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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 330 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...cambial initials. Developing seeds synthesize auxin, which...
...and germinate. Some seeds that require special... ensures that seeds germinate only when...
...proteins that help seeds withstand the extreme...
...types of dormant seeds germinate when ABA...
...For example, the seeds of some desert...
...of them. Other seeds require light or...
...of ABA to seeds that are about...
...maize mutant whose seeds germinate while still... disperse the seeds of flowering plants....
...and disperse the seeds. A chain reaction... resources, small seeds, such as lettuce,...
...light conditions. Such seeds often remain dormant...
...germination of lettuce seeds. The scientists exposed...
...scientists exposed water-swollen seeds to a few...
...wavelengths, stored the seeds in the dark...
...the number of seeds that had germinated...
...Pr, and if seeds are kept in...
...form. If the seeds are illuminated with...
N/A 210
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 219.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...that disperses their seeds, provides them with...
...of the plants’ seeds and fruits. The...
...developing. However, the seeds of some eudicot...
...among species. Some seeds germinate as soon...
...seedling. For example, seeds of many desert...
...are common, many seeds require intense heat...
...winters are harsh, seeds may require extended...
...break dormancy. Small seeds such as lettuce...
...the surface. Other seeds require a chemical...
...environmental conditions. Most seeds are durable enough...
...pool of nongerminated seeds that may have...
...disruption. Germination of seeds depends on imbibition,...
...dispersal. As the seeds are developing from...
...protects the enclosed seeds and aids in...
...same time its seeds are completing their...
...and release the seeds. The ripening of... spread the seeds. The “pulp” of...
...These plants produce seeds without their flowers...
...ovules mature into seeds. Dandelion seeds are...
...into seeds. Dandelion seeds are dispersed by...
...enormous numbers of seeds to compensate for...
...strain of disease. Seeds produced by sexual...
...To obtain hybrid seeds, breeders must prevent...
...that provide the seeds or by developing...
...system. Because the seeds are produced by...
...cannot spread its seeds naturally. Humans artificially...
...large batches of seeds or seedlings with...
...triticales set shriveled seeds that germinated poorly...
...would still produce seeds and fruit if...
N/A 198
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 138.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...coat. When mature, seeds are dispersed from...
...detachable, mobile womb. Seeds are the key...
...settlements. Concept 30.1 Seeds and pollen grains...
...and all angiosperms. Seeds are an important...
...structure. Unlike spores, seeds have a supply...
...a seedling. Some seeds drop close to...
...Gymnosperms bear “naked” seeds, typically on cones....
...Gymnosperms have “naked seeds” that are not... ovaries. The seeds of gymnosperms are...
...the ovules and seeds of angiosperms develop...
...heterosporous but lacked seeds. The first seed-bearing...
...plants, such as seeds and pollen. Pines...
...the coats of seeds produced by female...
...and for mature seeds to form from...
...separate, and the seeds are typically dispersed...
...refers to the seeds contained in fruits,... disperse the seeds of angiosperms. A... well. As seeds develop from ovules...
...Fruits protect dormant seeds and aid in...
...adapted to disperse seeds. Dandelion and maple...
...Dandelion and maple seeds are contained within...
...and deposit the seeds, along with a...
...ovules develop into seeds, the ovary develops...
...anthers and has seeds inside closed carpels...
...roots, leaves, or seeds. If a novel...
N/A 217
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 87.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...of seed plants. Seeds became an important...
...Gymnosperms bear naked seeds, typically on cones...
...The ovules and seeds of gymnosperms (naked...
...of gymnosperms (naked seeds) develop on the...
...contrast, ovules and seeds of angiosperms develop...
...called ovaries. Angiosperm seeds are covered by...
...the coats of seeds produced by female...
...heterosporous but lacked seeds. The first seed...
...formation of mature seeds. The scales of...
...separate and the seeds are typically dispersed... disperse the seeds of angiosperms. A...
...mature ovary. As seeds develop from ovules...
...Fruits protect dormant seeds and aid in...
...adapted to disperse seeds. Winged seeds may...
...disperse seeds. Winged seeds may function as...
...and deposit the seeds, along with a...
...ovules develop into seeds, the ovary develops...
...has anthers and seeds inside closed carpels...
...their pollen and seeds. The animals received...
...ate the nectar, seeds, and fruits of...
...embryo in angiosperm seeds) peri- around -carp...
N/A 1121
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