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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 153.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...of the Patient and Family Objectives: 1....
...the high-acuity patient and family. 2. Identify...
...can help high-acuity patients cope with an...
...with an illness and/or injury event. 3....
...principles of patient and family-centered care in...
...needs of visitation and policies. 4. Discuss...
...caring for high-acuity patients. 5. Examine the...
...the high-acuity environment and discuss end-of-life issues...
...caring for high-acuity patients. 6. Identify environmental...
...impact on high-acuity patients and strategies to...
...on high-acuity patients and strategies to alleviate...
...Illness on Patient and Family A. Suchman’s...
...can cause the patients to experience a...
...change in lifestyle. Patients might respond to...
...are: a) Shock and disbelief: Diagnoses does... outcome. 2. Patients must participate in... the care and recovery of their...
...loved one. 3. Patients need information, comfort,...
...comfort, support, assurance, and accessibility. 4. Open...
...of Illness Shock and disbelief Denial Awareness...
...Illness A. Complementary and alternative therapies 1....
...used to help patients cope with psychological...
...cope with psychological and physical illness–related stressors....
...illness–related stressors. Complementary and alternative therapies can... reduce stress and anxiety. Oils may...
...oils include lavender, and jasmine. b) Therapeutic...
...the patient, family, and nurse. The use...
...c) Massage Therapy and Therapeutic Touch (1)...
...relaxation, reduce anxiety, and facilitate sleep. (2)...
...The vascular, muscular, and nervous systems are...
...thrombosis, eczema, phlebitis, and skin infections. d)...
...on positive thoughts and experiences. PowerPoint Slides...
...Slides 1. Complementary and Alternative Therapies Aid... reduce stress and anxiety May be...
...anxiety, promote sleep, and reduce pain Has...
...effect on muscular and nervous systems 4b....
...4b. Massage Therapy and Pain Management Used...
...on positive thoughts and images Can be...
...treatments III. Patient- and Family-Centered Care A....
...Educational needs of patients and families 1....
...needs of patients and families 1. Health...
...Health literacy a) Patients and families require...
...literacy a) Patients and families require education... reduce stress and promote comfort. Establishing... the nurse and will promote security...
...will promote security and facilitate learning. b)...
...blocks to communication and pain. The nurse...
...educational needs of patients and families. These...
...needs of patients and families. These Include:...
...Orientations to routines and care (6) Motivation...
...allowing the patient and family to ask...
...Studies indicate that patients prefer open visitation...
...visitation policies. b) Patients demonstrate reduced risks...
...complications, decreased mortality, and anxiety levels when...
...risk of infection and for the emotional...
...during invasive procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a)...
...what to expect and actions that should...
...Educational Needs of Patients and Families Information...
...Needs of Patients and Families Information about...
...Orientation to routines and care Motivation 4....
...unit Affects patient and family Tips to...
...information to patient and family Encourage questions...
...questions from patient and family Transfer during...
...5. Visitation Policies Patients prefer open visitation...
...experience less anxiety and fear. Provision of...’s own thoughts and feelings without letting...
...the care of patients with different backgrounds....
...knowledge, understanding, respect, and acceptance for the...
...orientation, social class, and economic status of...
...status of the patients. 2. Other Sources...
...Diversity a) Immigrants and refugees may have...
...specific health beliefs and practices. b) Racial...
...practices. b) Racial and ethnic considerations must...
...nurse must assess and affirm differences. Educational... the language and at the level...
...respect, assess/affirm, sensitivity/self-awareness, and humility) model is...
...respect c) Assess and affirm differences d)...
...d) Show sensitivity and self-awareness e) Provide...’s own thoughts and feelings about others...
...Show respect Assess and affirm differences Show...
...differences Show sensitivity and self-awareness Provide care...
...humility V. Palliative and End-of-Life Care A.... relieving suffering and improving the quality...
...involve both nursing and medical treatment to... manage pain and symptoms. c) The...
...including social workers and chaplains. d) Palliative...
...the needs of patients and families to...
...needs of patients and families to be...
...increased bed capacity, and improved quality of... 2. High-Acuity Patients and Palliative Care:...
...2. High-Acuity Patients and Palliative Care: a)...
...chronic renal failure, and neurological diseases. 3....
...The limited collaboration and inconsistent communication between...
...communication between physicians and nurses also plays...
...the high-acuity nurse and personnel from related...
...Act requires all patients be given information...
...thorough knowledge; recognition and appreciation of a...
...person’s wholeness, uniqueness, and significant social–environmental relationships;...
...significant social–environmental relationships; and appreciation of the...
...requires that all patients be provided information...
...directives, living wills, and appointment directives: (1)...
...Allow Natural Death (AND) (1) Using this...
...patient is dying and that everything possible...
...the patient comfortable and allow the dying...
...The goal of AND is to prevent...
...prevent unnecessary suffering and allow nature to...
...must be developed and directed toward those...
...quality of life and relieving suffering Includes...
...collaboration between physicians and nurses Inconsistent communication...
...psychological, social, cultural, and spiritual needs Includes...
...the high-acuity nurse and other members Conferences...
...Act Mandates all patients be given information...
...Allow Natural Death (AND) Synonymous with DNR...
...1. Sensory overload and deprivation a) Environmental...
...both sensory overload and deprivation. c) The...
...stimuli are interrupted, and the senses simultaneously... the environment and promote adequate sleep...
...promote adequate sleep and rest periods as... environmental stimuli, and disorganized thinking. b)...
...nurse must assess and identify the cause...
...a) Normal rest and sleep are compromised...
...light/dark cycle, pain, and environmental stimuli are...
...sleep deprivation a) Patients need at least...
...with mechanically ventilated patients is needed to...
...behaviors will vary and must be closely... care provider and family. PowerPoint Slides...
...of sleep 1b. Patients Most Affected by...
...population Very young patients Postoperative patients Unconsciousness...
...young patients Postoperative patients Unconsciousness patients 2....
...Postoperative patients Unconsciousness patients 2. Role of...
...Promote adequate rest and sleep Reduce unnecessary...
...4. Environmental Stimuli and the Unconscious Patient...
...Experiencing Delirium Assess and determine cause Manage...
...of the Rest and Sleep Cycles Associated...
...of the Rest and Sleep Cycles (continued)...
...with Mechanically Ventilated Patients Necessary to prevent...
...of ensuring that patients report all complementary... all complementary and alternative therapies being...
...being used. How and where should they...
...assign students to patients who are considered...
...of massage for patients experiencing pain. Wagner...
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