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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 124.53 kB | Comments: 0
...is composed of neurons, which are cells... ...and an axon. Neurons communicate at junctions... ...consists of many neurons bound together by... ...protect the delicate neurons. ORGAN SYSTEMS There... ...39 NEURAL CONTROL: NEURONS The ability of... ...cells are called neurons. These cells are... ...this network of neurons and supporting cells.... ...messengers used by neurons to signal other... ...to signal other neurons and that allows... ...or connection between neurons and/or receptors. FUNCTION... ...afferent or sensory neurons and sense organs... ...response. Response: efferent neurons bring the proper... ...muscles and glands. Neurons that transmit messages... ...afferent or sensory neurons. Neural messages are... ...CNS by efferent neurons or motor neurons,... ...neurons or motor neurons, to effectors, muscles... ...spinal cord. Anchor neurons to blood vessels... ...overall health of neurons. Astrocytes are star-shaped... ...cells that anchor neurons to capillaries, which... ...neurotransmitters. Oligodendrocytes envelop neurons in the CNS... ...Satellite cells surround neurons within ganglia outside... ...environment of the neurons to which they... ...cells are called neurons. A typical neuron... ...to do work. Neurons use electrical signals... ...gradient, passive transport. Neurons have three types... ...axons. In unmyelinated neurons, the speed of... ...the number of neurons stimulated and their... ...neuron type. Some neurons have lower threshold... ...junction between two neurons or between a... ...occur when the neurons are very close... ...coordination between many neurons. Chemical synapses are... ...released from motor neurons called cholinergic neurons.... ...neurons called cholinergic neurons. Norepinephrine, serotonin and... ...and schizophrenia. Adrenergic neurons release it. Other... ...acid that inhibits neurons in the brain... ...occurs when several neurons release their neurotransmitters... ...hundreds of other neurons. Presynaptic knobs may... ...of the postsynaptic neurons' dendrites and cell... ...from several presynaptic neurons. Divergence: a single... ...stimulates many postsynaptic neurons. The mechanism of... ...consist of scattered neurons, impulses may flow... ...in bilateral animals. Neurons aggregate to form... ...increase number of neurons. Concentration of neurons... ...neurons. Concentration of neurons to form ganglia... ...afferent and efferent neurons transmit different type... ...number of association neurons and complex synaptic... ...from it. Other neurons found in the... ...waves are produced. Neurons in the RAS... ...channels in postsynaptic neurons. Specific protein kinases... ...terminals and postsynaptic neurons. Neurotransmitter release may... ...inactivated in presynaptic neurons. It results in... ...and protein synthesis. Neurons have the ability... ...ganglion of sensory neurons before entering the... ...root contains motor neurons whose body is... ...stressful situations. Preganglionic neurons, paravertebral sympathetic ganglion... ...chain and postganglionic neurons transmit the message... ...functions. Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic... ...synapse with postganglionic neurons in ganglia near... ...relay of two neurons between the CNS... ...Some sympathetic preganglionic neurons end in ganglia... ...ganglion. Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with the... ...with the postganglionic neurons in terminal ganglia... ...a mechanism of neurons that release dopamine.... ...release dopamine. These neurons are located in... ...close contact with neurons. These receptors transduce... ...transmitted by the neurons. Sensory receptors and... ...fires by sensory neurons during the stimulus.... ...type of association neurons that receive the... ...These animals have neurons that are linked... ...linked to the neurons supplying the lateral... ...layers of connecting neurons in the retina... ...main types of neurons: Photoreceptors: rods and... ...thalamus. From there neurons bring information to... ...the respiratory centers. Neurons originating in the... ...several seconds the neurons become inactive, the... ...a network of neurons, the enteric nervous... ...into ducts. Some neurons secrete hormones (neurohormones)... ...secreted mainly by neurons. Hormones regulate regeneration... ...differentiate into sensory neurons (dorsal root ganglia... ...and postganglionic sympathetic neurons. The digestive track...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 60.17 kB | Comments: 0
