biogeography methodCan compare...
N/A 285
Lecture 5 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 2.23 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Conservation Biology | Downloaded: 0
...years after the island had been colonized....
...if habitat degraded/destroyed, island species cannot copeHave...
...humans occupy and island and then decline...
N/A 276
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