...cells are called neurons. These cells are... ...this network of neurons and supporting cells.... ...messengers used by neurons to signal other... ...to signal other neurons and that allows... ...or connection between neurons and/or receptors. EVOLUTION... ...consist of scattered neurons, impulses may flow... ...in bilateral animals. Neurons aggregate to form... ...afferent or sensory neurons and sense organs... ...motor output: efferent neurons bring the proper... ...muscles and glands. Neurons that transmit messages... ...afferent or sensory neurons. Neural messages are... ...CNS by efferent neurons or motor neurons,... ...neurons or motor neurons, to effectors, muscles... ...system. NETWORKS OF NEURONS 1) Neuron structure... ...cells are called neurons. A typical neuron... ...body of sensory neurons is located in... ...spinal cord. Anchor neurons to blood vessels... ...between glia and neurons. Glial cells are... ...cells that anchor neurons to capillaries, which... ...between blood and neurons, e. g. take... ...pass it to neurons in the form... ...neurotransmitters. Oligodendrocytes envelop neurons in the CNS... ...to do work. Neurons use electrical signals... ...membrane potential of neurons. The voltmeter registers... ...to be ungated. Neurons also have gated... ...axons. In unmyelinated neurons, the speed of... ...junction between two neurons or between a... ...cytoplasm of two neurons and allow ions... ...coordination between many neurons. Chemical synapses are... ...hundreds of other neurons. Some of these... ...of the postsynaptic neurons' dendrites and cell... ...released from motor neurons called cholinergic neurons,... ...neurons called cholinergic neurons, and from the... ...acid that inhibits neurons in the brain... ...energy generation. Preganglionic neurons transmit message from... ...chain, and postganglionic neurons transmit the message... ...chain of two neurons. Synapse is inside... ...the ganglion. Sympathetic neurons release norepinephrine at... ...functions. Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic... ...synapse with postganglionic neurons in ganglia near... ...effector organs. Parasympathetic neurons release acetilcholine at... ...of networks of neurons in the digestive... ...six sheets of neurons running tangential to... ...somatosensory cortex, the neurons are distributed in... ...channels in postsynaptic neurons. Specific protein kinases... ...terminals and postsynaptic neurons. LTP is associated... ...differentiate into mature neurons. Mature neurons with... ...mature neurons. Mature neurons with their many... ...methods for replacing neurons lost to trauma... ...bundles of degenerated neurons and glial cells.... ...a progressive disease. Neurons die in large... ...death of dopamine-secreting neurons in the substantia... ...differentiate into sensory neurons (dorsal root ganglia... ...and postganglionic sympathetic neurons. The digestive track...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 434.07 kB | Comments: 0
...to the receptors. Neurons: Neurons are nerve... ...the receptors. Neurons: Neurons are nerve cells... ...body Types of Neurons: Sensory Neurons: Function:... ...of Neurons: Sensory Neurons: Function: Carry impulses... ...short axon Motor Neurons: Function: Carry impulses... ...long axon Relay Neurons (Interneurons) Function: Carry... ...impulses from other neurons to the cell... ...to other motor neurons and different effectors... ...sensory and motor neurons Knee jerk reflex:... ...sent along sensory neurons to the spinal... ...from the sensory neurons pass to the... ...to the motor neurons The motor neurons... ...neurons The motor neurons carry the nerve... ...arcs involve relay neurons and trigger both... ...any two communicating neurons is a synaptic... ...which is released. Neurons on either side... ...presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. The presynaptic neuron... ...synapses, not the neurons are responsible for... ...Only the presynaptic neurons can produce the... ...the post synaptic neurons have the receptors... ...with many other neurons e.g. A motor... ...synapses with other neurons The dendrites of... ...of the postsynaptic neurons need to sort-out... ...of the presynaptic neurons to ensure the...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 35.64 kB | Comments: 0
...close contact with neurons. These receptors transduce... ...transmitted by the neurons. Action potentials transmitted... ...transmitted by sensory neurons are called sensations.... ...responses of several neurons, each of which... ...on several other neurons in an ever... ...increasing number of neurons farther and farther... ...or more motor neurons in the spinal... ...or dendrites of neurons. They are located... ...frequencies. The sensory neurons associated with each... ...auditory nerve. Sensory neurons connect to specific... ...layers of connecting neurons in the retina... ...main types of neurons: Photoreceptors: rods and... ...thalamus. From there neurons bring information to... ...called tetanus. Motor neurons usually deliver their... ...and more motor neurons controlling a muscle...
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Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 559.97 kB | Comments: 0
...Multiple-Choice Questions 2.1 Neurons: The Messengers 1.... ...c. axons b. neurons d. nerves 4... ...are approximately ______ neurons in the brain... ...30 *** other neurons are ______. C,... ...impulses toward other neurons C, c b.... ...messages from neighboring neurons d. insulate against... ...impulses toward other neurons C, a b.... ...messages from neighboring neurons d. insulate against... ...d. eight 12. Neurons typically have ______.... ...language used by neurons to communicate ______.... ...impulses c. involves neurons transitioning from one... ...Impulses in myelinated neurons may reach speeds... ...b. all the neurons in a particular... ...all d. all neurons in an area... ...a. all the neurons in a single... ...b. all the neurons in a particular... ...the activity of neurons? 33 *** a.... ...the number of neurons being fired. c.... ...the number of neurons firing and the... ...axon. c. Some neurons have axons that... ...feet long. d. Neurons in the central... ...organs and sensory neurons 4 yr.: 83%... ...of the body’s neurons. 35 a. 10... ...The network of neurons in the hindbrain,... ...percent of the neurons in the human... ...environment had ______ neurons with ______ F,... ...in larger 41 neurons with more synaptic... ...functions of single neurons. 42 a. Macroelectrode... ...a. study single neurons C, a b.... ...a. study single neurons C, b b.... ...a. study single neurons C, c b.... ...a. study single neurons C, c b.... ...a b. motor neurons that control internal... ...muscles c. sensory neurons that carry information... ...c a. sensory neurons, motor neurons, interneurons... ...sensory neurons, motor neurons, interneurons b. motor... ...interneurons b. motor neurons, interneurons, sensory neurons... ...neurons, interneurons, sensory neurons c. sensory neurons,... ...neurons c. sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons... ...neurons, interneurons, motor neurons d. interneurons, sensory... ...d. interneurons, sensory neurons, motor neurons 187.... ...sensory neurons, motor neurons 187. Allan gingerly... ...d. hypothalamus 188. Neurons that carry messages... ...44 called ______ neurons. C, c a.... ...d. efferent 189. Neurons that carry messages... ...are called ______ neurons. C, d a.... ...*** sunburn. Which neurons are sending messages... ...burn? a. afferent neurons c. interactive neurons... ...neurons c. interactive neurons b. efferent neurons... ...neurons b. efferent neurons d. motor neurons... ...neurons d. motor neurons 191. Neurons that... ...motor neurons 191. Neurons that send messages... ...so through ______ neurons. 44 *** a.... ...for joy. Which neurons are sending messages... ...jump? a. afferent neurons c. interactive neurons... ...neurons c. interactive neurons b. efferent neurons... ...neurons b. efferent neurons d. sensory neurons... ...neurons d. sensory neurons 2.3 The Peripheral... ...organs and sensory neurons 198. The branch... ...composed of ______ neurons. 45 a. neither... ...toe, involves 45 neurons in the ______... ...of all the neurons that carry messages... ...another; one uses neurons, the other the... ...a transmitter where neurons meet skeletal muscles.... ...Recent Studies Mirror Neurons 332. At a... ...humans have specialized neurons that cause us... ...the screen 333. Neurons that cause us... ...known as ______ neurons. a. reactive c.... ...mirror 334. Mirror neurons have been found... ...primates 335. Mirror neurons are especially prevalent... ...in humans, mirror neurons allow people to...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 5.06 MB | Comments: 0
...or nerve net Neurons carry action potentials... ...in both directions Neurons are not only... ...afferent and efferent neurons Each neuron is... ...systems have more neurons; and therefore, more... ...half of the neurons in the brain... ...side of body Neurons pass between the... ...resting conditions autonomic neurons carry APs Figure... ...Autonomic Pathways Two neurons in series Preganglionic... ...with many postganglionic neurons and intrinsic neurons... ...neurons and intrinsic neurons Postganglionic Neurotransmitter is... ...pre- and postganglionic neurons synapse in the... ...Number of postganglionic neurons that synapse with... ...of modified postganglionic neurons Sweat glands Arrector... ...System Set of neurons in brainstem Figure... ...bodies of motor neurons are located in... ...generators Groups of neurons that produce self-sustaining,... ...synapse between two neurons Long-term potentiation (LTP)...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 282 kB | Comments: 0
...cells are specialized neurons or epithelial cells... ...stretch receptor, are neurons that produce action... ...synapses with sensory neurons. At almost all... ...neuron. Many sensory neurons spontaneously generate action... ...rate. In these neurons, a stimulus does... ...potentials in sensory neurons that synapse with... ...potentials from sensory neurons generates perception of... ...potentials along sensory neurons reach the brain,... ...brain, circuits of neurons process this input... ...receptors travel along neurons that are dedicated... ...synapse with particular neurons in the brain... ...dendrites of sensory neurons that spiral around... ...stretched, depolarizing sensory neurons and triggering action... ...and the sensory neurons that innervate them... ...dendrites of sensory neurons, embedded in layers... ...capsaicin. Exposing sensory neurons to capsaicin triggers... ...in the sensory neurons. Pitch is a... ...output of sensory neurons, signaling the brain... ...axons of sensory neurons to the brain.... ...transduction to sensory neurons is similar for... ...sensory cells are neurons. In mammals, olfactory... ...containing layers of neurons and photoreceptors, forms... ...cones synapsing with neurons called bipolar cells.... ...other types of neurons contribute to information... ...the photoreceptors and neurons in the retina... ...several layers of neurons to reach the... ...greatly reduced because neurons in the retina... ...the cerebrum. Additional neurons carry the information... ...is projected along neurons onto the visual... ...of millions of neurons in dozens of... ...contraction stops. Motor neurons cause muscle contraction... ...fibers by motor neurons. In amyotrophic lateral... ...sclerosis (ALS), motor neurons in the spinal... ...transmission between motor neurons and muscle fibers... ...Hundreds of motor neurons control a muscle,... ...of the motor neurons controlling the muscle... ...when stimulated by neurons of the autonomic...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 246 kB | Comments: 0
...1011 (100 billion) neurons. The circuits that... ...ago, systems of neurons that allowed animals... ...of circuits of neurons and supporting cells.... ...systems, clusters of neurons perform specialized functions.... ...clustering of sensory neurons and interneurons at... ...contains exactly 302 neurons, no more and... ...the number of neurons is much greater.... ...arranged clusters of neurons. Within an animal... ...the arrangement of neurons within the spinal... ...sensory and motor neurons of the PNS.... ...inside, signaling between neurons in learning, emotion,... ...structural support for neurons and regulate the... ...activity in neighboring neurons by facilitating information... ...adjacent to active neurons cause nearby blood... ...and enabling the neurons to obtain oxygen... ...which newly formed neurons migrate from the... ...stem cells, generating neurons and additional glia... ...way to replace neurons and glia that... ...along afferent PNS neurons. After information is... ...along efferent PNS neurons. The vertebrate PNS... ...afferent and efferent neurons. The olfactory nerve... ...system consists of neurons that carry signals... ...the location of neurons in each division... ...neurotransmitters that these neurons release. The enteric... ...of networks of neurons in the digestive... ...pancreas, and gallbladder. Neurons of the enteric... ...sensory information along neurons to specific regions... ...diffuse network of neurons in the core... ...and groups of neurons collectively called basal... ...parallel layers of neurons arranged tangential to... ...avian pallium contains neurons clustered into nuclei.... ...some groups of neurons in the primary... ...potentials produced by neurons in the motor... ...they excite motor neurons, which in turn... ...the motor cortex, neurons are distributed in... ...the motor commands. Neurons that process sensory... ...to the midline. Neurons that control muscles... ...number of sensory neurons that extend axons... ...the first process, neurons compete for growth... ...half of the neurons formed in the... ...of embryogenesis, most neurons have lost more... ...particular pairs of neurons and decreased signaling... ...and development, as neurons actually make new... ...are received by neurons in a region... ...When activated, these neurons direct action potentials... ...that synapse with neurons in specific regions... ...the death of neurons in many areas... ...protein found in neurons. Membrane enzymes, called... ...plaques outside the neurons. It is these... ...death of surrounding neurons. The neurofibrillary tangles... ...along microtubules in neurons. In persons with... ...the death of neurons in the midbrain... ...to implant dopamine-secreting neurons, either in the... ...transplantation of dopamine-secreting neurons can lead to... ...or diseased. Surviving neurons in the brain... ...that destroy CNS neurons, such as Alzheimer’s... ...can produce new neurons. The evidence that... ...evidence that new neurons form in the... ...of newly divided neurons in the hippocampus... ...discovery of dividing neurons in the adult... ...to becoming either neurons or glia. One... ...specific types of neurons or glia when...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 183 kB | Comments: 0
... Chapter 48 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling... ...Lecture Outline Overview Neurons are nerve cells... ...body. Communication by neurons is based on... ...specialized structure of neurons allows them to... ...information between cells, neurons use a chemical... ...very short distances. Neurons transmit sensory information,... ...is transmitted within neurons as an electrical... ...in groups of neurons organized into a... ...of circuits of neurons and supporting cells.... ...motor output. Sensory neurons transmit information from... ...vast majority of neurons in the brain... ...make local connections. Neurons leave the processing... ...For example, motor neurons transmit signals to... ...the planarian, the neurons that carry out... ...a nerve cord. Neurons that bring information... ...(PNS). Networks of neurons with intricate connections... ...signals from other neurons. The axon is... ...transmits signals to neurons or effector cells.... ...normal functioning of neurons. Different types of... ...glia may nourish neurons, insulate the axons... ...the axons of neurons, or regulate the... ...extracellular fluid surrounding neurons. Glia outnumber neurons... ...neurons. Glia outnumber neurons in the mammalian... ...membrane potential. In neurons, inputs from other... ...inputs from other neurons or specific stimuli... ...mV. In all neurons, the resting potential... ...membrane. In mammalian neurons, the extracellular fluid... ...Na+ channels. When neurons are active, the... ...change occurs because neurons have gated ion... ...ion channels in neurons are voltage gated,... ...threshold. For mammalian neurons, the threshold is... ...Action potentials of neurons are very brief—only... ...potential frequency in neurons connecting the ear... ...node. Concept 48.4 Neurons communicate with other... ...the activity of neurons responsible for rapid,... ...responsiveness of postsynaptic neurons to inputs in... ...the heart, vertebrate neurons that form a... ...acetylcholine released by neurons activates a signal... ...effects. Some vertebrate neurons release dissolved gases,... ...sexual arousal, certain neurons release NO into... ...found in some neurons in the brain...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 28 kB | Comments: 0
...another marker, ngn-2sensory neurons only (cad-6 is... ...expressed in all neurons). At the earlier... ...proportion become sensory neurons (brn-3), but in... ...all are sensory neurons. For some reason... ...different kinds of neurons that differentiate. BMP2... ...Wnt-1 made sensory neurons (some also made... ...clones of autonomic neurons and glia. Questions... ...differentiate into sensory neurons. They also show... ...differentiate into sensory neurons if the cells... ...differentiate into sensory neurons. ...
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